‘RAKtivist’ is short for ‘Random Acts of Kindness activist’.

They’re the people that end up brightening what otherwise would’ve been ‘just a normal day’. You know the sort. The clerk at the store who tells you to ‘have a great day’...and really means it. The person on the bus who offers their seat to a pregnant or elderly person. The little, tender gestures when you need them most, (but expect them the least).

Yep. Those are the ones that stay with you. The Random Acts of Kindness that connect you to your humanity, reminds you how much love there is in the world, and inspires you to pay it forward. Can you imagine a world where Kindness is the Norm?

Yeah. That’s the world RAKtivists want. That’s why they do what they do. And it requires some intentional actions. The RAKtivist community connects passionate people to one another to share ideas and resources and celebrate kindness in everyday life.

RAKtivists inspire and celebrate Random Acts of Kindness. It’s definitely not normal. But it might be soon.

Help Make Kindness the Norm. Become a RAKtivist today!

Join a worldwide community of like minded individuals looking to make the world a better place one act of kindness at a time.

RAKtivists are everywhere.


There are currently 56,845 RAKtivists from 89 different countries!

Apply to Become A RAKtivist®
NEW RAKtivist Toolkit

Download our new RAKtivist toolkit that includes fun activities and kindness ideas. We also have an official RAKtivist social media profile image you can use to let others know you are a RAKtivist.

May RAKtivist toolkit

Download the May RAKtivist toolkit for a fun random act of kindness activity to do at libraries this month.

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RAKtivist Profile Image

Let people know you are a RAKtivist® by updating your social media profile images with the official RAKtivist badge.

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