Kindness at Work Assessment

Your journey toward a kinder workplace starts here.

Ready to improve kindness at your workplace?

To get started take our Kindness in the Workplace assessment below. For each question or statement, you simply decide if it resonates with you, if you feel neutral about it, or if it does not resonate with you.

The key is to consider the question or statement as it might resonate (or not) with you at work. Sometimes we operate differently at work than we do at home, and this assessment is for your workplace persona. If a question doesn't seem to apply to your situation, just go with your gut or mark it neutral.

After you finish the assessment, your results will reveal which of the six kindness concepts seems to resonate the most with your workplace self. You will get a one-page resource & toolkit that talks more about your top concept. The tool kits include practical suggestions and resources that will help you bring out this concept more strongly in your workplace. The goal is for you to be more aware of your workplace kindness superpower so you can use it to foster an even stronger culture of kindness at work. You might also notice which of the kindness concepts resonated with you less strongly and choose to explore those toolkits as well. While you might be naturally more inclined to one kindness concept over another, there isn't any reason why you can't work on embodying them all!

Are you ready to get started? Your journey toward a kinder workplace starts here.

Rate how much you agree with the following statements while at work.

1. It is important for your supervisor to see value in your 'out-of-the-box' approach to work. *
2. It is more important for you to be seen as a positive person than a productive person. *
3. People have said you are innovative in how you approach work or assigned tasks. *
4. You intentionally make time to check-in with co-workers during your work day. *
5. You value accountability at work. *
6. You like working in teams where everyone has a clear role and can contribute. *
7. You are the most likely person on a team to pick up the slack to ensure the team meets a tight deadline. *
8. You often become the leader of a work team due to your natural ability to organize and quantify the steps needed in a project. *
9. Your door is always open. *
10. Checkpoints are necessary throughout a large project to ensure accountability and avoid confusion around expectations. *
11. You always do what you say you're going to do, even if it means working long hours and late nights. *
12. You are always prepared for work each day. *
13. If something extra needs to be done at work, even if it's not part of your job or role, you are likely to volunteer. *
14. You do not require much oversight from your supervisor to meet work deadlines. *
15. You appreciate it when your employer is transparent about corporate policies, procedures, and decision-making. *
16. High standards at work motivate you. *
17. People consider you encouraging and trustworthy. *
18. It is important to you that people trust your word. *
19. People have said you are a good listener. *
20. Unprepared or unfocused coworkers drain the team morale. *
21. Organizational structure serves a positive purpose at work. *
22. Once trust is broken, it is incredibly difficult for you to rebuild a relationship with a coworker or supervisor. *
23. You appreciate a supervisor that clearly communicates expectations. *
24. You are often willing to be vulnerable and take risks at work. *
25. You enjoy brainstorming ideas and coming up with unique solutions for workplace problems. *
26. You can see multiple perspectives - both of colleagues but also of management. You rarely take an 'us vs them' approach. *
27. I don't need to be in charge, but I would like to be involved. *
28. It is important that the company supplies training materials in a variety of ways to account for different employees needs. *
29. You are skilled at motivating others at work, even when the task is less than desirable. *
30. People have said you are very dependable or reliable. *
31. It is important for you to be creative in the work that you do. *
32. It is important to consider differing perspectives, even when they are not your own. *
33. You value a harmonious work environment and avoid conflict. *
34. You try to make everyone at work feel appreciated, regardless of their role or contributions. *
35. Your supervisor often chooses you as a mentor for new hires. *
36. You will do whatever it takes to complete a project or assigned work tasks; you do not like to leave things un-finished at the end of a day or shift. *
37. You must be able to fully trust your coworkers to work well together. *
38. You have a keen ability to observe coworker struggles and often offer assistance as needed. *
39. You have strong convictions. *
40. You will complete an assigned task at work, even if you don't fully agree with the approach or think you could do it better or differently. *
41. You appreciate having your contributions noticed. *
42. You naturally establish personal to-do lists to ensure that you accomplish all that is needed each day. *
43. You value project timelines and deadlines, and strive to meet them every time. *
44. You are often the first person to volunteer for a task, even if you do not necessarily have related experience. *
45. You struggle if the corporate mission, vision, and values do not match your own mission, vision, and values. *
46. You stand up for others at work when you feel they have been slighted or overlooked. *
47. Diversity encourages differing approaches to solving problems. *
48. When you have questions at work, you are likely to consult company policy or established process documents. *
49. Meetings should always adhere to a clear agenda. *
50. You prefer planning a project start to finish before diving in. *
51. You hold yourself and others to a high standard and expect a degree of quality control with regard to either the services or products you offer or produce. *
52. It is important that people are honest with you at work. *
53. The only stupid question is the one not asked. *
54. You appreciate it when there are clear rules and expectations at work. *
55. You will leave a company if you do not feel that it is trustworthy, even if the compensation and benefits are outstanding. *
56. You are not afraid to speak up at work or approach management about a problem you think needs to be solved. *
57. You appreciate a supervisor that has clear deadlines and holds all employees accountable for their actions. *
58. It is important for you to work for an organization that prioritizes fairness and equity in their workplace environments, policies, and procedures. *
59. You inspire a positive workplace and enjoy making sure others feel the same. *
60. People know you will deliver your work on time and to the right level of quality. *
Preview the Kindness Concept One-sheets & Toolkits Below

Taking the assessment will reveal which of these six kindness concepts resonates the most with your workplace self.

Respect One-sheet
Respect Toolkit

Caring One-sheet
Caring Toolkit

Inclusiveness One-sheet
Inclusiveness Toolkit

Integrity One-sheet
Integrity Toolkit

Responsibility One-sheet
Responsibility Toolkit

Courage One-sheet
Courage Toolkit

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