Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story

We replaced our next door neighbour carbon monoxide alarm. It started ringing out randomly on a daily basis. Marie is an elderly lady with a hearing aid but she has quite an independent streak. We finally managed to get her to answer the door and gained enough trust to get the alarm fixed. Once the initial hurtle broken down, we...

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Hailey Omer

Whoever decided to write these negative comments about Hailey Omer on the Dirty (and I know who you are) you are insecure, and obviously jealous of her. The fact that all of you have to write negative comments about her show that you are insecure and ready to fuel your low self-esteems by blasting a person you barely know. I...

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Cedric's Mission

Everyday I like to go for a surf before work at my local surf spot, Bondi Beach in Sydney. The area is always busy with people exercising, walking, surfing, and swimming. The other day as I was stretching, I noticed an old chap walking along, plastic bag in hand, slowly walking towards me as he stopped every few metres to...

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Boomcast's Ripples

A year ago it dawned on me that social media platforms had taken a bad turn. Everywhere I looked, it was all just pictures of people’s lunch, meaningless selfies, and depressing news. I realized that I was wasting so much time scrolling down countless feeds viewing content that served no purpose. It was unbearable! It wasn’t until I came across...

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Wishing Good Fortune

Before Christmas, my son and I played Santa's elves and it was so fun! We bought a bunch of lottery tickets and placed each one in a Christmas card with a note that said, "Sending love and wishing you good fortune this Christmas! From: Your Neighbor." Then at midnight we dressed more like ninjas, rather than elves, and left the...

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We Stopped Doing Anything

Earth gives us life. The human beings that appreciate it, care for it and love it each and every day deserve our planet's life and what it provides us with to live. The human beings that don't appreciate the life, let the Co2 burn holes in the ocean and kill millions of animals, skin creatures that live here with us,...

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Personal Experiences with the Destroying Process of Earth

I just want to go over some personal experiences that have happened with me with Earth deteriorating! I told you about the time when I went to the beach and discovered the oil and how everything was dying, but I have had other experiences. One time, when I did go to the beach again, I went down and I was...

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Life... It's Either Here Or Not

It proves that even though we need a lot more people to help out and join this battle, we have a strong force already and if we add more? A battle force so strong that nothing, NOTHING can defeat it. An unbreakable brick wall, so true. I am only 11 and a half years old, but I am already so...

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Earth Needs Help Now, Before It's Too Late

Now.... I hope that you did what I suggested before on my other petition, Earth Needs Our Help, If Not, Life On Earth? Gone. You can visit it to see my suggestions and more information! I asked for that simple favor, but not for me, for Earth. I'm not spiritually connected to our planet, I just want to help it...

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I find it very sad, and frustrating, that humans are ridding themselves of humanity! I mean.... think of it this way, Earth is our home, our PLANET, it's all we have, whether it was made by God or not. People have different beliefs, everyone does and I respect that, I do. People believe Earth was created different ways and...

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Co2 Emissions Are Killing Life As We Know It And We Need To Stop That

Co2 is a deadly toxin and it makes Earth a very unhealthy and dirty place. My cousin said he went to Hong Kong and when he got off the plane, he couldn't see his hands in front of his face! They were just a blob.... surrounded by a terrible smog. When the Jurassic Dino's were wiped off the face of...

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Care About Our Planet, Appreciate What You Have Because One Day, And Soon Too, It Might All Be Gone

Look.... I have already said that Earth is dying, Sharks are being killed and finned each and every day, and it's all very important, but now....I want to just not be a downer for sec. I want to give a little guide book to anyone who needs it. Earth's rapid deterioration and the horrid greed of millions of people is...

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Earth Needs Our Help, If Not, Life On Earth? Gone.

I have mentioned before that Earth is deteriorating rapidly and needs our help, but it seems like I just can't say it enough! People are actually signing up to MOVE to MARS! We are giving up on our OWN PLANET. That just makes me.... feel terrible, icky! Yeah, that's right... ICKY. People shouldn't just give up and want to move...

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The SMALLEST Of Things Are The Foundation For The LARGEST

The microscopic plankton is providing us with more than half of all our oxygen. The coral reefs are giving homes to millions of sea creatures, some invisible to the naked eye. Or maybe, the invisible is only visible to whom who care? Think about that for a second. I have said before that marine creatures and the ocean itself is...

