Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story

My mom is one of the best people I know. She is the youngest of 8 and everyone counts on her to help them get through life. That’s Mom, always willing to help someone in need. Growing up I was involved in a lot of activities and even though mom had a full-time job it didn’t stop her from taking us to practice or being there for our performances. She was always involved. When she met my dad, he already had my sister, she was 4 and my mom took her in and loved her as her own. She took my sister to early bird classes and summer school just so she would graduate. Even though she had to be up at 4am She would stay up with me to help me with my math homework. She is a wiz with numbers. When I was little, I had trouble sleeping so she would rock me in her arms until I fell asleep, and she would get up the next day and get ready for work. A side from raising her kids she also had to take care of my grandparents; she oversees their finances and their health care. Every day when she gets out of work, she goes to check on my 93-year-old grandpa. She drops food off for him before work and she takes him where he needs to go. She also goes grocery shopping for her disabled brother. When my grandma was diagnosed with colon cancer, she took time off work to take care of her. When my grandma passed, my mom arrived at her house before the paramedics and started CPR, but she was already gone. My mom was never the same after that. She didn’t have the best relationship with my dad, but she always told us not to let that get in the way of our love for him. I wasn’t always the best daughter, but she never gave up on me and she continues to guide and inspire me. I would be lost without her she is my inspiration, she’s my guidance she’s my everything.


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