The Kind Blog

January 5, 2016

10 Kindness Week Ideas for Schools
Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week is Feb 14-20, 2016. Here are 10 fun ways other teachers have spread kindness in their schools during RAK Week.

Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week is Feb 14-20, 2016. Here are 10 fun ways other teachers have spread kindness in their schools during RAK Week.

  1. Kindness Activity Wall: Designate a wall or bulletin board to kindness! Download this PDF for ideas.


  2. Kindness Jar: Write down kind acts on slips of paper (example: sit by someone who is alone at lunch, pick up trash in the hallway, write a thank you note to a teacher) and have students or staff take one! Download this PDF for ideas.


  3. Positive Sticky Notes: So simple, but so effective. Find out more here.


  4. Caught Being Kind: Where do you see kindness in your school? Create bulletin boards that provide students with opportunities to recognize and share kindness with others.


  5. RAK Calendar: Share this Kindness Calendar Sheet from with your students. How many students can check off all 30 kindness activities?


  6. Custodian Appreciation: As a class, take time to write letters and put up signs showing your appreciation for the people who take care of your school! Keep your classroom so clean that they won't have anything to pick up.


  7. Start a staff meeting or your first 10 minutes of class with an inspiring video: We love this brand new video of ALS patient, Chris Rosati. He is a father, husband, friend, and founder of Inspire Media. In 2010, he was diagnosed with ALS and has slowly lost his ability to walk and speak. Still, he is devoting the rest of his life to spreading kindness. After watching the video, have a brief discussion about how kindness transformed Chris and those around him (ex: He turned his challenge into an opportunity to do something meaningful and serve others.).


  8. Create a Third Party Compliments Box: Unique, effective and totally doable. See how students at Carol High School made theirs: Third Party Compliments. Be sure to watch the students & staff reading their own third-party compliments.


  9. Track acts of Kindness By Grade: This is a great way to emphasize that kindness is important to your school. Every week, try highlighting an act of kindness from each grade.


  10. Set up a Thank You Note Station at your School: Studies show that practicing gratitude increases positive emotions and happiness. Create a thank you note station by gathering construction paper, markers, and fun materials in one spot. This could be set up in a hallway or even in the principal's office for students who get in trouble during class.


For even more project ideas, see our collection of kindness project ideas.


I actually have another! It is actually how I found this awesome place! Someone had left $2 in change and one of the little printable cards taped to a vending machine at my school
DECEMBER 9, 2017

I like the fishies - great visual !
NOVEMBER 20, 2017

I love the notes on the lockers
FEBRUARY 7, 2017

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