Knock on effect
I was clearing out my garage and found a hamster cage. I put it on a free cycle site. A lady asked for it and as I live out of town we arranged to meet outside of Sainsbury's. she gave me a lovely bunch of Daffodils as a thank you. I then went to the post office and got talking to an elderly lady behind me in the queue. She said her mother was welsh and daffs always reminded her of her mother. I was then called to the post office desk. afterwards I wished I had given her the flowers. Later on I bumped into her again so was able to give them to her. She seemed very pleased. Then I went into a charity shop to get some wool to knit hats for the shoebox charity. The assistant asked what I was knitting and when I told her she gave me an enormous bag for just a couple of pounds. It was such a lovely afternoon. I made other people happy and others made me happy.