June 13, 2014
How I Learned Kindness From My Father
Thinking back to your younger years, who in your life helped you to learn kindness? For me, it was my parents. Since we are approaching Father's Day, I'd like to reminisce about how I learned kindness from my father.
I was blessed to grow up in a home where I witnessed my father showing family, friends and strangers acts of kinds quite often.
If I think back to how my father showed kindness, it was usually through helping people. There are several memories that stick out in my mind. I remember—
- when I was very young there were a father and son who were in need. My father bought them burgers and fries at the local diner.
- when our pastor had a bat in his house he called my dad to come to the rescue. Of course, my dad immediately jumped in the car and headed over to save the day by capturing and releasing the bat.
- my dad serving the community as a volunteer firefighter and a part-time police officer. Everyone he came in contact, whether it was a family that had a fire or he was arresting someone, he showed kindness. He always said, 'I treat everyone the way I would want to be treated.' He not only told me about the Golden Rule but showed me.
No matter what you do in life, someone is always watching. You are a father or mother figure to children in your life. I believe children learn through our actions more than they do by our words. Show kindness to all of those around you and teach children how to be kind not only to friends and family but to strangers.
I would love to hear how your father or someone important in your life taught you kindness.
Stephanie L. Jones is a daily gift giver. You can follow her gift giving at www.facebook.com/1makingadifference2. She is also a life coach and motivational speaker at Giving Gal, LLC.