Kindness Videos

October 5, 2016


Watch this awesome video where The Colorado Rockies visit a school to promote kindness through their fun "ROX BOX" activity.


JANUARY 7, 2022
I love this! What a great idea! So inspiring. The video brought tears to my eyes.

MAY 23, 2019
I love this video give us more

FEBRUARY 22, 2018
More schools need to do this!

NOVEMBER 7, 2017
Love this! I’m starting a RAK club at my School. (1st club day starts tomorrow) I truly want to incorporate this into all the many ideas that are rolling around in my head!

AUGUST 16, 2017

MAY 7, 2017
This one brought me to tears, especially whe the young teen, Anabela said ,"It makes me feel good to see that people actually do still care about other people."❤

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