Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Boomcast's Ripples

A year ago it dawned on me that social media platforms had taken a bad turn. Everywhere I looked, it was all just pictures of people’s lunch, meaningless selfies, and depressing news. I realized that I was wasting so much time scrolling down countless feeds viewing content that served no purpose. It was unbearable! It wasn’t until I came across my favorite quote, “Don’t hate, create!” when something triggered in my mind. The world needs a new social platform to inspire positive change. I wanted to see a social network where users shared inspiring stories, genuine passions, and connect with other organizations to help create positive change. This is how Boomcast was born.

Fast forward a year later and my team of eight have created an iOS app that focuses on inspiring content and passionate users. One of the biggest blessings I’ve received recently was when a new random user told me that, “Boomcast has the potential to heal the world.” This gave me goosebumps. “How exactly?” I asked. The user continued to say that when she downloaded Boomcast for the first time, she saw a quote which read, “If you want to see a better change in this world, start changing your own perspective.” At the time, she just got out of hospital and was feeling incredibly sorry for herself. She saw this quote and it naturally made her feel great. She then shared joy with her husband, who went to work that day and projected his happiness on his colleagues. All of a sudden, a ripple effect formed! It’s with these small positivities and inspiring stories that create beautiful ripples that have potential to heal the world.

Are you an individual or organization with an inspiring story and mission to share? If so, we’d love to collaborate. Boomcast hopes to help heal the world one broadcast at a time. Join the cause and download our app:

Milly Toovey,

CEO and co-founder of Boomcast


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