Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Hidden Hero

My act of kindness brought about the title 'Hidden Hero,' Here is the story:

HIDDEN HERO by Author, and Jessica's friend,Liz Roy

As a young boy, they called him ‘retarded’. They kicked him, threw him into ditches, shoved wasps down his back, and sexually abused him. Diagnosed an ‘idiot-savant’, he was born with a pure singing voice, but sang in pubs for a pittance. The house that Brendan Moriarty lived in by himself had no plumbing or heating whatsoever. He was forced to use the back field as a privy. When Canadian immigrant Jessica Taylor found him, his hair was long and tangled, his clothing mismatched and smelly, and his manners coarse. She stepped in when there was a family dispute about his house, contacted lawyers on his behalf, and kept him company in court. She sat by his side when a team of psychiatrists assessed him over and over again to determine if he was competent to tend to his own needs.

Jessica’s empathy arose from her own horrific ordeal. Though she had never known the cruelty Brendan endured, she still identified with his painful plight. Taking on the role of a mother, she taught him to eat and dress properly, helped renovate his home, and hired plumbers to install hydro facilities. For seven years she watched over him, loved him, and encouraged him to gain confidence in his speech, singing, and musical abilities. The first time she saw him, he was sitting in a corner of the pub in bare feet, his head hunched into his body, singing and playing harmonica and accordion to tourists from all over the world. Immediately Jessica assessed his formidable talent and taught him to stand up to the pub owners to demand his rightful payment, encouraging his sense of self-worth.

Today this man is dressed in pressed slacks, trendy shirts and his hair cut short as he confidently strides across the stage and between songs, smiles and jokes with his adoring audience. On Christmas Day, Brendan phoned Jessica from his home in County Kerry to her home on Vancouver Island. His voice lilts with happiness, confidence, and love for the woman who drastically changed his life.

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