Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Jetting Around The World

A few years ago, my husband and I started writing a series of childrens books called "Jett Around the World". The series is about a boy who travels to a different city in each book, with the intention of teaching kids about the world around them. What started as a business idea quickly evolved and the social worker in me urged us...

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Encouraging Her Journey

Have you ever come across someone who really made you smile? Someone who you really resonated with? I experienced this today and just had to share with everyone as I really believe we need to highlight these things in life.

Today I ran into such a wonderful person in a fast food restaurant in Mississauga, Ontario. I was out for...

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My Kind Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy International Random Act of Kindness Week!  I've planned to combine the two and, being joined by my helpful nephew Callum, I have all the ingredients for the sweetest Valentine’s Day ever! I’ve been planning this ever since my Random Act of Christmas Kindness. One of my favourite kindness acts so far, I loved choosing what to...

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Taking It All For Granted

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I woke up to -9 degrees outside. Scrolling through social media, I saw that a friend had posted about some things a homeless shelter needed. As I sat in my warm house, I became upset with myself for taking heat for granted. I got dressed and went right to the store. I took all the...

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Partnering in Kindness

Last December I decided that I needed to do more to spread kindness as the world around me seemed to be so filled with negativity and anger. So, I started a 2015 Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) group and my friends jumped on board. Every day for the month of December, we all found ways to spread kindness. Sometimes it...

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Honesty Matters

I was at the beach one day. When I came back to my car, I found a big white scratch down the side of it. There was a note on my windscreen apologising for it and providing the phone number of the person responsible. Just the note alone was enough for me to know what I was going to do....

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Story Title Goes Here

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My first experience with RAK

February 14 - 20, 2016 is designated Random Acts of Kindness week. No, it's not another Hallmark creation to move RAK greeting cards, nor has Laura Secord launched a new line of choccies just in time for RAK. It's a creation brought to my attention by my cousin-in-law, Steffi Black.

Kate, Gabriel, Samuel, and I have been the recipients of...

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The Happiness Ninja

Early one morning in June 2015, I awoke with a fabulous idea: to buy a ninja costume, dress up in it, and conduct random acts of kindness on the streets. I did and continue to still do!

My first RAK was in Townsille, North Queensland, Australia. I handed out free bottles of water to people on top of Castle Hill,...

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Valentine’s Day is Sunday. Isn’t that a great holiday? A holiday dedicated to showing our loved ones how much they mean to us. We have St. Valentine, an early Christian martyr, to thank for it. His letter to a young girl, before he was executed, is one of the alleged origins of this day. Valentine’s Day, now, for the most...

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Breakfast for nolan

We woke up early when mommy and daddy were asleep. We were starving, so I would make a waffle for Nolan and a waffle for me.

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The act of kindness that I never expected

I was out shopping for my dad. She let me go by myself, so that meant I could listen to my music on my phone. Depressing, ~sad~ music. I was very depressed, thinking that the world was completely messed up and generally feeling really sad and worried. I arrived at the shopping centre and went to buy what my dad...

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I had purchased an article from a catalog that turned out to be the wrong size. I went to the post office to return the package and I overheard the clerk say she would like some pizza. The clerk was very friendly and helpful by telling me I would save a lot of money if I use a return label....

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Changing the way you fight cancer, one plan at a time

Hello! My name is Sharon Kim and after my mom passed away from cancer, I quit my job to dedicate my life to creating a tool that would help those that are still in this fight. God has blessed me with this tremendous opportunity to bring a one of a kind cancer planner called CanPlan to life, and I have...

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Gave a free coffee away

I purchased my coffee for the day, and found that I had a free coffee on my reward card, so gave it to the next person in line. She was surprised and excited and thanked me. Very random but worth the smile from the other customer

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I started an initiative within our organization on affordable quality education in our local area dubbed 100 charity club derived from a Ksh. 100.00 is equivalent to 1 US$. People contribute a dollar to educate poor children in secondary school after 8 years of primary education. With such acts of kindness from people around the world we have been able...

