Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
My Crossing Guard

Every day I walk to school and I pass by my crossing guard. Every day when I pass by I always say good morning or good afternoon, I follow up with a have a nice day or thank you. She gets all of the kids that pass by of holidays candy so that is very nice. I have bought her...

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Helping my little brother with his homework. Thanking the bus driver. Letting someone go in front of me

When I help my little brother with his homework I'm pretty sure he feels thankful because he stresses out about his homework so I thought it would be nice to help him and he would feel good. When I thank the bus driver I think he feels good to have some empathy. When I let someone go in front of...

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Thank you crossing gaurd!

When I was walking back from school I had to cross the street. The crossing guard helped me and I said thank you. The crossing guard responded by saying Your Welcome have a great day. This is my story. Remember Be Kind!

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A stranger at the airport – and a small, stunning act of kindness

What's the nicest thing an absolute stranger has done for you or to you?" The older I get, the more I realize how necessary and appreciated the “kindness of strangers” is. This was made abundantly clear to me on my recent trip to Taupo I had booked the flights in somewhat of a hurry with just a carry on bag...

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we were going to go to get water but we saw a homeless man and with his dog and my dad was going to give him money but he was hungry so we give him food and a large strawberry drink and he loved it and that made my day.👍

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The time I help people in school

One time when I was in class I saw people helping people with there math and st math. So I ask for help too but then i just started helping people with there work and at the same time people will help me too. And I will also help my friends with there work.

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The time i showed kindness crossing the border

I remember not too long ago I was with my mom and we went to Tijuana to visit my grandpa. Every time we go visit him I get happy because he always gives me money and i get excited to spend it. One time when we were at the border waiting in line to cross back I saw a group...

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Once all my friends went out to the street and we always went out on some skates and we went out but not one friend did not have a battery in herself she skated and we turned about 3 times and she said she got tired and I told her if she wanted to get on mine and I in...

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The time that we help a women.

One day we were aet breakfast in a plees with my that and my sister and my that look at the back and wast a women that do not have money so my that byu her breakfast and something to drink.

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the time I made people smile

One day my mom and dad were organizing the garage. They took out all of the stuff from the garage. Also there was this blak type of organizer for papers and I used it as a desk. and I found me a chair and I sat on it. Then i made some posters and I wrote squishy shop on...

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making people happy and a dog happy.

One day I was walking with my mom and my brother and a homeless needed to eat and feed his dog so I gave him dog food and jack in the box and gave him 50$ and he was so happy and the dog was to he licked me 3 times and they said thank you so much. the end.

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the time I made people smile

One day my mom and dad were organizing the garage. They took out all of the stuff from the garage. Also there was this blak type of organizer for papers and I used it as a desk. and I found me a chair and I sat on it. Then i made some posters and I wrote squishy shop on...

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the money giver

One day i was walking down the street then i saw a homeless man i gave him money and he ran away but then he came back with some food. the end

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my cats<3

one day i was playing and i saw 5 cats with no mom and i said to my mom that if we can keep the cats she said yes and from now we stll have the cats the cats names are rockstar macand cheese kimchi barbas raul

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the homeless cats

me and my family have a home where there are lots of stray cats and we always feel bad for them and wish we can adopt them but we already have a cat. so we get them food and feed them every day and some of our neighbors do the same thing we do too! help stray cats who are...

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so this one time i had a little squishy and gave it to a kid that really liked it so i gave it to them. :)

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My mom was actually the one with the idea,we have not done this once we have done it 4 or more times.Well me and my mom went to the Dollar Tree store in Imperial Beach, and we saw two homeless persons outside of the Dollar Tree, just sitting there, my mom and i went inside my mom felt bad for...

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the guy that helped

me and my dad were going somewhere and he forgot the car keys inside the car. he tried to get them out but the door was hard to pry open. so this guy decided to help my dad and he manged to pry the door open.

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Story Title

Every single time i get paid to babysit my little sister or i get paid to walk my dad's dog i put the money back my mom's wallet so she can have it instead because a lot of the time she needs it more than i do.

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One time I was at school and me and my friend saw someone that wanted to play but they did not want to play with her because she was a different style as them so we went to play with her and me and my friend thought that they were very rude to her just because she was different....

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the mdic time

I was on the playground on school with my friends and then we where playng good but suddenly my friend sliped and hurt his foot and it was blooding so all of my othe friends did not know how take a medical emergensy and the medical assistance of the school was too far for him to walk there but fotunatly...

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Random acts of kindess

when grocery shopping tell the shelf stocker how nice the shelves look Hand some one a grocery cart before you retrieve your own Hold the door open for someone If you see someone struggling with boxes, offer help Leave the garbage collectors their favorite soda/water for them when they pass to collect from your home Cut your neighbors grass when...

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Sad Times Call For Kindness

My mother had passed away. It was a very traumatic event for my family and I. I work for a Public and Mental Health Department. I knew how to handle my stress and trauma, but at this point it was unbearable for only little ole me. I needed a friend or someone to lean on. I never told anyone that,...

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Me and my dad was at a store and the people in front of us forgot their money so my dad went up and paid for all of their food.

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My Best Friend

Sara Friend she is always there for me when I need someone buy my side. And one day we will be able to go to each others house and have so much fun that we will take some pictures and she will have to send them to me. Also I will do the same for her. And she will do...

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I had a waitress today who was new at her job. We ordered and our meals were delivered without each portion on time. We mentioned that and she apologized several times. But you could tell that this job meant everything to her so we told her we knew she was doing her best and tipped her 30 percent. She was...

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The water

I remember when I was in elementary and I was new to the school but my house was nearby I would walk home for the first time and I turned the corner and was walking for a hour in the desert heat I was about to have a heatstroke and a friend saved me with a water bottle I thank...

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Valentines Gift to my best friend Mia

The kindness that I did is that I got my best friend Mia, a Valentines gift and she liked it, also I wanted to give her a Valentines gift because she’s my best friend and she deserve to get a good gift.

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Valentines Gift to my best friend Mia

The kindness that I did is that I got my best friend Mia, a Valentines gift and she liked it, also I wanted to give a Valentines gift because she’s my best friend and she deserve to get a good gift.

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Good Samaritan

A complete stranger paid my lunch check today. Don't know who it was. Waitress kept name and gender a secret.

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