June 19, 2014
5 Ways To Help A Stranger
When was the last time you stopped to help a stranger? Every time you leave your home you are bound to encounter a stranger. And you are likely to encounter a stranger that needs your help.
Here are five simple ways you can help a stranger by showing kindness:
1. Smile- A simple smile can brighten someone's day and turn a crummy day around.
2. Pass up a close parking spot- I have recently started passing up parking spots so someone else can park close. I often hope this will help an expectant mother, an elderly person or someone with small children. Plus, I can always use the exercise!
3. Leave a BIG tip- My husband and I dine out once a week and I'm always appreciative of the pleasant and attentive wait staff. This is a difficult job and sometimes I like to leave a BIG tip as I figure a little extra money never hurt anyone. You never know what difference $10, $20 or more could make in a person's life.
4. Hold a door- I know this one sounds simple but I can't tell you how many times I've had a door whack me in the face because the person in front of me opened the door and just kept moving. Especially holding doors for parents with children/strollers, those in wheelchairs/scooters and people with their arms full. I always love to see someone approaching a door and I wait to hold it open for them. They usually get a little hop in their step, smile and say, 'Thanks so much!' I also make sure when children hold the door open for me I show appreciation and let them know it was a kind gesture.
5. Stop and look around- In 2011 I started a giving journey. A mission to give a gift every day. The biggest thing the journey taught me is that we are busy. We are all moving very fast and have blinders on most of the time. I think one of the best ways for all of us to help each other out is to slow down and look around. I'm amazed at the need all around if I just stop and look for it. I guarantee when you look you, will recognize how you are to help out a stranger.
I always love to end with a challenge, so the next time you encounter a stranger needing help, lend a hand and share your story with us. I'd also appreciate it if you would share this blog with friends and family. They may just need an idea on how to help a stranger.
Stephanie L. Jones is a daily gift giver. You can follow her gift giving at www.facebook.com/1makingadifference2. She is also a life coach and motivational speaker at Giving Gal, LLC.
JUNE 4, 2018
JANUARY 24, 2017