Helping my friend with profound mental health struggles
I always respond to my friend's private messages to me in which they candidly tell me how they are really feeling and how hard they find life. Meeting up in person is often hard for them, their anxiety levels are extremely high, they have really complex needs and are having therapeutic support. Messaging their friends is one way they can have a sense of regular contact and feel connected. I sense it is a lifeline for them to send and receive messages, and to be able to be really direct and honest and not try to hide how they are feeling. I always respond and I try to be as supportive as I can without attempting to 'fix' hem or 'solve' their significant challenges. This person was extremely supportive of me at a very difficult time in my life - never judging, just listening, being there. This is the least I can do as I want them to know that, whatever challenges they are facing, however low they feel, they have made a huge difference to me in my life.