Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story

one day a very spatiale day i met one of the coolest friend you can get i was in 1st grade and it was the first day shool. i was so happy when i met her she was sooo nice to me. imagine that you enter in a new class with no friends and someone comes up to you and...

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First, I was playing outside and then this 4 grader was bullying a kindergartener so then I stepped in and told her to leave the little girl alone finally the little girl is older and living a better life

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Hello world! My name is Madelame,and I found the kindness on that books (Hygge and Lykke Mike Wiking)I think it's the most interesting thing i ever seen.It seems like love.As a true love.And the special part of my story is that you can share that love,this amazing feeling that stays in you. You're amazing! Enjoy that♡

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Helping homeless peoples

So when I was nine we use to see a lot of homeless people but now there are not cause what me and my family does is we got food and give it to homeless cause what if that was you so think about it. We can make the future better for everyone

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Give to those in need

My mom and dad got divorced when I was really young and although I don't see my dad anymore or talk to him I used to and we would go to the mall and I asked him for some money so I could buy a huge stuffed animal he gave me the $30 and I went to go to the...

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New Friends

One time when I first joined my gym a girl came up to me and asked me if I wanted to be partners with her. I said yes and then we became friends immediately. She is very nice to me.

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A hero in need (for dogs anyway)

My dog got a leash snagged on her leg and whimpered for help I had to do something my parents weren't home so I tried to call my aunt and my cousin but they didn't pick up the line so one thing i can do was take it out i did it with grace and gentleness so she will Whimper...

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geting ride of someones online bully.

i was helping duo and got i a mach and my duo said he got bullyed a lot so as we are playing he says how he bullyed. So we get back to lobby and and i ask him to invite the bully. Thebully joins and starts saying rude things .So we 1 v1 and i say if you win...

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Be kind to others.

Being kind to others makes the world happy and a great place to be like if someone dropped something and you were right in front of them you should help them pick it up or buy a homeless person lunch just like that being kind is a big nice thing to do it helps others be kind if your kind...

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helping a friend bring their stuff down the hallway,

One day at my old elementary school i was going to head to lunch with rest of the students when i saw some way back in the class and saw that they had to make up so work so, because some of the students had to make up work which they sometimes do at lunchtime, so i went up to...

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The Helping Hand

May 17 2015 That was the day I realized that a lot of people are different Because me and my mom help someone in a wheelchair to their house then he gave me $20. And more than five years I still have that $20 today to remember the act of kindness.

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at the library with my Grandma and print something from the printer when i went to pay some lady pay for the thing that i i got to print again

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Free Chicken Nuggets

So I was walking into McDonalds to get my daily order. Then she came with order, and she accidently dropped my soda. After she dropped my soda she was like "I'm so sorry, would you like some free chicken nuggets?" and I said "Yes, thank you".

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my mom

one day i was feeling really sad and my mom said whats wrong i said i was sad because my aunt died a few years ago and i never met her everybody says such beautiful things about her and i cry because she would of bein my bestfreind and so my mom was ind and we went to go see...

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a good friend

when i was feeling sad one of my friends was being a really good friend and told me to keep my head up and be happy and gave me something special and to this day i keep that chain on my neck forever

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The school Bully

There was this kid that got bullyed one i was tired of this bullying becuase he was autistic. so one day i stood up for this kid and i became his only freind. and i made him feel that his was the best person in the world.

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one time someone droped his crans and i helped pick it up but then i droped mine in his pile so we just shared crans

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The lost puppy

A puppy got lost ,and it was in middle of the rain ,i took it and put it in my house, when i started to dry it, i realized that it had a necklace with a phone number,i told my dad to call and it was wherver we found its owner,she immediately came for him,very grateful,and i was very happy,because...

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help in the woods

Once I me and a couple of friends were out in the woods. We were in some pretty hard to walk through areas, and I was lagging behind. Eventually my shoe got caught on a branch and I ended up twisting my ankle and stabbing my foot up. By the time I got my shoe back on they had circled...

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i very kind by helping people out when they fall or when they something. I always hold the door open for people. Another way i am kind is by having nice words to say to people the last y i m so kind is because people help me ill help them that is like the golden rule y i like...

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helping others.

I help some one when I was in school and he was alone in a corner and I asked him if he wanted to be my friend and he said yes so we have been friends since.

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kind ness helps pepple

i have helped my friends by picking them up when they get heart. i take them to the nerse they get an ice pack sometimes and thatis a my story about kindness.

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The kindness of my brother

One thing my brother did for me truly warmed my heart. He had came home from work around 1:00am and was about to eat the pancakes my father had made for him earlier. We were low on food this time, i had already eaten dinner, and there was nothing really there left to eat. I said out loud that I...

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The kindness of my dad

There was a time in my life where I was in a lot of pain. I was hurting from how certain people had treated me in school. I was focused on lot of people who had been unkind to me, so one day I just broke down crying in my home . I had cried tons of times before but...

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The kindness of my mom

Sometimes at nighttime I'd be scared to take a shower to wash my hair. Mostly because no one would be up, and all these scary movie scenarios would sometimes pop into my head. So I'd ask my mom to stay up until I'd came out. But sometimes I'd take a little to long in the shower, and by the time...

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The Mother and The Dentist

A friend of a friend of mine is a single mother to two young children. Her son is autistic and requires a LOT of care, so she is unable to work. Every day, this woman goes without in order to take care of her children on minimal government funding. I found out that she has been living in severe pain...

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The Resraunt

Covid-19 has impacted our daily lives so much. My family and I just finally got to go to a restaurant and have dinner together after so much time! We had a nice family meal. When we were done, I remembered to tip the waiter. I had a lot of extra cash because I had just visited the bank. I left...

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Be Kind ( this is a story)

There was a time when I was alone Nowhere to go and no place to call home My only friend was the man in the moon And even sometimes he would go away, too Then one night, as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high He came to me with the sweetest smile Told me he wanted...

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I had witnessed a kind act at the fair and i wanted to go on a ride but i was scared and then my sister said i will go with you and i was not scared anymore.

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Anonymous snow brush gift

My neighbourhood was not always the kindest, friendliest place. My husband, my 8 month old daughter, and myself rarely exchanged any type of communication, even pleasantries, with our neighbours. I had struggled numerous times to wipe the snow or scrape the ice off my car with my arm or a credit card... my snow brush disappeared.... One day, in the...

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