Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Buying Groceries

If you have an elderly neighbor, stop by on your way to the grocery store and ask if you can bring them anything they might need.

My neighbor, a single elderly woman in her late 70’s who walked with a cane, was rear-ended in a traffic accident. Although she was shaken and sore, she would be okay after undergoing a...

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Mom Turned Kindness Advocate

Veronica Mollica, Cyber Security Recruiter

More than anything else in the world, kindness matters most to me. 

Everything we think, say, and do matters; the choice to be kind, moment-to-moment, affects how we feel.  As a mom, I am always looking for ways to teach my kids the profound power of kind thoughts toward themselves, kind words towards others, and...

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Light someone' day

I have always liked doing more for people because I believe God did not bring us into the world to walk around in heels and just drive expensive cars, we are blessed to be a blessing...and I know for sure that I am here today because someone was kind enough to pay for my college fees because my mom could...

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Raising Funds and Food

For about a year now, I've been helping out a Philadelphia soup kitchen called Grace Cafe. It's run by the Arch Street United Methodist Church in central Philly. I found out about it through a Philadelphia volunteering website. I was hooked on it from the first time I went. They give out around 200 meals every Sunday to those who...

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Love through RAK

Had the privilege of doing a RAK with a small group of people from our Church this past Christmas. We randomly paid for people's thing I've done in a while! We meet once a week to show love through some kind of RAK toward those who live in our Hartland community. 💕

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Feeding homeless in Seattle

Hi everyone, There is nothing like the joy of giving. And who deserves act of kindness than the ones more misfortune than us? I am planning to start a new tradition - picking up 20-30 buns (with meat, veggies, and custard) from international district on Saturday at 3pm, and to have a nice walk to Westlake area and give away...

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Story #1

Today while I was shopping at Sam's (it's like Walmart) a random employee came up to me, gave me a rose and said," I think you should have this and walked away. " This made me feel so happy and good. The earth is a wonderful and full of kind people!!!!

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Coffee for my Customer

I am a banker and recently had an elderly woman come in who had overdrawn her account by $6.25. She wanted to correct the overdraft and began counting her change. I heard her mention that she had wanted to buy coffee with her change. I deposited her money, gave her a receipt, and then I asked her to wait one...

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I am a banker and recently had an elderly woman come in who had overdrawn her account by $6.25. She wanted to correct the overdraft and began counting her change. I heard her mention that she had wanted to buy coffee with her change. I deposited her money, gave her a receipt and then I asked her to wait one...

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Kindness: The Snowball Effect

There was a man that walked down the street every day with a hard hat on and his lunchpailin hand, headed to work. One day, a lady stopped and asked why he had to walk to work every day. The man explained that he did not have a driver's license because he had bad eye sight. The woman gave the...

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I am a junior in high school and I'm sixteen years old. I know what it feels like to be bullied, depressed, and anxiety filled. I know what it feels like to be not good enough or below average, most, if not all of the people at school never failed to remind me. I get it, and I want to...

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A Father and Son Change The World Through Music

My blind and autistic son, Pauly, is my motivation and "Hero".

Since Pauly cannot see and talk, we've relied on music to soothe and calm him. I know firsthand the power and happiness that music gives to Pauly and we want to bring that same joy to others.

My son has inspired me to start "Pauly's Project," which distributes 1000s of...

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Changing The World One Coffee At a Time

My name is John M. Sweeney. I’m the founder and Chief Kindness Officer of a worldwide social movement called Suspended Coffees. 

I’m a misfit, a Kindness Coach, a storyteller, and a teacher of kindness.

For me, kindness has not only changed my life, it's also saved it....

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bullying madness it never stops

I had a friend and by the same bully she got name called and bothered by everyone in class to make her go faster and now also they keep doing it and she feels hurt and doesn't do a thing about it how odd

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bullying madness

one time a girl that was doing very well in school but then a boy started making fun of her name then signs then the girl told the teacher but then the boy said she should of stayed QUIET and none of this would ever happen the girl stood up and tell a grown up and felt as happy as...

