December 1, 2016
5 Simple Classroom Activities to Celebrate World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is Coming: November 13! Here are 5 simple activities to help you and your students host a one-day kindness celebration.
Positive Sticky Notes:
A simple, easy way to raise the spirits of friends (and strangers!)
Thank You Letter:
Who are the unsung heroes in your school? Write them an anonymous (or not) letter to show them that you appreciate them.
RAK Bulletin Board:
Where do you see kindness in your school? Create bulletin boards that provide students with opportunities to recognize and share kindness with others!
RAK Calendar:
Share this Kindness Calendar Sheet from primarilypeace.tumblr.com with your students. How many students can cross all 30 kindness activities?
Custodian Appreciation:
As a class, take time to write letters and put up signs showing your appreciation for the people who take care of your school! Keep your classroom so clean that they won’t have anything to pick up.
For fun #WorldKindnessDay graphics and a peek at how people around the world celebrate kindness, follow @RAKFoundation on Instagram and Twitter.
FEBRUARY 7, 2017
JANUARY 31, 2017
JANUARY 11, 2017