Face-to-Face with Angels
A few years ago, during a very dark and testing period of my life I hid away for many months feeling hopeless and broken. Eventually, with the Love and support of others, I tentatively ventured out into Norwich city centre one bright sunny day. Finding the experience of city central crowds a bit overwhelming, I sought some peace and 'sanctuary' within the beautiful medieval church of St Peter Mancroft. I don't know if he sensed my vulnerability, but a member of staff approached me and asked if I'd like to take a look at the 15thC angel roof from their newly completed bell ringers' loft. When I got up there, I found myself face-to-face with the large wooden angels that had looked so small from below. I don't know the name of the gentle, kind man who took care of me that day, but I remain grateful to him and, inspired by his example, I try and pass on kindness whenever I can. This is the photograph I took that day ❤️