Birthday Socks
I went to work on my birthday, and it was my first birthday after leaving college. I was in a new city without much of a network or any family or friends in the area. I had mentioned when my birthday was to a few of my co-workers, fully expecting them to forget. I had only been at the job for a couple months and I didn’t feel close enough to anybody for them to even notice me.
I was feeling lonely that morning, and decided to treat myself for lunch to try and pick up my spirits. When I got back to my desk, there was an envelope with my name on it and a very neatly wrapped gift sitting next to the envelope. I couldn’t believe it. One of my co-workers went out of her way, and bought me a birthday card and pair of funky socks with wiener dogs on them (since I always wore fun socks to work). I didn’t realize how alone I was feeling, and how much I needed somebody to notice me and show that they cared. I was brought to tears.
That was one of the most unexpected and thoughtful gifts I had ever received. I was feeling low and it was so impactful that it picked me right back up. I hope I can make somebody else feel seen the same way I did in that exact moment.