Buying Her Milk
Today I stood in a queue at the supermarket waiting to pay for my groceries. An elderly woman in front of me went to pay for her shopping with a £10.00 note but the shopping came to slightly more than this. She didn't have any other money in her purse or, it seems, a card to put the transaction on. She gave the cashier back the large bottle of milk she had which then meant that her shopping was less than £10.00. She walked out of the shop with the help of a walking frame. When it came for my turn to pay I thought, "I can pay for her milk and catch up to her on the way out of the shop." As I handed her the milk, I told her I hoped that she would have a good day. She thanked me very much and wished me the same. I am so glad that I was able to help this lady. I don't know what her circumstances are, but at that point in time I was able to be of assistance to a fellow human being. It felt great.