Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
A call with my familly

The last week, I called my grandmother to say to her Happy Easter. We talked just a little bit, but I saw in her face that she was really happy and me to. We do not talk so much but when it is happening we are so happy. I think that when you do a random act of kindness everyone...

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School at house

With covid, we do school at house.My little brother need help. So, i teach him mathematic, french and english. Felix

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Gifts for my grandmother 🌈🎁

Hi i will give a gift for my grandmother, i will give her a card with a lot of Rainbow and a Rainbow bracelet. I will do this because i love my grandmother and she alone at her home, bye!

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Save the world with me

I chose to pick up pieces of trash on the streets. I find that it's important because, the icebergs are melting and there are also animals and corals dying. All animals on the planet are disappearing . Help me to help the planet .Please pick-up waste in streets. Thank you!

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The Flash

when I turned on the TV I went back on netflix and I wanted to watch my favorite series the flash it's a series that adorns a boy that is transformed to a person who has become super hero and it's called flash because it's fast as an eclectic and it's the fast man alive. So I found that there...

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My kindness drawing

On one day of quarantine, i had an idea. I want supports the person how works during this crisis so i draw a cloud with a rainbow and i following gouvernement rules like stay at home ... This is my way to supports people how works.

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During quarantine, I help my parents by doing small chores around the house, usually, my mom is working for most of the day which means I have to do those tasks autonomously and, meticulously, some of the tasks are easier like doing the dishes, cleaning the house. But I also have to help my father Pyle wood and rake the...

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Help other and be kindness

Hello it's again Améliane yesterday I made a little story if you want to see it the title is Make people happy. Today I will talk about how we can help our parents during the quarantine. Me I have a little sister and I keep her because my two parents work so I make school with her and my parents...

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Call a family member

Every day, I call my grand-parents, my cousins, my uncle and my aunt on Messenger. I take news from them. I play with them online. I eat with them from my house. I hope the covid19 will end soon so i see them.

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The helping drawing

In a day of quarantine, i had an idea. I draw a cloud with a rainbow to supports the people how work during this crisis. I applying myself to draw a beautiful drawing. To supports all people how works it is nessecery to stay home.So stay home.

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One smile

A few days ago my brother and I played a kind of pillow war we stayed in two different corners of the living room we took each several pillows and we sit to bring down the other but no one won but we laughed a lot and we got together

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Morning, breakfast anyone!

One morning i was eating breakfast and I was thinking of ways to surprise my parents and, it came to me i was going to make breakfast for them!They where so happy it made me happy! I suggest you try this it will make you and your parents day excellent. C:

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The waste tree

today is earth day and each time this day arrives we have to do a big task to collect more waste. so there was me my brother and my sister we each have a task.

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strange island

This is the story of a gentlemen who lived in a forest. One day he sees an island appear in the distance. So he decide to go strange island. Rendering on the island he track the samll alien. He scream very loud . Alien give him a hug. So he give him a hug. Finaly he becomes the best friends...

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My parents

My parents help my to learn new things, new words in french, new verbs, they are with me in my studying. They supporte me when i have difficulty. My parents are always there for me.

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Some bread for dinner !!!!!

I do bread with my lovely mutter. She helps me learn how to do sourdough starter. Its funny because the sourdough need a lot of love and need to be feed every day. It needs ten days until we can you used it. And even after ten days you need to feed it.Every day you need to put outside some...

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Homework! one day in quarantine, doing homework, I was reading a book, and I reago to school ! So I thought, why not pray for them? And I also thank God for everything I have!lized that there are people who are so poor who are my age who do not have the opportunity to learn,

One day of quarantine, doing homework, I was reading a book, and I realized that there are people who are so poor of my age who don't have the opportunity to learn, go to school! So I thought, why don't pray for them? And I also thank God every day for everything that I have!

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Help grand parents in confinement

During confinement it is important that the elderly stay at home. So helping your grand parents is a very good idea. Example : my grandparents made a grocery list and sent it to my mom so she can go buy what my grandparents need. I encourage you to do acts of kindness too during this difficult period!

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Hi everyone! I'm Gabrielle and I will show you my blog about my family. So first I choose to tell one thing I love about people of my family, so my little sister I like her positive side. My father I like when he's funny and my big sister, Iove our complicity. So I choose another kind act and it's...

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Pick up my room

I wake up the morning and I decide to pick up my room before my parents request to me. My parents are happy and they give me a big hug.

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Call my cousin

Hello !! During the quarantine me and my sister decide to call my cousin every days for take news because we miss her.I think it’s important to call a loved one because in this hard periode we must help each other and everything’s gonna be alright.

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The day i donated

The 22 May 2020, I donated my many toys to children in need. Because I don't need them anymore. When I saw the look of this child I undestand that he needed it. Since that day I understand the importance of toys in children's lives.

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My activity week

Hello everybody, This week, I take a walk with my family and my dog. We meet some poeple and I say hello to them. I write a letter to my friend, I went says hello to my grandma by her window. I practice my gym everyday. Last sunday, we do a "syrop party". I call some friends on facetime. We...

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Household Chores

Tomorrow I will help my parents with household chores within my reach. To support them. I will help to wash the dishes or clean the floors. Yesterday I washed the dishes and play

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Reading to make time go fast !

Hello,my name is Rania and i really like to read . In this period of quarantine i read a lot of books and reading books makes time go more faster so if you don't know what to do you can read ! #ca va bien aller

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An overloaded metro

One day when I took the metro, I had to give up my seat to a woman with a baby. He felt uncomfortable being surrounded by so many people and he started to cry because of that. Then I started to make funny faces and it gave him back the smile.

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You are bord. Help at home.

You are bord and have noting to do. You could kill time by helping at home like you could wash the dishes or clean your parents room. Do someting nice for your family that make you fell realy good trust me.

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My favorite story is ''I'LL HELP MY MOTHER BECAUSE I LOVE HER ❤", its true that helping our mother is really nice of us. She always does everything in the house and helping her by doing the housework can just make her happy. So that's why this is my favorite story.

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learn something new

Today, was a normal day. But I was really bored. I was along in my house, my sister was in her gym class. And my parents were with her. My friends were playing video games, but I didn't want to play video games. I went to my bed to think what i could do. So I had the wonderful idea...

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Give to the next

My mother and I decided to help the family that went through the fire in St-Félix. We went around our closets and wardrobes and everything we had in duplicate we put them in boxes and we went to take them to their new house in Ste-Mélanie. We donated towels, plates, sweaters, winter mats, boots, utensils, frames. I don't know if...

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