Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
I Help my parents to plow

Every snowy day I clear the snow with my brother and my father in front of my house. to help my parents to get their car into the parking lot.

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i like playing roblox with internet friends

its makes me happy because when im feeling down they cheer me up they also give me ideas and other fun stuff

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The doggie and Max.

Max was taking a little walk when she heard a noise. You see, Vera was a smily and curious girl and no matter what ,she would always go see strange things or help others. And so, she went by the sound of a dog that was crying for food. By the sound, she ran till she saw the dog. The...

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Kitkat my guinea pig

Kitkat is a guinea pig very happy. She is happy because she loves her family. kitkat is one years old and she is a female.At the very beginning she lived in a large cage with two other guinea pigs called Poilue and Godzilla. Two weeks later the professor no longer wanted one of the kitkat guinea pigs because she could...

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Giving money to homeless

one day i was going to the super market to buy something and then was when i saw a poor guy sitting on a bench. i had some money so i decided to give him some

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I gave money to a homeless man

One day, my mom and I went to a show and at the end of it, we were walking to our car when a homeless man walked to us and asked if we have something to give him. I gave him five dollars and he looked at me like if I was saving his life. I will never forget his...

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Helped my dad!

Yesterday, my dad was doing work.My brother, my mom and me were eating lunch. My dad did not have lunch yet because he was working. When i finished my lunch, i decided to do his lunch. I gave him juice, fruit salad for dessert and for his lunch rice with mushrooms. He was really happy!! You can do some act...

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Help is important in the life. We need help so many time!My grandma need help for climb the stairs. In this moment, the coronavirus invaded the planet and everyone needs help. Any hospital needs help because they have so many people is infected to the coronavirus. The

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My easter gift

For easter i had some curency on a video game and with some of that curency i bought something for my friend as a surprise and it made him very happy and is hapiness made me happy

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my rainbow in a window

Hi everyone, today I make an act of kindness .I put a rainbow in my window, even if it's in French, the most important is that people who see it will feel better. Every body know that for some people it's difficult for them in this situation .But when you say hello to a people are you make an act...

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My family

My family is awesome! My mom is funny because she always tell jokes. My dad is encouraging because he helps me with my homework. My sister is generous because she let me watch horror movies when i was younger and that's why i love horror movies so much. My other sister is nice because she occasionaly invites us to her...

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Help reject person

In fifth grade, I have welcomed a rejected girl in my friend’s group. It’s down to me she made new friends.

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Kind quotes

During confinement, many people are alone or with their family. My family and I have decided to send a small gift to our family. To brighten up their day, we give a little bag of coffee for adults and a little bag of juice for kids with a nice note.

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Help is important in the life. We need help so many time!My grandma need help for climb the stairs. In this moment, the coronavirus invaded the planet and everyone needs help. Any hospital needs help because they have so many people is infected to the coronavirus. the whole world needs help because we are all in containment and we want...

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Sleep more

It's good for you it will put you in a good mood you can do more RAK and who doesn't like to have a long sleep for once in an awhile

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Cooking with my dad

I love to make lunch and dinner with my dad because we spend more time together and we both like to cook. I like to bake cakes or cookies with him. We cant pass much time together because he works hard so he can support us.

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I clean the kitchen for my parents :)

My name is Milan and i am 12 years old. During the "vacations" i am making my parents happy by washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. :)

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Helping for the birthday of my dad😊

April 4th was my dad’s birthday so to help my mother, I made the birthday cake and a BIG card with my brothers. My father was happy.

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Little brother

Like every one, in this dificult time that we will pass, I have online exercises to do every day. So when I was working my little brother was working as well and he didn't knew how to do comma multiplication I explained how to do it. He needed a few tries before understand how to do it correctly.

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My grandparents

I call my grandparents because it's their pleasure to hear from me.I ask them how are you.They answer me and so on.I love my grandparents.My grandmother when we go to her house, she always cooks delicious meals. My grandfather loves to tickle us and make us laugh.Call your grandparents often because it is important to hear from you especially during...

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Gifts for the people I love

I write a list with 10 reason i love this person.I made a list for my sister, my dad and my stepmother.Then I put each list in a place where just the person could find it.For my best friends I made photo montages.I also made cards to remind them of how much I love him and I thank them for...

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The Monkey and the Bird .

Once lived a really kind monkey who would always help other animals . One day a baby bird was flying when it hits a tree and fell in the water . When the monkey saw the bird he quickly jumped in the water to save him ! Once in the water the monkey was able to get the injured bird...

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It was a friday the 13th the covid-19 started. Covid-19 is a virus wich is very dangerous to start in china. Covid-19 causes many deaths. So strong that everyone has to stay at home. My good deed know that l’m staying at home not to catch Corona-19

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My kindness monday

This monday i do a few kind message for my family And i go outside for take waste and i put waste the garbage and after i go walk and i say hello to four guys and the night i do some chore by my-self.

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Planet Earth

We all know that our planet is slowly dying from pollution. So if each one of us, the 7.5 billion people on earth would take the time to collect one piece of trash in the street every day, we would live in a better world. Tiffany Adam

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Act of kindness from a housekeeper

Me and my husband are on a fixed income. The lady that is the head of housekeeping looks out for us. We couldn't find any mask so she made us mask. I'm so greatful for her friendship and kindness.

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smile in the street

when you see people on the street, just smiles do them a lot of good and can better start or end their day in happiness thanks to a simple smile given to a stranger

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A kind note for a cool delivery driver

Hi! Each Friday, my family and me order food from a restaurant. This week, I'll put a little kind note on my door for the delivery driver. Something like:«You're cool and keep the smile. Everybody is grateful about what you do and I decide to let you know<3. Have a good evening! (Keep this note and put it or hide...

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Save our planet!

It's very important to save the planet, like pick up trash that are in the street or stop using too much plastic. We can do this so why do we not! Sometime I take up a bag with me and then my family and I go trough the forest to pick up the waste . Please take care of our...

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I 💜 my great grandmother

When I moved to my new house and to my new city, my great grandmother was really sad. I decided to call her every night and she was very happy! (I still call her) She told me that when I call her, it makes her night better.

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