Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story

In this time of quarantine we have a lot of thing to do. Me I decide to give some clothing to person they are in difficulty. And for me its a good things to do .

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Saving my brother from death

One day, i was building an tunel on the side of the road with my brother. He told me that when a car passes, he would jump head first into it. But when a car passed, he jumped into the tunel so quickly that everything collapsed on him. He probably couldn't breathe anymore, because he wasn't even moving. Quickly, I...

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My Grandparents

My grandparents are stuck at home because of Coronavirus. So I made them meals and i delivered it at their home. I had a chat with them under the veranda (from a distance) they were happy.

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helping my brother , my mom ,my dad and my teacher my mom helping me

I help my brother to get smarter. I help him doing homework and telling him how to read letters and numbers .Sometimes when mom is cooking I am dressing my brother and play lego with him. Once my mother was so tired that I decided to prepare a coffee and bring it to her bedside. I helping my mom cleaning...

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Helping People you love make's them happy:)

One, I helped my mom by cleaning the living room. She was very happy. I was happy that, I helped my mom. I encourage you to do the same. :):):)

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siblings thingz

Yesterday, my sister was mad because she could'nt play her favorite game. Why? Because My mom cut her wifi ( I dont know why, one of their silly fights, , maybe). So I let her play her favorite game on my tablet. It was soo boring for me but at least, it made her happy!

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My Kindness in one day!

Hi, I'm going to talk about my kindness that I do in one day. First, I wake up at either 6 or 7 am to go to school (p.s.: I don't go to school on Sundays). I do my routine and I help my mother a lot to prepare the lunch at school. I prepare my one things for my...

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Save The Earth

When i was going to school, i saw a lot of trash on the street. So,saturday i decided to go collect the trash on the street, the sidewalk and the park. When i got home, my parents asked me why did i have a bag full of trash and i said

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Make you smile

To help my parents, I do more things in the house. I babysitte my young brother Édouard and my young sister Léa-Belle. We play monster game in basement and outside we play in the backyard. I do more things like wash the dishes, fold laundry and cook. For me it's important to help peoples around me because i like to...

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My call

This week, I do a lot of things first I play hockey in my house. After, I watch tv and play with my brothers. Thdan,I play with my cat and feed him. Finaly, I call you to play with me on board game arena.

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Make my grandma happy

To make my great grand mother happy, there was only one thing that counted. The most important thing was to visit her. Since she has difficulty walking, I helped her to open the doors and talked to her often to fill her with joy because, most of the time, she only sees the nurse and the doctor who take care...

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Write down someone’s best qualities and give them the list.

Rosalie atletic generous gentl strong funny smart pretty encouraging honest loyal energetic

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Say hello to people you don t know

A couple of days ago, I was taking a walk and I saw lots of people, so I decided to start saying 'hello' to them. I also wished them a nice day. It is funny to see when we say 'hello' to people, that makes them so happy and always brings a smile on their face. I feel very proud...

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serena's help for cancer

when i was 9 years old , i decided that i would grow my hair and then cut them to give to children that have cancer so they can have a natural hair wigs . with all that , some of my friends from cheerleading asked me why i cut my hair and i told them the reason why ,...

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Cooking for my grandparents

All the weeks, my mother and me cook 1 to 5 times for my grandparents. They are so happy to see us arriving with all this food because they have less time to cook these days.Of course, we don’t stay there long because of the Covid-19.

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a friend in need

When I was in an exam at school and we had to have all the materials but a friend of mine didn't have all the materials so I wrote really fast so I could give her my materials so she wouldn't have to restart the exam without the class.

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The letter

My grandma live lonely and cause we are in quarantaine she can't go outside so i written a letter for tell him what i did on the quarantaine, like that she gonna have something to do.

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The dyslexic children made the breakfast

Today I did a random act of kindness from the list and I chose "make a breakfast for my parent, lunch or dinner and name all the food I English for them" I decided to do them a breakfast. I did some eggs, sausages, toast and a big fruit salad. When I came to kitchen with their breakfast they were...

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Learn something new

You can learn something new. Quarentean you can lern how to draw or cooking or everithing you want the lockdown is the best moment to learn something new or even more you can be a profesor with your kid

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Hi has you now my name is Morina , I am 12 and I like animals. In this time we couldn't help other pepoles because of the virus, but. I was able to help someone last year there was two solo at school, at first I believe that i was going to win ,but there was someone else when it...

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The Two Brothers

Unce an upon there was two brothers that hate each other. The parents were really tired because each time they fight, One day, Abderazak,one of the boy was really sick his teeth was really catastrophic she was all black, So, they brought him at the dentist when they arrive the dentist said that he has to do an operation to...

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Delivery Drivers

Hi, Today I feel proud of myself. I just wrote a letter for the delivery driver to read. I hope he doesn't get sick and that he stays safe. Thank you for this awesome blog. Edmond

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A karate storie

Last year my mom lost her job and she was supporting us both financially,since we where in financial difficulty's we could only afford our essentials(our food ,my school, our house,etc) and at the time I had karate classes that my dad payed but when u where blue belt you could have a black suit that was 60+$ . So the...

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the girl with cruches

one day, i was in school. when i was playing during the recess, i saw a girl with cruches. she was looking sad so i got closer to see kif she needed help. i talked to her and helped her to enter in the school, to go to the cafeteria etc. later that day, she said that i was very...

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my family

Because of the coronavirus you may know that we can't really see or family. For my part my father lives in montreal and most of my family in quebec so we normally can't see them often but now it's worse . So I try to call my grandpa who is stuck at home right now with his dog . Maybe...

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So you probably heard from the coronavirus from now, if you didn't you probably live Under a rock. Anyways, if you go for a walk each day or once in a Week , maybe you noticed that there isn't many people in the streets because they want to be careful and if you know someone like that, go talk to...

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At December the Corona-virus was start to make people very sick and somebody are dead. It is a big thing for everybody in the world, Now everybody are confined and we don't go to school. It lasted four month and it is not end. A lot person fight for have a toilet paper and somebody don't have house because they...

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When me and my friend fell down the staires🤣

So when me and my friend made a TikTok on the staires we were dancing and then me and my friend fell but we were laughing because it was funny the way that how we fell down.

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My grandma needs my help

One day , I went to my grandmothers house . Her foot was hurting so I asked her if she needs help or wants me to do something for her . She answered me and said I can help her if it doesn’t bother me . So I did it , I made some tea and I washed the dishes...

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A trash story

Hey! My name is Frédérique Dominique,I am 12 years old and today I will tell you about my good will! When I was going to pick up the rubbish in the street (it was really a lot of waste) I had put on gloves and a mask. He had people walking in the street and looking at me with disgusted...

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