Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Who's Your One?

My 'one' is my friend Chloe. She has helped me through a lot. She has defended me from people. She is like a sister to me. She was there when a kid kept kicking me. She was there when i was sexually assaulted on the bus. She has helped me get through everything. She was the one that protected me...

Submitted by jennifer jimenez-galindo
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Who's Your One?

My Grandson Malik Miller he is 15 years old and he has such respect for other mostly will help and makes sure his grandfather gets up stairs ok will always hold door for everyone . He shakes hands with anyone he meets I can tell you how much I love his old soul he doesn't look at color, age religion...

Submitted by Lorrie Kantor
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Who's Your One?

My husband Tim is definitely the "one" who has helped me through my most difficult moments. I have celiac disease and he always prepares gluten free meals for me. In fact, he has my dinner ready every day when I come home from work. Even when I am feeling at my worst, I take one look at his smiling face,...

Submitted by Gayle Durden
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Who's Your One?

Jennifer is my “one.” We have been friends for over 25 years and she inspires me to be better. She loves my children like her own, brings me dinner, watches my children, when I’m in a bind, and comes to visit when she knows I need a hug. She’d do anything for me. This picture of of mine and Jennifer’s...

Submitted by Rebecca Flynn
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The Giving Challenge

Stephanie Stenger Jones has encouraged me to be a better person by taking my giving to another level. I have always loved to give and do kindness acts, but Stephanie told me about a 365-day challenge that she took years ago of completing an intentional act of kindness every day. Her journey lasted over 500 consecutive days. I took the...

Submitted by Deanna Day Young
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Who's Your One?

Our neighbor mowed the lawn after my husband had back surgery, I couldn't even push the mower. The special thing about this was, we didn't ask him to, he just did!

Submitted by Jenny Nanson
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Who's Your One?

Thank you for being there for me through the good times and the bad times, thank you for staying true to me no matter what the situation is. Thank you for going out of your way for me, especially when it’s inconvenient.

Submitted by Sandy
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Who's Your One?

My “one” is my friends mother Karen. She always would do things for others to inspire or help. She once told me in a situation that was out of my control that complaining would do nothing to help the situation except bring negativity. Ever since then (15 years ago) I have looked at every situation differently. I have more of...

Submitted by Jessica Noriega
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Who's Your One?

Vicky Conner, my mom♡ She's helped not just her family but so so many other families that don't have foid,clothes,or money. She will buy what anyone needs so they won't do without. She has always had a big heart and has helped so many people. Shes on a fixed budget and she still provifes fir people. Very selfless and caring...

Submitted by Melanie Shanks
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Who's Your One?

My mom- she has given so much of herself to others whether being a teacher, coworker, counselor or parent. She is 82 and is still at it!

Submitted by Paula Clay
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Who's Your One?

My youngest son, Michael, was taken too soon almost 5 years ago now. He was pursuing an advanced degree in International Studies and Conflict Resolution, searching for ways to help people understand each other, because he said, “If we understand each other, we won’t destroy each other.” Everyone he met became a friend and every day he made someone’s day...

Submitted by Barbara Marks
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Who's Your One?

My cousin, Shepali, is a genuinely decent, loving, generous, patient and kind soul. She actually gave me my RAK tasks for this week, making them fairly easy as she took into consideration that I'm not too well. She ALWAYS pays attention to those around her. She's been through a lot in life, but inspite of all of that (or maybe...

Submitted by Anjumanara Hussain
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Who's Your One?

My ‘one’ my great friend Chris Borja. Chris started a local Networking group that today has over 2,000 active members. He is an author, public speaker, instructor, husband, father, and my friend. Chris donates many hours a month helping others learn a better way to connect with people. He advocates listening before speaking, fulfilling the needs of others before self,...

Submitted by Cyndy Keller
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Who's Your One?

My beautiful mother is my one... she has been my inspiration through every age and stage and is the strongest person I know. Through it all she has remained steadfast in her belief that a warm smile and a kind word can fix most anything, and even through her recent cancer diagnosis, massive surgery, and looming chemo, is as resilient,...

Submitted by Katherine Lewis
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Who's Your One?

I met a girl 20 years younger than me in community college a few years ago . Her name is Tameka Brown , she's now 21 . She and I became friends and worked often on projects for class together , it wasn't for several months until she made me aware that at 18 she had a heart transplant ,...

Submitted by laura Brown
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Who's Your One?

