Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Sharing a Load


We were waiting quite a while for our luggage at Baggage Claim 6. So were the passengers right next door, at carousel 5. On its way back inside after one 'rotation', a suitcase at...

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Pay it forward

A few weeks ago I was at the Safeway located a block away from my apartment. I grabbed a couple things and began to ring up my items at the self-checkout. As I was scanning my items I couldn't help but notice the man at the self-checkout stand next to me was having some issues.

He was homeless, and didn't...

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Kindness= Including Others

I’m an elementary school teacher and we do a lot of partner and group work. I always make the groups, but the other day I let my students make their own partners or groups for a special activity. I spoke to them about making sure everyone was included and how nobody should feel excluded. As the students were all signalling...

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Pay Bus Fair for a complete stranger

On the bus today a stranger trying to pay for his bus fair (Fife/ day travel) but three times his card did not work, he got off the bus aa he was unable to pay. I quickly got up and said to him I will get this for you and paid his fair and gave him his ticket, he seemed...

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A Teacher Who Believed in Me

I'm currently in 8th grade. I had been in Remote Learning for 6th and 7th grade (because of COVID) and barely came back to in-person learning this year. When I first started, I realized how much things had changed. I had to relearn how to socialize and make new friends. All my old friends were gone. I was in a...

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My mom is one of the best people I know. She is the youngest of 8 and everyone counts on her to help them get through life. That’s Mom, always willing to help someone in need. Growing up I was involved in a lot of activities and even though mom had a full-time job it didn’t stop her from taking...

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My mom is one of the best people I know. She is the youngest of 8 and everyone counts on her to help them get through life. That’s Mom, always willing to help someone in need. Growing up I was involved in a lot of activities and even though mom had a full-time job it didn’t stop her from taking...

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Hockey Lesson

When I was in 5th grade (last year) I met a 6-year-old kid at park Pratt. He was very bad at hockey. I proposed to help him learn to play hockey and he accepted with a big smile. I spent three hours with him, and he was very happy after and me too I was very happy in my heart....

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Freezing Bird

It was the winter holidays, I went sliding in front of my house. I saw a bird frozen to a metal pole. I could tell because it didn't fly away when it saw me. I blew on its feet to warm it up. I took it in my hands and blew once more on it. I covered it since it...

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2023 St. Patrick’s Day: Reusable cup

St. Patrick’s day this year happened over my children spring break. That morning I decided to take my three children first to the Dollar Tree to buy Uncle Zach’s birthdays gifts and then we took a short walk over to Target (Starbucks.) I had an awesome cashier named, Emma that suggested I try a new spin on their chia tea....

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17 year old cody cook

My son shopping with me at the grocery store I just turned around and hes 17 years old he just randomly just helps the lady behind us unload her shopping cart

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Saving a poor kitten

I was walking outside in the rain and I saw a small kitten in a corner between two stores. I really felt bad for it because it was really cold out too and I didn’t see anyone around. So I decided to take it home and asked my parents if we could keep it and they agreed. Whenever I think...

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Making the world a better place

I woke up one morning, brushed my teeth, ate my breakfast and got ready to go outside to take a little walk. My family wanted to join me so I decided to let them come with me without hesitation. After 15 minutes of walking, I started to notice how there was several litter on the ground. I didn’t think about...

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Kindness Is Key

This story is told by her friend. A girl saw me sitting on the buddy-bench when i was in preprimary. Then she went up to me and ask to become my friend. Ever since that day, i was never forgotten and friends with that girl forever.Simple kindness can change everything for one person.

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Kindness will be repaid by the universe

My local community group, meet weekly and park in a car park, which has been free for many years.
Recently parking, has changed and now, it has to be paid for by going on line, and booking a slot.
If a slot is not booked and paid for in advance, there will be a large fine.
The signage in the...

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Its Cold outside

This winter has been an extremely cold one. I went to the local convenience store to get a soda, when I noticed a man who looked like he was down on his luck. I overheard him talking to the lady that worked there, he said he was trying to get assistance from a couple of local charities but was not...

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Friendship Everlasting

My ONE is the one and only, Clear I met Lisa when I was in high school. She was my student assistance counselor and from early on we formed a bond, unlike anything I have ever really experienced. From that point on she has shown up in my life in countless ways over countless times, helping me find the strength...

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Helping nature

I joined the Nashik Plogger's group for r plogging on 19th Feb'2023 @07.00 am to 09.00 am at Pandavleni caves, Nashik, MAharashtra, India.
The term "plogging" is defined as "a combination of jogging with picking up litter". The word 'plogging' is derived from the words 'pick up litter' and 'jogging' which means 'race for exercise'. ‘Plogging’ has become a global...

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Paying forward

One day, at a local Panda Express, we were about to pay for our order when the old woman in front of us paid forward for our order. She told us to continue the kindness. So when a group of people came in, my dad paid forward, and told them to continue the kindness.

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Helping others

I was on the way home. It was raining severely and a man was walking home with groceries. I stopped the car and asked did he need help. He smiled and said yes, please. I took him home and I was happy I got to help him.

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Abandoned Knit Scarves Become Public “Love Notes”

Hey there,

For Valentine’s month, I’ve been collecting knit and crochet scarves that people no longer want and using them to “yarn bomb” messages of love around my city.

I’ve always been saddened by the lovingly made scarves at the Goodwill Outlets, which are the last place where donated items are sold before being thrown away or sent overseas. I...

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Dollar Store

I noticed a woman at the dollar store register looking very weary as her credit card repeatedly got denied. Finally the store cashier put her bag to the side and asked her to wait while she helped other customers. It was obvious the woman had little and definitely didn't have the money for her, mostly food, order. I offered to...

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They Gave What They Had

In the beginning of the pandemic I wanted to do something to help others. I had volunteered in some capacity since I was fifteen years old when I read to people who were blind. I saw an opportunity when our town formed a Covid Response Team. I was ready.

My first job was to pick up fabric from someone and...

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Caring About The Homeless

We have alot of homeless people in our area, so one day it was freezing cold outside and my parents gathered up some clothes,coats,gloves,and hats and took them to the homeless people standing out asking for help. My dad also usually gives money to some of the homeless people that stand at the stop lights. I think this was a...

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Random Acts of Kindness

Today I cleaned my sitters room and made dinner for everyone.

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I left money in the vending machine for another person

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I prepared a meal for my family the other night. It took a while to make, but it was well worth it.

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i helped a kid in my 1st grade when he had a bad knee

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Mi esposa y yo estabamos en un restaurante no de categoria, mas bien un comedor,
llego una pareja y 3 niños, solo tenian dos bebidas.. al salir le pague al mesero lo que ellos hiban a consumir. Y le dije por favor solo digales que ver una familia unida es inspirador.

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Get out of the rain

I decided to stop and buy a lottery ticket one evening and when I pulled in the parking lot, I noticed a blind man walking with his white cane that was about to walk into a car while trying to get on the sidewalk. I helped him on the sidewalk and into the convenience store and we had a small...

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