Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Sharing My Joy

Oh, I had a most wonderful weekend! For some context, I am a 22 year-old autistic woman. There is a place for us to spend weekends at if we pay, so I was not alone. On Friday, I felt listened to, which doesn't happen often at all, as my family is abusive and I cannot trust most people at all. On Saturday, we went to the cinema to see Incredibles 2. On the way, I gave a drawing with "May Peace Be With You" on it to the bus driver. I am an artist, and sometimes make drawings of endangered animals with these words on them to both give awareness to people that these animals exist and, should they be curious enough, research them and help if they so desire, and to spread love. She loved it. I did the same inside the cinema to the woman whom I bought my orange soda from. I also showed off a paper with "You are beautiful and so much more. Thanks for existing!" written on it. It made some people smile, including a man who was passing by when we were leaving who said "You too", which warmed my heart. I also complimented a woman on her beautiful butterfly necklace and left a few tiny papers with kind words on them. Later, I prepared some more kind words and left some on people's car windhshields during a walk around the neighborhood. Immediately after, mt helper and myself made chocolate cupcakes for everyone at the facility. I also gave a book I had to one of the other autistic folks staying there for the weekend. On Sunday, I dressed up as Miraculous Ladybug and went to a mall; some people laughed or smiled. I got some hugs from many different people, including kids who were excited to see me in my costume. I also gave them Halloween-themed drawings with kind words on them, and left some in the mall, with 25 cents in a candy dispenser. A little girl was in awe as she saw me, saying, "She's dressed as Ladybug!"  I love making my mark on the world and hope to be able to do more things like this soon and do bigger acts of kindness in the future.


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