Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story

When I was walking with my mother on street I saw an old man sitting at the corner and asking for food from others. He was wearing clothes with many holes in it. Then without thinking anything I quickly bought some food and gave him. I also gave him my father's old clothes and some money too. He blessed me...

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Random acts of kindness come are performed everyday by some generous people around the world. For example, i visited a mcdonalds drive-thru window for lunch and when it was time for me to pay; it was free. The customers that was ahead of "Paid it forward" and put $10 towards my order. That was a Random act of Kindness and...

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Random act of kindness [Netball]

I was playing an intense game of netball for my school we had lost all of our games and towards the end, the best team on the day was up for competition. We got on our positions until my number fell off, she proceeded to tell me but one of her teammates came over before I could even ask and...

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Magic Magician

When I was in year 1 I was in the city with my dad and we walked past a magician. I was watching the magician in the back of the crowd when he asked me to help him. afterward, he thanked me and gave me ten dollars.. without me he wouldn't have been able to finish his act

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one day it was the start of year 7 and i had no friends. There was this friend group with such perfect girls. Their names were, hannah, phoebe, alysha and matilda. I really wanted to be them because they were the most perfect girls ive ever seen. One day they asked me if we wanted to be friends and of...

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2 dollars

Once I saw this singer in the city and I gave her 2 dollars. Then she smiled at me and it made me feel good :]

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the day i helped my sister put her chain her on her bike back on .

one morning me my brother and sister took the dogs on a walk but my sister rode her bike soon but her chain came off so i put the chain back on her bike and she said thankyou and was happy

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True friends

my name is Lincoln

when I was young I find it hard to make friends but when I reached year six there were a couple of people that wanted to be friends and those people are my very good friend even now they are reliable and I was able to play basketball with them at school we hang out in...

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I was in surfers paradise in Sydney and we got Maccas and I was drinking my iced chocolate and when we came we saw a homeless guy, by now my parents came out the Maccas and we gave the homeless man a packet of chips and a dollar and he said thanks.

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helping people

my name is Dusabe and I love helping people in need, helping people is my thing, when i grow up i want to be a doctor so that I can help people who are sick and people who are old and people who can't take care of themselves. my dream is to become a great doctor and I wish...

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Kohls kindness

One day I was shopping at Kohls with my mom. We were trying to look for something cheap because my family doesn't have tons of money. Well, this little old lady came walking by and she told me and my mom that she had a coupon and was willing to give it to us for free! My mom and I...

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It’s only a dollar

Today I was at the market. My order came up seventy six cents short. I was mortified. I told the cashier to just take something off. Then a tap on the shoulder. A sweet lady behind me hands me a dollar. At first I wouldn’t take it. I’m the one who hands dollars to others not others to me. The...

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The Jared Box Project - A “Give Local” community service effort on a mission to bring smiles and joy to children in hospitals across the US since 2001

Good afternoon, What’s scarier than a child that is sick or injured and needs to go to the Emergency Room or be admitted to the hospital? Probably not much, other than the terrified look on the face of their parents. What could help alleviate some of that stress and concern? Something that could bring a smile to their face and...

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Breakfast for Dad

My mother and father have been married for 66 yrs. My mother is now in a nursing home with late stage Alzheimer's disease. My devoted heartbroken 87 year old father visits her everyday day and sometimes twice a day. He is also a creature of habit and goes out to breakfast four times a week at four different restaurants. He...

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Fast friendship

These two girls became friends within two days. They were inseparable by day two. Always calling each other on the phone and always wanting to know what the other one is doing. Despite they're differences in life, they have been able to see past those things and flourish in life. I have a really awesome idea that those two are...

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Helped my mom feel ok

My mom had a hurt nose one night and we decided to get out somewhere in those things where you can place on them to make them feel a little cool and better. I decided that I wanted to match her and make her feel like she wasn’t alone in the process. I spread my kindness then

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Employee Appreciation

It was recently employee appreciation day and while I had planned stuff to do for the employees in my organization I didn't want it to just be about me recognizing all the hard work and effort they were doing but I wanted to make sure that people were recognized from their peers. We already have a recognition piece as part...

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BE present

One time during a regular day at the (home)office, I called a colleague in my department which I do not know quiet well. The purpose of the call was for him to confirm any project details, we ended up talking about an hour mainly on the struggles of life and work. Like most conversations, people ask each other how they...

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When I did a good act of kindness

I was at my home just waiting for my sister to come home from school when she came home crying and I went up to her and I don't wanna tell what she said but I know it was something bad so I did everything she likes I made her food, Charged her phone so she wouldn't have to get...

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Helping people is cool!

I helped open a door for a person on a wheelchair by themselves. They had type 2 diabetes which is really hard and I know what that person feels like right now. My mom told me to go help the lady with the door while she was filling out some papers. The thing she said to me was so nice...

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Me and bus drivers

I always say hi before going to sit down to go home I say hi .... the bus driver's name then i say after I'm getting dropped off thanks for taking me home and haveing me on the bus

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The time I helped a family member with their Homework

I like to help my sister with homework and this 1 time she needed help with homework and it ended taking up my whole day,but I knew that it was the right thing to do and that the next day I could just relax. The people inspire me to be kind is my family and friends.

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Me And My Bus Drivers!

I always get along with my bus drivers. The reason why is because I'm always nice to them. I say thank you to them and when they drop me off, I tell them to have a great day! People need to spread positivity for others to be nice to them and if everyone does that, this world will be full...

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How my Best Friend was Kind to me

So, I was 4 years old at Church with my Mom & Dad, while I was waiting, the head pastor of the church and his family walk by (they knew me), then they have to go talk to someone and then me and their son start talking to each other then we became friends! Then I ask my parents if...

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The man at the market

When the supermarket clerk tallied up my groceries, it was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags when another shopper handed me a $20 bill. “Please don’t put yourself out,” I told him. “Let me tell you a story,” he said. “My mother is in the hospital with cancer. I visit her...

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One time Someone was going to class but then they dropped their stuff on the floor and I saw them pick it back up so I went over there and helped them pick them up with their stuff

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"Sharing is Caring and it never gets Boring especially when the end results are Glaring"

The attached image is from one of the Free Career Guidance classes I offer online to disadvantaged students in my locality. I try my best to help them with their career choices using the concept of "Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life." The Student involved picked up the concept with ease. He could relate the learnings...

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Bus Driver Story

One day when I was riding the bus, it was my stop and I thought I would say thank you for the ride. So as I was getting off the bus, I said "Thank you for the ride!" As I was getting down I could hear the joy in his voice as if he needed it. In the background I...

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Helping Each Other Out.

It was the first day of Art for me and we needed to get our new notebooks and add rings to them and I didn't know how to so a girl that was sitting by me, she asked if I needed help and I said yes so she helped me. It was really kind of her to help me. She...

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How i helped all of my family members in my house

It was the day after my birthday and when my brother was raging because he couldn't solve this problem so i went over and took a look i did not give him the answer but i showed him how to do the work to get the answer. for my parents they were having a tough time with the neighbors so...

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