My one is my Granda Tommy he is the best man I’ll ever know he was the kindest most generous and loving man I’ll ever know he brought up five kids in with barely two coins to rub together but always put them first. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here my first word was actually Granda all...

Submitted by Kya
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Friendship Everlasting

My ONE is the one and only, Lisa Cassilli. I met Lisa when I was in high school. She was my student assistance counselor and from early on we formed a bond unlike anything I have ever really experienced. From that point on she has shown up in my life in countless ways over countless times, helping me find strength...

Submitted by Lauren Alfaro
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Encouraging Musician

My high school music teacher, Doug Shippey, recognized a talent in me that has changed my life. I was a very shy, quiet student who had returned to Canada as a refugee from Cyprus in 1974. I began taking strings as a music option in grade 7 and immediately fell in love with the violin. From the very beginning, I...

Submitted by Tina Giannopoulos
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Always Loving, Grammie

My grammie was the "one" who showed me the most kindness. She took my sister, my mom, and I in when my parents divorced. I was three-years-old and my entire life was being uprooted. I had no idea what was going on or why. My gram never hesitated. She opened her door, retired from her job, and become the mom...

Submitted by Heather Campbell
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Who's Your One?

My Mom My Mom had a very strong sense of right, wrong and the importance of being the one to step up. Growing up, this was not always appreciated as she would stop the car while driving me to school to break up a fight between students or engaging in conversation with anyone anywhere much to my embarrassment. Later in...

Submitted by Natasha Merrick
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Who's Your One?

Dr. Haru Inouye, former CEO of the Shinnyo-en Foundation asked me, What do you need and how we can help you? Then, he put the whole power of his organization to support my small actions through pinwheels for peace to raise awareness of the International Day of Peace. I was of no significance, but somewhat he focused on my...

Submitted by Carmen Clay
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Who's Your One?

My dad is my ‘one’. He taught me to always stand up and fight for those who are most vunerable or cannot fight for themselves. He taught me to be fair, understanding, and above all else kind. He taught me to delight in differences and embrace equality. He taught me all these things by his living example and the actions...

Submitted by Susan Hillman
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Who's Your One?

My "One" is my mom, Denise Montgomery. She is 51 years old, but she is the best person in my life. She is a Principal in North Carolina, and that occupies most of her time, but I never feel forgotten. She has been through a lot, especially this past year. One day my mom felt really bad, and we had...

Submitted by Marcella Montgomery
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Who's Your One?

Jenitza Laguna, my sister. Where do I even begin... I am truly blessed to have someone as special as my sister to have walked along the way with me. In good times but also in bad times. Recently my husband lost his job and she was there not only to pray for me but to also help me with the...

Submitted by Linamar Negron
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Who's Your One?

The person that inspires me is my dad. My dad has gone through so much. In 2005 he was diagnosed with accute Leukemia. When my dad was going through this different ones stepped up and helped our family out. After a long fought battle and almost loosing my dad several times we are blessed and he is still alive today....

Submitted by Karen Unander
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Delivering Meals with Love

My 'one' is my mom, who joined my dad in Heaven in 2015. From the time my sisters and I were young, she instilled in us the value of "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you". She was the neighbor who would make soup or a pie for a neighbor who wasn't well. The Meals on...

Submitted by Ann Mahoney
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Who's Your One?

My father, Claude Philips, was the inspiration for my lifelong journey to help those that I can whenever possible with a loving heart and no expectation of repayment.

Submitted by Ellen
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Who's Your One?

My daughter Marlie Ann! She has the most naturally kind spirit about her. Since she was a baby her smile made people happy. From the time she could talk, she always complimented people for simple things such as jewelry or their name. She stands up for those who don't know how to or aren't in the room and always sees...

Submitted by Elizabeth Doran
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Who's Your One?

My daughter Marlie Ann! She has the most naturally kind spirit about her. Since she was a baby her smile made people happy. From the time she could talk, she always complimented people for simple things such as jewelry or their name. She stands up for those who don't know how to or aren't in the room and always sees...

Submitted by Elizabeth Doran
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Who's Your One?

My "One" is L M Montgomery. I read it when I was 8 years old and I was inspired to be "good": to stop automatically lying to my mum (that was surprisingly hard to stop as the lies kept popping out my mouth without my even thinking about it!), to try to be kind to others and I was inspired...

Submitted by Fiona
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