Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
My sister is kind

My sister is one of the most rarest person I know since she is so kind, believes in true love, always has hope, stays so positive and never gives up. I have seen her do so many acts of kindness to others around her where ever we go. As there is no such thing as a small act of kindness is ever wasted. I cant quite put this into words to to describe my unselfish little 15 year old sister, she always puts others before her self, always see's the good in people no matter who/what they have done and she will not judge someone base on what they look like or what she has heard about others. I am grateful for my sister, she looks out for others and gives advice to others to make them feel better. If I am being honest has changed people's life's like literally she has saved quite a lot of people from killing themselves. She always ask if everyone is okay, she ask what their side of the story is and she ask what their opinion is. She wants to make the world a better place and she wants everyone to get along. Ellen Degeneres is my sisters idol as they are so alike in many ways, the would rather give than receive and my sister doesn't really get to be knowledge of her simple but big act of kindness. She is the type of person who stops to hold the door open for a teacher with her hands full, the one who offers their seat to an elderly passenger and the one who makes others smile even when she is not so happy herself. When she walks into the room, she makes everyone smile, like she is not an attention seeking person but because she is so kind she is sometimes called 'the Good Samaritan' or the 'rare wise child'. She remind everyone how much the world can change if anyone did a simple act of kindness, she inspires hope and generosity with her actions as much as words. My sister and I haven't had the best year last year, when we found out a few people in the family have cancer. My sister felt so bad she sent a message every morning saying a sweet good morning message to our family members since a couple of them lives overseas in America. After school every week, my sister ask all the teachers she has had for each subject that day, if they need any help with anything or sends them an email telling them how much she appreciates the time they put in for teaching her and I think that is so sweet. She speaks in such a kind way about others, even if someone had done her wrong she doesn't care she will give them so many chances and like to see the good in people, since you shouldn't judge someone based on their past. I notice every now and again she sends a good morning message to some of her friends on Facebook, specially when she is procrastinating on her homework she will type up a thank you letter to her friends and make a little thank you basket for them full of goodies. Twice a year we both give away clothes we don't need or clothes that the less fortunate child do not have and we put these huge bags full of clothes in these charity bins. She compliments someone's appearance or if something isn't so confident in something and she knows they have put in all the effort they could, she makes sure they are proud of what they have done. When people are gossiping, she doesn't quite like that so she says something positive and changes the situation into something good. She forgives people quite easily and doesn't bring up the issue again as she likes to live in the present not the past. We visit our Nonna once a week, we help her garden, cook a lot of pasta and take her to the cemetery to visit our Grandfather who passed away before my sister was born. One thing I always notice is that my sister is very patient and grateful unlike myself. When she only has one piece of food and someone has no food she is the type of person who will give that up for them, as those who have less give more. My sister loves to volunteer and she is only 15!!! She has volunteered at Day Camp, Redfest, Lamsonic (MP Andrew Laming), the Paniyiri Greek festival, primary school fete, World Vision (40 hour famine) and a retirement village just to name a few. She has also involved herself in more charities, fundraisers and fun runs in Queensland, Australia. I love fundraising, helping the community and lending a hand to someone in need. In primary school my sister got bullied very badly from the age of 9 to the age of 12 by the other kids in the grade since she was different but everyone is different. Everyone is weird you just need to learn to embrace the weirdness. The bullying finally stopped and she became herself, friendly, nice, outgoing, bubbly and confident. By the end of 7th grade, she was known as the nicest person in the grade who had the biggest boobs. In September this year she is hopefully looking forward to go on a mission trip to help out those who are less fortunate in Cambodia, Asia to help English in school, work in the cafe, do some general maintenance and visit a local village. My family and I are a very privilege family who are grateful for everything, my sister loves travelling since we travel a lot, she is so grateful but she don't like talking about where we have been as she feels bad for people who haven't been anywhere at all. She believes if you got more time to live, would you start living your life more that you should always live your life no matter how long you have to live. If you had a choice of unlimited money or unlimited happiness, money doesn't buy happiness, true happiness with standing with the ones you love. She always believes love never dies, it never goes away, it never fades as long as you hang onto it so the same is with kindness. I hang out with my sister since she makes me happy, who make me feel like everything is okay because it is going to be okay in the end, in not so many words, if you can't find someone who is nice, be nice. My sisters top seven rules to live happier would have to be to always forgive, do good, love yourself, don't harm anyone, don't care what people think, stand up for yourself and always be positive. My sister also believes kindness is when you see the worst in someone and still see the best in them by over looking their weight, height, their past and age. One of my sisters friends, who she has been friends with for a few years got told he had a Brian tumour on the left side. She felt so bad about this, since this guy really end liked her but she wanted to wait to get into a relationship. She decided to make a fundraising page for her friend, she put some money towards it and donating the $5,000 towards her friends recovery, the total was raised in less than a week and I am so proud of her. When she was little she use to believe she could live to 152 and now science say that they are finding out a way for us to live to 110. If you had a chance to live longer, would you take it? Firstly she said she would so she could have more time to live her life. she asked herself the same question again and thought about it. You should be living your life every day, make the most of your life, be happy with your loved ones and always being positive no matter what. For an example, if you got told you had 2 more years to live, you would want to make each day count and live your life. In my sisters words, you should be celebrating each second you live on this earth and be grateful for the days you are here. The purpose of life is to explore, create, to find purpose, to always live in the moment and to inspire. If skydiving makes you happy, do it. If watching your favourite TV show makes you happy, do it. If you are happy being with your friends and family, do it. I am not scared of dying, I am scared that when I die, I am afraid that I didn't live my life enough. Don't waste a second thinking what if, change those 'what if's' to 'I did it' by always living your life to the fullest. My sister is the type of person who see's someone in need of help and will help someone without being ask too, by looking at her Facebook profile you can see she shares a lot of post of others helping homeless people and basically a lot of positive pictures. My sister has a few quotes she like to say daily to herself, 'be kind to one another', 'smile, because you might be funsize', 'I am short because I am funsize'. She can be mature most times, but immature when it comes to being a child, she is my sister who is a good but very deep and weird but is developed to love and not hurt people. One thing is always tells others is she is almost positive we weren't put on Earth to go to School and get jobs, someone made that up to distract us from our actual purpose. My sister goes out of her way to help others in need. My sister is a KIND Person by performing extraordinary act of kindness and demonstrated a selfless commitment to others. She is an individual who has acted with humanity to impact another person’s life by making the world a better place. I wanted to nominate my sister to encourage everyone to be just like her and give give rather than receive. She has stepped outside of her social circle/every day routine to do simple a simple act of kindest for others. She has made a tangible impact through a recent and extraordinary act of kindness. Sometimes people do notice my sisters act of kindness but no one really rewards her for doing so. She embodies the value of empathy by demonstrating the ability to understand and share the feeling of another and connects easily to others. She cannot stay angry at someone for too long and she like to forgive. She has demonstrated the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, and noticeably channeled that ability to connect and create community. When my sister is older she wants to be a therapist and help others by giving advice.


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