Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
creat a bookmark and place it in a book to be discovered

Monday I made a really beautiful bookmark, it's very colorful and I put it in one of my favorite discovery book

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Quality of my sister

I looked for qualities on the internet since I am not too good in English. I showed the qualities to my sister and she was very happy and said thanks you

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Covid-19 can't believe but we can!

If you believe, things will get better in the futur. Every day you should believe in yourself and remember that there will always be someone who believes in you. I believe, you believe, we believe, the world believes! share this massage to friends or family members

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The Poor women

So one sunny day I was walking with my sister to the shop next door to get some milk for my mom .As we where walking I spotted a old lady begging for money to buy some food so I decided to give her all I had in my pocket and she juste smiled at me and that was so...

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Mister kidness

Once upon a time , A little green guy named Mister Kidness was living in a heart house. He was alaways giving hugs to every body. One time, he was sick so he asked miss sunshine to help him. Miss Sunshine said that she had a pic-nic with mister smile. Mister Kidness was sad. Three days later, Mister joke comes...

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treat people the way you want to be treated

When i was little and i went and played with other people they would make fun of me because of my size and i didn't really like sports at the time i normally told my mum about them she would say''It does not matter if people are mean to you just go out there and be yourself and remember treat...

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Please, Stay at home!

Hi, this is a story about Covid-19. If you can stay at home you could save millions of lives. Think only about going out for food, appointments and emeregencies! Thank you very much for staying at home if you can! Together we will beat that Covid-19! Finally , help your family, neighbours and your friends by respecting social distancing! Thank...

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FaceTime my family

I called my cousin to see how he was in quarantine because he lives in a different country and I wanted to know how it was like in he’s country.He was surprised that I called him cause I never call my cousins unless it’s an emergency.He said everything was good and he is excited to go back out.And what I...

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Face time

Since we are in quarantine and everyone is bored, it is important to face time your family and friends. They are just as bored as you and it will make them happy. It will give them something to do and you can stay in touch with them that way. FaceTime is very fun and I think we should all be...

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Gifts in the distance

Gifts in the distance This year, because of the coronavirus, we celebrated easter at home. We did a family video reunion and we had planty of chocolate, but it seemed like it wasn’t enough. I remembered all the easters of my life and I saw that each year we gave and not just received. So I had an idea,...

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Kindness rock

I do a kindness rock. I took rocks at my cottage. After i peinted and decorated them. I wrote a kindness message.

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Cake story

One evening my mom had a bunch of work to do and she also had to make a cake for all my family. So I decided to help her because she was already so busy and she wanted to make the cake very fast so she would have time to do her other work. I told her I will help...

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A walk at a train station

Today, my dad and I went to a train station. I decided to pick up many pieces of trash that were on the grass and then put them in the recycle bin. I found some wrapping papers, plastic bags, straws and a lot of cigarette butts. At the end, I was very proud of myself but it was disgusting.

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I help my cousin

I was sliding in the snow and i saw my cousin alone .So i said to him come slide with me. It was really fun and he showed some really cool tricks to do. So i helped him and now hes more happy.

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I Helped My Mother

Because of the quarantine, my mother is working at home none stop by doing chores. So I did a chore without my mother asking me to do it. The chore is washing the dishes. Then, when she saw me do the dishes, she was like: “What are you doing? Go do your homework” and I said “I want to do...

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Sometimes you don't need to do something huge for a person to make her be happy. Every years I try to make a little thing for the members of my family. What a better moment that their birthday. Just to give a little gift ( not obligate to cost all the gold of the world ) but just something that...

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Not always yourself comes first but the poor too!

I always have extra change in my pockets sometimes well going to my therapy i go give the change to the poor :)

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i helped my autistic cousin

so one day we were diying easter eggs and my cousin jamie was outside alone so i went outside and told him to come diy eggs with us so he said ok so we went inside i told hime to grab an egg and put it the scoop then i showed him how to put the scoop with the egg...

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Kind quotes

Hi! In this story, I will talk about kind quotes that you stick in the neighbourhood. When i read it in the package, I know that i would do it. So now I will give some exemples.You can write: - Have a good day! - Don't worry, be happy! - Be positive! - You would never regret being king. You...

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Call a familly

Calling the familly is basic. Calling is other way to speak between we. In calling you can create difference feeling, good, bad or neutral feeling. The feeling exchange au expense of the relationship. Calling is important because he give the capacity to speak at distance.

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Helping Out A Homeless Man

Last year on black Friday, my brothers friend, my brother and I went to a mall. When we were walking back to the metro, I saw a homeless man on the side of the road. He looked very sad and I wanted to brighten up his day. I had about 10 dollars left and I gave it to the homeless...

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Un acte de gentilesse n'est jamais inutile ( the story is in english)

A little girl choosing is birthday cake but is mother cannot afford it, she is missing money. A gentleman,saw the situation and bought the cake for her. He gave hem in recognition of the same gesture that we had for him as a child. She brought the cake to her grandfather who knows how to be the initiator of the...

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🌈the rainbow rock🌈

🌈As we're in quarantine, I painted a rock by making a small rainbow and I wrote: It will be ok. I did it for give hope to those who pass by in front of my house... 🌈

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Helping my Dad

My kindness Story is when i saw my dad cleaning the room, washed dishes and cooked food i decided to help him out secretly. When my Dad saw the washing machine was empty he was impressed. he look at his room and saw all the clothes fold on bed.

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Keep it green!

My friends and I saw a lot of garbage in the river under a bridge nearby. We decided to clean this part of the river with a fishing net and we found : a golf ball, a knife, broken porcelain, and other things like that. We are going to continue our project because the river is very dirty. So please...

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The money on the ground

There was a day when I was in the USA, I saw 5 $ 20 bills on the ground, I took it and I gave it to the poor.

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Call a grandparent cousin aunt or uncle

Calling members of your family is always a good act. They will always be happy to hear your voice. They will also think that it is very thoughtful of you and that they know that you love them and that you will never forget about them. And no matter what, they will always call you back.

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Best teacher

My teacher call me every week to get my news even if we don’t see each other. She does her best to talk to us.

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One nice word

Hello! Just know that one nice word can brighten up someone's day! Today I went up to everyone in my family and said what I love about them most. They were surprised and I realized that none of us had really ever said that to each other. It made me happy inside when I said those nice things and it's...

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Clean the house

Yesterday, me, my brother and my sister clean the house because my parents are busy to work. I clean the floor, my brother pass the vacuum and my sister do the depusting. It was fun because during I was doing my work, I was listening music.

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