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Life On Earth.... Gone

Earth is our home, it is everything we have. I can't even list what is provides us. Life. Life is what Earth provides us with and it makes me sickened to think some people just don't care! They throw it all away. I am 11 years old turning 12 in June and like I said in one of my other...

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Sharks Aren't The Predators Anymore, We Are.

Sharks are beautiful creatures and one of the most important species in marine wildlife ecosystems! They are also very endangered and one of the most misunderstood animals on Earth. Sharks are deadly creatures with slicing sharp teeth and huge eyes that can see everything, even some things humans can't. They have sleek fins that slice through the water with a...

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Realizing Small Kindnesses

I never realized how often I was committing random acts of kindness until I found this organization. Now that I'm aware, I commit myself to doing them more often than I ever have before. Here are some examples:

- When I'm out and about doing daily errands, I hold doors open for elderly people coming through those doors. Sometimes I...

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The Magic Ball

I am a mom of an Autistic child and, although he is high-functioning, when something sets him off, it can be epic. One day we had one of those epic afternoons as he was tired and overwhelmed. We just left the grocery store where he did not get the candy he asked for or a toy and he was just...

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Encouraging Posts

I randomly received a Facebook message today from a woman I barely know that said, "I just wanted to let you know the quotes you put on Facebook really help me, becase they are so positive. I was just diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and often times the quotes you put up make my day a lot better. It might seem...

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Good afternoon, mr bus driver!

I handed my ticket and said 'good afternoon' to the bus driver. He stopped. Looked at me for 2 seconds. And said 'Twenty people entered this bus, and none of them said a word to me. Good afternoon to you too, kid.'

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my first newsletter

Hi, I just received this Random Acts of kindness newsletter today from a fellow colleague. I am a retired attorney who started out as an educator. I enjoy teaching and even though I no longer do it as a profession, I welcome the opportunity to teach my grandchildren, youth and senior adults at my church. This newsletter really put a...

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Magdaline Martinez ( Story ) ! ! !

Dec. 10,1990 - We Had Our Home We Were Renting Burn Down To Propane Explosion; ( Our Neighbors Propane Was Filled A Week B4 Our Tank. There Tank Is Small Our Tank Was Big. They New Worker Put Our Propane Into Our Neighbors Tank That Was Already Filled Up And During That Day Our Neighbors Tank Exploded Wrapped Around The...

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Volunteer With Your Church

my church has a program called road crew. we go out one Saturday of the month and give meals to the homeless. this is a great idea because the homeless can rely on at least one meal a week. it is so gratifying to see their faces light up when you give them their meal.

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Seeing Below The Surface

Twenty years ago when I was in prison, my job was that of a teacher. I was assigned to help a young 23 year-old-man who was very rowdy, angry, and completely out of control. Everyone called him all kinds of names and he was termed dangerous and a social outcast. Initially, he would not talk to me so I decided...

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One Way Out

I have a very brief story and photo to submit.  How do I submit it? Also how do I find my user name in the huge lisst below?

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Klatzkin & Company is Making Random People Smile in NJ and PA

Klatzkin & Company LLP (Klatzkin), an accounting and consulting firm, has been making random people smile with its "85 Ways, 85 Days: Random Acts of Klatzkin" initiative in honor of the firm’s 85th anniversary throughout Mercer County, New Jersey, and Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where its two offices are located.

“We are having a lot of fun surprising people with a...

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Hey, You're Amazing!

I have suffered from depression and anxiety my whole life and until recently, I didn't know why. My childhood was rough. I was born to teen parents who didn't stay together long after I was born and my family, while I still tell myself had the best intentions, turned their focus away from the abusive situation my mother had brought...

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Random Acts of Kindness week at Harmony Science Academy

Our elementary school in Fort Worth, Texas, celebrated RAK week a week early due to scheduling issues. Each day we had a "theme" which was shared on the announcements. Monday was "All Kind Words" Day, Tuesday was "Look People in the Eye and Smile" Day, Wednesday was "Pick up Trash" Day, Thursday was "Share Notes of Kindness with Everyone" Day,...

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Focusing on Others

Valentine's Day of 2016 was extremely difficult for me. A few days before I had found out that my long-term boyfriend was sleeping with someone else and the relationship ended. I was feeling very sorry for myself on Valentine's Day. As I walked into the grocery store, there was a homeless man sitting in the parking lot holding a sign. His...

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