Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
A packed line in the grocery store: "twas the 4th of July -

And all through the grocery store, people were laughing and shopping, being jolly and bright. When what to my wandering eyes did appear, a gently aged man, looking left, looking right. "What's wrong", I did ask. He looked confused, embarrassed, quite red in the face. " Let me back up. Forgot my wallet. Needed ice cream for kids who just ran in the race." I smiled and said " No need to return that back to on the rack. Let me pay, oh please. I need a chance to offer a little pay back." The weekend flew by with parties galore. I never thought twice of the man at the store. Again it was Monday. I was tired and sore. After vacation, work tends to be a real bore. The week of the 4th, jotted down in my journal. No mention of the man or anything abnormal. It was later that month that a co-worker reported of a man who came in and left with a dash. Made sure I was there then left in a hurry. Muttering something about " give this to the gal who helped a forgetful man in need of some cash". I know that acts of kindness are offered without the expectation of receiving anything but the satisfaction of making a difference to somebody in a bright way. I really wanted to tell of this story because his act of kindness meant so much to me. I never expected anything back. He relentlessly asked for my name or address so he could give me the money back. What he left was a rolled up, of what appeared to be poster paper. As I unfurled the roll of poster paper this gentle man had left me, he had spent his time sketching him as a child with a wonderful paragraph describing the details in the sketch and why he had added them.. In the little boy's hand, he had cut out a place to attach the money for the ice cream. He didn't leave a name and I never got his. I wish I had to thank him. I He will never know that this gift is priceless and will last a great bit longer than his ice cream did.


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