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Thank you

I would like to thank Whitespace yoga studio for their random act of kindness this morning. We were given a surprise gift, to reward our dedication to improving the quality of our lives through breathing: our most readily accessible resource. The gift was a delicious "Conscious" organic raw chocolate attached to a #RAKtag. This is how I discovered the random...

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Keeping People Dry

I carry plastic ponchos in my car plus I had some yellow rubber raincoats from my father in law's things after her died. I took them down to the Community Kitchen on a rainy day and gave them out to people who were getting soaked.

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The beginning of #FastPositivity

I am originally from Minot, ND and am 27 years old. I used to battle anxiety and it was so bad that I was afraid to be in my own house when night came. My husband and I lost our house to the Minot flood in 2011 and lived in a fema trailer for a year while we rebuilt. I...

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Saved From the Freezing Walk

Yesterday morning, as I was driving home on the icy streets and the temperature being in the low 20s, I saw a kid walking. He was only wearing a sweater and was completely red, rubbing his hands together for warmth. I noticed he was wearing a McDonalds hat. I drove past because, with how the world is, nothing is safe anymore....

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Warming the Homeless

I was going to Disney On Ice this past week with my mom and sister. When we got close to the parking garage, I noticed a homeless man sitting by a light pole. My mom and sister looked out and him and said he was holding a sign, but we were unsure of what it said since he was facing...

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Mia Chanel DeJesus

The story of Mia Chanel DeJesus motivated me to find something good to do and share with the world. Mia you are brave and beautiful to take your story public. I believe in kindness and even when people are mean I will still be kind. It's not easy, but you will show the way to those who are lost.

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The Streets of New York

On this hot Monday morning in New York City as my routine always is, I got up early, got dressed, got on my train heading downtown, and was off to work. For having been in the city only a few months, I’ve picked up an astounding amount of traits that distinguish New Yorkers from the rest of the world. A...

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August 3, 2015

On this hot Monday morning in New York City, as my routine requested, I got up early, got dressed, got on my train heading downtown and was off to work. For having been here only a few months I’ve picked up an astounding amount of traits that distinguish New Yorkers from the rest of the world. A professional at dodging...

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Hug a Stranger

Back in November, my husband was taking treatments at the hospital twice a day. One day I dropped him off and went to park the car. As I was walking into the hospital a lady was leaving. She had an odd look on her face but was composed. As I walked up to her, for some reason I asked her if...

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Passing It On

My first experience of someone sharing a random act of kindness with our family was in the drive-thru of Tim Hortons. We pulled up and took our dozen donuts from the cashier. She then told us that the car in front of us had already paid for our order! I was speechless! My kids and I decided to do the...

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100 Cans for 100 Days

Our kindergarten students here at West Bainbridge Elementary School in Bainbridge, GA participated in the "100 Cans for 100 Days" on the 100th Day of School. Our students collected over 100 cans and they donated them to two local food banks.

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Serving the Platypus

Most Autism parents can relate to what I call "the short list". This is a mental list of restaurants where we can go as a family and actually ENJOY ourselves. This is not to say restaurants post a "no special needs allowed" sign outside their door but, from what we've witnessed, they might as well. This story is not about the...

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60 Seconds to Kindness

Who is the Kindness Junkie and why did she start 60 Seconds to Kindness?

I'm Tae and I've overcome 25 years of physical and personal challenges. At the age of 27, doctors discovered a congenital kidney defect which resulted in surgery on both kidneys, lifelong impairment to kidney function, and the inability to carry a baby. Then came three surgeries to...

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Penpals with Kiddos

Send a letter or card in the mail to a child (your own child, niece, nephew, grandchild, or godchild). They love to get mail and it will brighten their day!

Do you remember when you were a kid and your job was to go down to the mailbox to collect the mail? I do! I was always so excited and...

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