The Kind Blog

February 7, 2023

Change the World With Kindness
Have you ever had one of those days when the whole world seems upside down and off-kilter?

Well you can change that and you can do it in less than a minute.

Here’s how:

Grab a piece of paper - write down your name and the name of someone you know, then leave a blank space for a stranger’s name.

Got it? Good!

During the upcoming week, do something kind for each person on your list. It could be anything. Maybe it’s treating yourself to something you love, raking your neighbors leaves or complimenting someone you don’t know.

That’s it! It’s that simple!

Scientific studies show kindness actually improves health and life satisfaction. It also increases energy, optimism, self-worth and our sense of belonging and connection in the world.

The best part??? This effect happens not only in the recipient and the giver of kindness but also in anyone who witnesses the act of kindness. That means one act of kindness has the potential to impact multiple people ALL AT ONCE!

So, are you ready to change the world with kindness?

Here are 5 easy ways you can spread kindness:

  1. Smile - “If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours”
  2. Positive Sticky Notes - So simple, but so effective!
  3. Pick Up Trash - Garbage isn’t meant for the streets, do your part for your city and community by picking up pieces of trash every now and again.
  4. Share Your Favorite Book With Someone - Have you ever read a book that changed the way you see the world? Give someone you care about the inspiration to see things differently.
  5. Write a Handwritten Letter and Mail It - There’s something about a handwritten note that just feels more meaningful than a text or email. It’s personal and something that you can hang on to forever! Next time you want to share appreciation for someone, do it the old school way and get out your pen and paper and start writing. Way to be a world changing wordsmith.

The benefits of kindness are amazing and available to everyone.

Share your stories with us @rakfoundation or


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