Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Always be kind!

Being nice is always going to make yourself happy and also to the person who you are being nice to. That is why one day I went to the store and I wasn’t in a great mood. When I went to pay the lady infront of me wasn’t in a great mood. While she was scanning the grocery, I was...

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Handmade Card

So this week I made an handmade card. In the front it said HAPPY QUARANTINE, I decide to take pictures of it and send it to my best friend. I wrote some sweet this in it for her and I also wrote Wash your hands kiddo XD

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My little brother

I go in my little brother's bedroom to take care of him. His name is Léonard, he is five years old and I love him. Léonard is full of energy, smart, kind, cute and can be excited sometimes. It helps my parents while they are busy working. I love spending time with my little brother!

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a little act can make people happy

°we weren`t in quarentine that day° i called my grandmother to ask her if she was okay , she said that she was sick and alone because her daughter was at work so i came to see her and keep her company, i talked to her , helped her cooking and make her laugh she was really happy and was...

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the lost cat

I found a cat in the park and he had a collar writing his address I found where he lived I gave him to the gentleman and he was happy.

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There is too much of waste in nature.

One day, I decide to go biking. A few minutes later, I realize that there was very much of wastes on the street. So, I pick up nearly seven of them, and I put them all in the trash. I was very proud of me. I think that every people should do this everyday, but it isn't the case. I...

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Act of kindness

Since the coronavirus started everyone say: it will be fine!I wrote a little text on my house parking with chalks. Also I draw three rainbows. I think people who watched my text and my rainbow are happy! I am really proud of me because I took up my challenge.

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Rainbow in windows

Right now and with everything that is going on with this pandemic, I think that nobody is happier and the number of sick people is increasing every day and that it is getting worse and worse. Schools, restaurants and nurseries are all closed except grocery stores and pharmacies and of course hospitals are the most important. And we don't know...

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My kindness act of the day

Today I choose to call my cousin and i tell him that when the pandemic is going to stop he can come to my house and play naruto storm 4 together.

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acts of kindness

acts of kindness are actions that are good. Doing these acts is like making a plesire to everyone is also like kindness and always being ready to help others in their difficulties, being a kind, smiling and sociable person.

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Kindness life

My life is full of kindness. I going to share 3 kind deeds. Number one is my mom helps us three every day with school work. Number two is again my mom she dose a around the house mostly when my dad is not home. Number three is once again is my mom she has to deal with all of...

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My mom s'qualities

I'm going to talk about my mother's qualities. First, my mother is helpful she likes to help people. Second, she is very kind to those around her. Third, she is still confident in herself. Fourth, my mother is funny, she likes to make people she loves laugh. Finally, she is generous; she likes to give to people. My mother is...

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The good habits of life.

morning routine. Every morning when you get up in the morning you make your bed, then brush your teeth and do your morning routine. When you are done you say hello to your family. If you are mature and responsible you can help parents make breakfast, when you are finished you call your family you eat as a family. The...

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Place kind messages in your windows

Like ‘’it will be fine’’ or ‘’we are going thru this’’. So, people can get inspired as they drive or walk by. I think this little gesture can make a difference for the moral of some people for whom it would be more difficult. I encourage this truly kind practice. We can also stick some rainbows like most people in...

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Some Good News and an Act of Kindness for the NHS :)

Dear Random Acts of Kindness Team, I hope you and your family are well and coping through this pretty testing time. I wanted to just drop you a note about an act of kindness that my wife and her company are doing to give back to the NHS staff who are putting their lives on the line daily for us....

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giving a good amount of money to the beggers

So last year I was doing grocery in a market, when I had finished doing grocery their was an old man sitting outside asking for money, so then I was thinking if I should give a bit of money, then I gave the old man money but its wasn't like 1 dollar like that I gave him 10 dollars and...

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nice rocks

i coleced rockes and painted them and wrote nice messages on them and put the rocks allover my neighber hood without any contact with anione.

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Cake for my grand-mother!!!

Today is the birthay of my grand-mother Claudette. We can not see her because we are in quarantine. So me ,my brother ,and my mother decided to make a cake for her. My mother went to the grocery to buy brownies ( that we have to do). Then we did the brownies and my mother ,my brother, and I went...

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The old man

In a beautiful day, a old man is feeding birds in a park. This old man's name is Arthur. Arthur love birds. He is going to park everyday for feed birds but this man is blind. Everyday, someone help this old man to go on the bench and this person is kind.

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A nice little gesture is not dangerous, for example greeting people on the street, making a card and placing it in front of any door on the street, calling your grandparents, tidying up your room or simply talking to your parents without having your phone with you. All this as a small gesture often makes people happy.


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The little kid lost

Once i found a little child he wast lost he couldn't find that mom anymore i want to the home and i said to the same that he could no longer find her mom she called the mom of this kid on the microphone and she came to her son.

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Learning about my family

Ever since the quarantine started, i have nothing to do. So instead watching tv, i help my family by doing many chores and activity. It's interesting to see that i didn't know my family that much. Now, even if we're stuck at home, i am very close with my family and i can learn more about kindness.

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From 20 April to 24 April acts of kindness - Raphael

On April 20 I called my cousin the two of us were bored. So we talked. We wondered what he did during his day. If their new trampoline was cool. What they had eaten. If his brother is fine. Because my cousin likes to play with his friends, play sports, but stay at home boredom. So calling it feels good...

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Family in Covid-19

My act of kindness is that I call my grand-mother every day, and I also take 6 feet distance walks with my other grandma and grandpa, and they seem to really appreciate it. I also call my aunt and my 5 years old cousin ,I think they really like it too.I also help my mom with some cleaning, and sometimes...

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The giveway

i was walking around with my mom,in the subway and the was a lot of homeless people,i gave away some of my saving to a homeless mom and her kids.That really made my day. this taught me to allways have compacity for others

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Make a memory box

I started doing this when me and my boyfriend were sending letters to each other. So I had the idea of doing a safe place for my letters so I took a shoe box and started decorating it and you can do whatever you want do decorate it. I did this with the idea that when I older i'm gonna...

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Ça va bien aller

Ever since the corona virus has started I haven't seen my friends so I made a sign instead. I made a sign like a few other people in my bloc that says « Ça va bien aller ». On the sign there's also a rainbow. My school says that making a sign with an encouraging message counts as an act...

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One day , I called my grandmother to ask her how containment was going on for her . She told me that she was fine and that she misses me . I told her that I miss her too and that I can't wait to see her again to give her a big hug .🥺🥺📞

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Birthday surprise

Last week was my brother's birthday. But since everyone was stuck at home, he couldn't celebrate it with his friends and family. He was very sad, but my parents organized a big surprise! They called the people around us and asked them to make a short video to wish him a happy birthday. After receiving the videos, they put them...

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A day at Stoneham

Last year, I went to Stoneham to ski with my mother, my sister and my aunt. In the middle of the mountain, there is a pist with a snowpark. I did the snowpark with my sister, but she didn't do the jumps with me. I went to do the first jump and I love it so I did the second...

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