December 29, 2015
Our Favorite 2015 Kindness Moments
Take a look at some of our favorite kindness moments of 2015.
Here are some of our favorite moments of kindness we saw during 2015. Here's to seeing more things like this for the new year! (these are shown in no particular order)
1. A young girl, Delaney, who is hospitalized with a serious illness gets a surprise visitor to lift her spirits.
Can we please have more role models like you Taylor Swift?!
See more photos and the news story here.
2. Parisians open up their homes to anyone who needs shelter after the attacks.
You guys showed the world what kindness is all about. #PorteOuverte indeed. Read more & see the actual tweets at pbs.org.
3. A project to give Christmas gifts to kids who might not have received any? Awesome!
Those kids will forever remember your kindness. See photos at their facebook page and maybe consider doing something similar in your community.
4. A little girls' wish for Christmas cards gets filled in a huge huge way.
A simple request by a young burn victim was seen by the world. It took two huge mail trucks to bring her the mail and cards and toys and other fun things are still arriving! So. very. amazing. You can read the full story (and get an address to send a card yourself) at huffingtonpost.com.
5. A young dad sees world-wide compassion flood in.
A young, single dad takes a chance and moves away from a bad situation. He had a job and a place to stay lined up before he left, but after those things fell through he was completely out of luck. A chance street interview by Leon Logothetis helped change things in a big way. Read the full story here.
6. An awesome McDonalds cashier named Kenny selflessly helps a customer cut & eat his food.
A cool post on facebook by Destiny Carreno recalled a random act of kindness she witnessed by a cashier at McDonald's (Kenny) stop what he was doing to help a customer cut and eat his food. Very amazing story... the coolest part? Kenny did it without hesitating or wanting any credit.
7. Redbox Random Acts of Kindness
We've seen a few of these posts this year and we love each of them. They are a super simple idea to do an inexpensive random act of kindness. How fun would it be to get one of these DVDs yourself? Next best thing? Give one to someone else. Hint: even if you don't use Redbox, you can still do this by just renting a movie, stuff a fun note in the DVD and immediately return it.
8. A boy gets a dad.
Again, not sure of the story behind this image, but I'm sure the little boy and his dad are incredibly happy now. Fostering and adoption is kindness on a whole different level.
9. A huge birthday party complete with a helicopter flyby!
So a cute little kid invited his class to a birthday party and for whatever reason, no one showed up. His mom, heartbroken for him, posted the situation to Facebook and the community came together quickly to throw him a birthday party he'll never forget. Take a minute and read this story to see how awesome and kind people can be.
10. Kindness in Connecticut
A group of school kids in Connecticut took time to make care packages for the military and packages with gloves and mittens to families in need. Nice job guys! I'm sure they will really appreciate your work. Check out the Facebook post for other photos.
So there are some of our favorites we saw this year. If you noticed something that we missed, let us know in the comments and we'll add it to our list so others can be inspired. Here's to a kind 2016!
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NOVEMBER 8, 2017