Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Friendship Everlasting
Submitted by Lauren Alfaro

My ONE is the one and only, Lisa Cassilli. I met Lisa when I was in high school. She was my student assistance counselor and from early on we formed a bond unlike anything I have ever really experienced. From that point on she has shown up in my life in countless ways over countless times, helping me find strength I didn't know that I had and the courage to go on when I didn't think I could. She has loved me unconditionally during times when I didn't feel like I was worthy of love. She forgave me for mistakes and always was there to point out the best in me. She looks beyond my flaws and her belief in me makes me feel like I can do anything. There aren't enough words or enough time for me to truly help her understand just how much she means to me. I would like to think that I'm special, but the truth of the matter is she makes so many others feel the same way. As a full-time SAC counselor, she gives light to kids in their darkest moments. She fights everyday to help young people find hope. She does all this and is a mother of three, a wonderful wife, and a caring daughter. Twenty years of friendship later, I am still in awe of her everyday. Thank you for all that you are to me and so many. I love you so much!


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