Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Who's Your One?

This is DS and she is about the strongest person I know. She has been through so much and stayed brave and strong through it all. She has taught me so much about how to stay positive and happy during bad days and “rough patches” in life. She has never failed to make me laugh and she inspires me every...

Submitted by Hannah Roark
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Who's Your One?

I admire my school volleyball coach because she always believed in me. During the volleyball season she would be encouraging and tell me ways that I could improve. She should me how to be a great team player and to never give up on myself or my team. She has such a kind and caring heart and always wants to...

Submitted by Sophia C.
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Who's Your One?

This is my grandma, Nanu, she inspires me to be a better person every day. She has been through a lot but stays positive and happy and never fails at making me laugh. She always tells me live every moment because you don’t know how long you have. She volunteers at her local food bank and gives every day...

Submitted by Georgia Dempsey
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Who's Your One?

Jodie Cochran is the kindest person I know. My mom is always showing me kindness and putting others first. she is always looking for a way to be kind and ever since I was young she taught me how to be kind. She is always supporting me and helping me become the best person I can be. She is always...

Submitted by Caroline Cochran
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Who's Your One?

Mr. Horne is a very caring, encouraging person. he treats everyone the same, and always has a smile and a happy attitude.

Submitted by Robert Mallard
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Who's Your One?

T.M. is one of the most inspirational people I know. They represent many of the things I want to be in life. They are very resourceful, kind, and they always try to find solutions to my complaints. They taught me problem solving, and even though I hated it at first, I’m thankful for all they’ve done for me.

Submitted by Alma L.
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Who's Your One?

I look up too many people in this world, but the main one would have to be my counselor. I have been seeing her for more than 5 years now, and she has helped me tremendously. Whenever I go, I can vent, and she always listens carefully, and gives me advice. She is always kind to my family and I,...

Submitted by Raegan
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Who's Your One?

I admire my mom because she is a very outgoing person and she is very hard working. My mom shows me to never give up even when things get hard or they aren’t going my way. My mom never says no, and she will do anything and everything for a friend or family member. My mom is caring, she always...

Submitted by Princess
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Who's Your One?

I chose AHW because she’s kind to everyone and if she sees someone sitting alone she’ll go up and talk to them. She always finds a way to make everyone smile and is very supportive. She sends hilarious texts all the time to cheer me up or to just make me laugh. She also facetimes me whenever she can and...

Submitted by Jessica Klump
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Who's Your One?

I admire SE I admire her because she has shown me how to care for others, be honest, and helpful at the same time. Within the past three years she has shown me what it is like to have challenges and fight through them. She may have been hurting on the inside but did not let anyone see it at...

Submitted by Ella
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Who's Your One?

This is Lisa Philp. She is my mom. She inspires me because she is incredibly kind and nurturing. Whenever I am lonely or sad she always tells me everything is going to be alright. When people have bullied me in the past she encourages, and tells me it is okay. She always knows how to make me smile or laugh....

Submitted by Gracie Philp
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Who's Your One?

I choose Sarah, because she is always supporting. She makes me smile even though I feel like hiding under a blanket and never get up. She always gives me a reason to be happy and smile. She is my inspiration to do good in life and to be kind. She is the best friend in the whole wide world.

Submitted by Filippa van der Kolk
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Who's Your One?

The person who inspires me is my cousin Kendra Bailey. She is an incredible CrossFit athlete and coach. Every time I hear about Kendra’s accomplishments, I am inspired to make better choices about my body and health. Kendra has an incredible drive to push her limits. I hope I got some of that gene!

Submitted by Dan McNamee
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Inspiring Kindness

My ONE is Randy, my husband. He has shown Random Acts of Kindness to me almost every day for over 30 years. Sometimes he does simple things, like make a salad for my next day's lunch while he is making one for himself. He has suprised me with my very favorite dessert simply to express his kindness to me. When I...

Submitted by Beth Dillon
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Who's Your One?

A Russian mum-of-two who adopted five kids, some of them with special education needs. I’ve come across Olesya Lihunova’s post today and was amazed how generous she and her husband were.

Submitted by Elena Kogun
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Who's Your One?

My dad! He is the best person he is nice and kind and funny. He is the best at what he does and he helps me and my brother when we get stuck on something or if we do not understand something,

Submitted by Vinniepotimus
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Who's Your One?

My dad inspires me because he helps me when I fall. He also helps me practice and get better at the sport I love .

Submitted by Aidan kerbis
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Who's Your One?

When I needed to have the support and presence of someone for a medical procedure, she was there. When I needed someone to talk to who listens with kindness and compassion, she is there. She provided transportation, conversation, support and offered to do it again if needed. I am grateful beyond words.

Submitted by Fran Clem
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Who's Your One?

My mom because when I make mistakes in volleyball she will always tell me that it was in the past and when ur on the court just focus and it helps me

Submitted by IS
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Who's Your One?

my mom, we argue and bicker, but at the end of the day she has taught me everything i need and tries everyday to better herself and always goes for her goals. She is there when i need to cry or yell, and just knows how to connect with everyone. I’ve never met anyone who is so small, yet so...

Submitted by Maylyn
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Who's Your One?

I’m thankful for my father for pushing me to be the best I can be and getting me to improve in everything

Submitted by Elijah
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Counseling Positivity

Michelle Tubilla (on the left) is a person who has truly inspired me to be a better human. We are both school counselors and used to work together at the same highschool. She is the most kind, sweet, peaceful person I have ever met. She always sees the glass half-full, she motivates kids and adults with her inspiring words, and still...

Submitted by Sara Schroeder
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Who's Your One?

I have already submitted my "one" about my co-worker Angie Lobato, but I JUST took a picture of her in our hallway and wanted to share it. We call this our "Wonder Wall" because it is a year in review of all of the kindness projects we have done this year. Most recently she got the whole school on board...

Submitted by Amber Bohm
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Teaching and Spreading Kindness

My 'one' is my co-worker Angie Lobato. We teach in a classroom for students with severe behavior and emotional disabilities, and have a constant focus on Kindness. We started last year during Random Acts of Kindness week and really saw the impact it made on our students, ourselves, and the people we were "sharing kindness" with. We wrote a grant to...

Submitted by Amber Bohm
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Who's Your One?

My coworker and friend, our wonderful art teacher who has been a part of our school district for 46 years, amazes me every day with her creativity and spark. She is always helping her students learn and grow and is a positive influence. Her daily acts of kindness do not go unnoticed.

Submitted by Dimitra
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Who's Your One?

I love my dad because he helps me get better and he pushes me to the limits to get better at school and sports.

Submitted by Luis Daniel Sanchez
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Who's Your One?

My mom is the one person who has never stopped caring and always pushed me to do my very best. One thing she always says is "If you've been strong enough to get through the hell that you have, you can get through this too." My mom is my best friend. We have had our ups and downs, arguments, and...

Submitted by Sedona Rohde
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Who's Your One?

My "one" would be my son. He continues to show kindness to everyone on an everyday basis. He has always been this way since he was very little. Thinking and putting other first is a natural thing for him. He makes me want to be a better person. I believe that he will do great things in this world and...

Submitted by Julia Salazar
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Life-Saving Rescue

This young girl, 19-years-old at the time, saved my father's life. He has a hoveround because he cannot walk. He was crossing the railroad tracks in our community and his wheel became stuck. He was hollering for help as cars went around him, but was ignored by many passersby. A train was coming and he began to get very worried....

Submitted by Dana Beck
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Who's Your One?

My mom, she is willing to help me and anyone at anytime. she gives the love that no one else could and i am happy she is in my life.

Submitted by Karsin
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