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My Story

In India, being the first born to an ambitious father, always looked up to him, observing the discipline, values and honesty. Could see him multiply his fortune rapidly. At age 14, I was subjected to see my father’s almost mutilated body, stabbed brutally by his business partners. Raised by a single uneducated mother since then, could see the struggle she...

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Duckory - The Lost Toy

I'm the chairperson of our local school's PTA. One of my team members has a great relationship with our local recycling centre and they keep soft toys for her. These toys go in our Christmas Fayre Soft Toy Tombola. Last week I was going through a huge sack of toys, and right at the bottom was a little grey duckling....

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Chinese girl got her gift in No Fill

Today is my first time to go to No Fill, when I went to the cashier I had just knew they just accept the debate and cash, and I didn't have cash so I replied to the cashier in my unfluent English embrasely "just cancel it.." The handsome guy who was standing behind he said,"no worries, I 'll pay for...

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a father gives a poor man some food and cloth in the winter

The father, Jerimal Fixin, gave a poor man some Indian food when he found him shivering and staring. Gratefully, the poor man thanked him several times. The father responded, "It's okay. A man has to do what a man should do." He handed an old blanket to the poor man, who was wearing only a plain shirt and ripped jeans....

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The girl who was a bully

There once was a girl who was a bully some kids were scared of here some was not but one day there was a new kid in school one of the kids to her that she needs to move out of the way there is a bully comeing down the hallway so the girl did but be for she moved...

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Best Birthday Ever

Last year I decided to tell my family that I didn't want or need anything for my birthday, except that they think of a way to share a kindness in their world in my honor. My two adult children and my husband all did something different and wonderful.

During the week of my birthday, my husband, a teaching golf pro,...

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Coffee for the Teachers

I am a huge lover of coffee and know for a fact that my son's teachers are, as well. I have been trying to bring them in a coffee whenever I go into the classroom for something to show them my appreciation for all of their hard work and dedication.

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Abby & Hannah's RAOK

On January 10, 2015, lifelong best friends Abby Liefer, 19, and Hannah Porter, 20, were the victims of a fatal car crash on a rural highway outside of Red Bud, Illinois, when an approaching underage drunk driver crossed the center line and hit them head on.

My name is Alison; Abby was my little sister. She was only 19 years...

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Two Millennials Create Kindness Experiment

Realizing that we're two self-centered millennials, often focused on what’s ahead instead of what’s around us, we created a series of 12 steps as a way to become kinder, more empathetic people.

Based on 12-step programs designed to change behaviors, we took a vow to complete this 12-month resolution last January, one step per month. We’ve also...

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Meet Madison: Founder of Peach's Neet Feet

My name is Madison Peach Steiner. I am the founder of Peach's Neet Feet and, after almost five years of running a non-profit based on the platform of kindness and the science of caring, I see the world through a lens of compassion. I believe one act of kindness can be the foundation for great change in the world. 


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Wake-Up Call

A couple of years ago, I was introduced to a wonderfully great initiative called “Random Act of Kindness Week”. The name speaks for itself; it’s a call to action to show kindness, in some capacity, for 7 days. There is a foundation in Denver that spearheads this directive. Its charge is to take this week to step out of your...

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How I Turned My Life Into a Platform for Kindness

In 2011, I began posting daily self-thought "Happiness is" quotes on my personal Facebook page. Fast forward five years and I have turned a simple status into an initiative for goodness.

The Smile Project has become my passion project. I currently run all forms of social media as well as the website. I conduct merchandise sales and go to speaking...

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Kindness is the Best Medicine

My friend was standing in line to buy some medicine she needed, but when the cashier told her the price, my friend was surprised to find that she was a few dollars short. She asked if she could leave and come back for the medicine since she did have more money at home. Before the cashier could reply, however, the...

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My Dad: Kindness Hero

My father Gale is 82 years old now. I recently learned about his random act of kindness that happened more than 60 years ago. I wept as my mother told me the story.

She began, "You know your father will never tell you this, but I want you to know when you and your sister were...

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My Success Is Defined by Kindness

My name is James. I’m 27 years old and a Development Practitioner living in Mzuzu, Malawi.  

My career involves working with people in rural communities. Most of the people I work with are poor and live on less than a dollar a day. All of my childhood life, I wished to work as a banker. However all this changed...

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