April 8, 2014
Be Kind To Those Around You
Do we have a responsibility to be kind and considerate to those around us? I would say unequivocally, 100% yes!
Do we have a responsibility to be kind and considerate to those around us? I would say unequivocally, 100% yes!
I am blessed that I can work from anywhere in the world as long as I have my laptop, cell phone, and an internet connection. The other morning I had to get an oil change for my car, so I was sitting in the customer lounge working away sending email after email. As I was sitting there I made sure my computer sounds were turned off as I did not want to disturb the lady sitting next to me. It looked like she was also working. As I was working on clearing out my inbox I saw my IM chat window start flashing! I maximized the window and it was one of my colleagues wondering if they could give me a ring. I took a brief moment, and said to the lady sitting next to me, 'Mam, do you mind if I make a phone call?' 'Absolutely not, but it was so polite for you to ask. That was very kind.' She stated. In that moment I thought, boy that was such a simple thing to do, but it seemed to really take her off guard and appeared to be a much-appreciated gesture.
We live in a world where we are connected to our technology 24/7. And just because we want to be on the phone, listen to our music or watch a movie doesn't mean those around us want to join in our conversation or jam to the beat of our music. I know I have been on a train or sitting in an airport wishing the people around me were kind and considerate of those around them. I think we have a responsibility to be considerate and always show kindness to those around us. Next time you think about making a phone call in public, ask those around you if they mind. I have a feeling, just by asking, it will put you in a better light and they won't mind at all.
What are other ways you can take responsibility and be kind and considerate to those around you?
Stephanie L. Jones is a daily gift giver. You can follow her gift giving at www.facebook.com/1makingadifference2. She is also a life coach and motivational speaker at Giving Gal, LLC.
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JANUARY 3, 2017