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Watch our new video to see Norm transform his workplace with the power of kindness!

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Make kindness the norm poster
Request a FREE kindness poster for your workplace

This poster is sure to catch the attention of people to give them a friendly reminder to help make kindness the norm. Request a copy by filling out the form below. Due to mailing costs, we will only send posters to schools, non-profits or workplaces with addresses in the United States.

NOTE: Due to mailing costs, we will only send posters to schools, non-profits or workplaces with addresses in the United States. If you live outside the US, or want a poster for personal use you can download the PDF version here.
Try Our New Workplace Kindness Challenge!

This is a fun and engaging challenge to use in your workplace to encourage a kinder, more compassionate environment.

When someone completes all of the 50 kindness items on the sheet, celebrate! Consider offering an incentive like a gift card, a vacation day, tickets to an event or whatever is appropriate for your organization.

Download the challenge and encourage your team to join in.

Download Now

If you’re interested in working with us to create a customized challenge for your organization, email us at

Download Workplace Challenge

Download 7 Steps to Creating
Kindness in the Workplace

The origin of the word culture comes directly from the Latin word cultura which means to grow or cultivate. Culture is key to a company’s success or failure. Creating a workplace where people feel connected, have a sense of purpose, and are appreciated and recognized for their contributions makes for a stronger, more successful organization.

This Kindness in the Workplace action planning guide includes seven key ingredients that make for a positive and kind culture where people want to show up and do their best:

  1. Setting a Tone
  2. Modeling Behavior
  3. Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment
  4. Strengths, Mistakes and Growth Mindset
  5. Trust, Boundaries and Belonging
  6. Communication and Collaboration
  7. Celebration

Download Guide

FREE Kindness at Work Calendar


Kindness at Work Poster

A poster showing various ways you can be kind while at work. Hang this in the break room to inspire your team!

Download Now

Kindness Award Certificate

Recognize your teammates for their kindness by presenting them with a Kindness Award Certificate.

Download Now

Tag! You're It! Cards

Start a fun game of Kindness Tag in your office where you do anonymous acts of kindness for your teammates.

Download Now



Imagine a world where we can succeed by being nice...
Where we all look out for each other...
Where we all pay it forward...
And where kindness is the norm.

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