Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Angel in disguise at the checkout

Last year I had 4 of my 5 young children out grocery shopping and had the checkout person had just finished scanning my full cart (around $120 worth) when I realized I'd left my credit card at home and had no cash. I went into silent panic mode and was trying to keep my composure so my kids wouldn't get upset that we weren't going to be able to buy the pumpkins they had picked out themselves for Halloween.. I told the cashier I would have to leave the cart on the side and asked if I could come backl after I had my card. My toddler started crying. A lady behind me noticed my dilemma and said something about using her extra funds on a gift card she had. She said she had 4 kids and understood. I tried to protest but she was so persisent and acted like it was no big deal. I had tears in my eyes.My kids were so happy.
This event was the most generous act of kindess I've experienced, but there have been many times people have shown great kindness to me at the grocery store. Bringing out my cart, helping me put items on the checkout because I was holding a fussy baby, among others.
So much good is still in this world.


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