Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Sneaking in...

Hi when I went to visit my friend who had a daughter I saw that she was out of groceries. She was struggling and I knew that she needed help. Yep I was nosy. So while she was out I went to the store and bought a bunch of groceries. I snuck in her house with the key she gave...

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My parent's are in my mind

My parent's are the best. They would do anything for me they are very important in life. The most important it is a secure and solid pillar of my life. They teach and influence me to do right things, to go on the right path which has left me to remember the time when I had great difficulty and stress...

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Happy children

Hi, my name is Lisa. I am 13. At the beginning of last week we started a period of good deeds, because February 17 in many countries marks the Day of Random Acts of Kindness. One of our deeds was to visit the children's rehabilitation center. There are children with mental disorders or children from disadvantaged families. I was happy...

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The 45 Stones

The 45 Stones “Every little help creates stepping stones of success.” Sometimes, the person who comes in your most trying moment is not the person you expect at all. I grew up in West Africa as a middle child of eight children in a society where girl education was considered a liability. As I look back into my life, many...

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snow day

I hae alot of elderly neighbors in their sixties and high so me and my aunt both said why dont we help the elderly neighbors and shovel their drive lanes and steps so they dont fall and hurt them or break a bone and i did not ask for any money.

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Helping a injured senior cover his fare home

My parents were both in severe car accident on Valentines day 2021 both were admitted to Sarasota Memorial hospital. My mother was admitted but my father was discharged late that evening after being seen in the ER. He had none to pick him up quickly, so he asked a front desk security guard to call a local taxi company to...

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Being Kind is Cool

Before Covid-19 I would go around and tell people that they are cool (just at school ,not strangers). I know this might not seem such a big act of kindness but some people might really had needed it. No matter how big or small an act of kindness is, someone else will really appreciate it. :)

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Helping a coworker

One of my coworkers had a daughter who was sick in the hospital. She was losing her hair and the doctors struggled to find out what was wrong. To help my coworker I made her and her family baked ziti and bought the daughter some cute headbands she could wear. My coworker and her daughter were so thankful. I still...

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Helping my neighbor

My neighbor broke her leg and I was wanted to give her some flowers but didn't not have any money, however, I cooked her a home-cooked meal.

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me trying to remain positive

once upon a time there was a little boy named lb one day he was doing virtual school stuff and he got really stressed about it during science class and he cried and complain his grandparents complained about him but he is trying to remain positive every single day including today which is exactly what I'm doing right now the...

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Absent no problem

One day i was in school and someone in my class was absent their pencil box fell out of their desk and materials splattered out. I rushed over to the other side of the room and put all the materials back.

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Doing your Part

Everyone can be kind and everyone has a part to play. But how do you find your part. Well, you can think of what you can do that others can't or are just unwilling to do. For me, that's computers. Then you can take that and find how you can use it to help. For example, teaching others or being...

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Nick Nice

One day nick was playing a game with his friend Jaxon and then they wanted to go out side and play football. It has been a 3 hours later and they were still together and then a big bully came up and said to nick that if he did not give him his football in one day he would do...

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A Small Gift

One time my friend was having a really bad week, and it happened to also be testing week. She was getting really stressed so I decided to buy her a few small gifts throughout the rest of the week. So each day if she was having a hard time, I'd give her a small chocolate/candy, or a nice note. I...

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Community Helper

I know my mom has been stressing out with these times now. She helps out the community a lot I wrote her a letter that shes caring, smart, and brave and reasons why she is because she should've got some credit.

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It all started when a person was sad because his friend broke up with him. I talked to him and told him it is okay and everything will be fine. And I told him this. "I want you to know that whatever happens to you, you will always value the same. No matter what, I want you to share this...

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The time I helped someone with homework

So I was in class and someone didn't know how to do something on the homework so he asked me for help so I helped him

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The day my dad came to cheer me up

When I played with my mom and dad I was a little girl and my bro was born and I was 5 years old and they only played with my little bro and I was sad but then my dad came to cheer me up.

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My kindness story

I help my grandma when she needs help, make someone smile,hug someone and say i say thank you when someone help me,someone gives me something.

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Giving a random person a gift

I was outside, watering the plants for my grandparents. I heard a little girl crying outside, she was crying and then walked back in her house with tears still rolling down her cheeks. I didn't think much at first, but then I decided to write her a small card. I wrote a thank you letter to her and her family...

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I helping my grandma with the groceries.

I stopped watching television for a second and went outside to help my grandma get the groceries out of the car and she smiled at me and gave me a hug after we were done.

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The bike fall

I was riding my bike and fell on gravel and this man and woman came up to me and said "are you okay?" They pored water on my skin and got a napkin. They helped me up and I rode away.

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I helped my family

I helped my brother with his work. I help my mom by listening to her. I help my dad by reminding him to get something when we go to a store

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that one friendly chat

i am a 4th grader and this is how i befriended mt neighbors one time a neighbor got my ball and we became fiends but turns out he knew another neighbor then me and my brother saw two more neighbors then we became all friends

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The time i cheered up my mom.

My mom was sad in her bed crying and i heard her so i went over to her and gave her a big cuddly hug and laid with her for about five minutes.

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the time that helped a friend out

these boys were being mean they took away this boy's ball and they started kicking it around I came in and I catched it and I gave it to him

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Be kind and help other people who need help. :)

One time my sister was sad and she could not find her stuff and i helped here and she was happy that I helped her find something. =3

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I helped my sister.

When my sister was sad because she wanted me to play with her, but I was busy doing stuff. But I felt kinda bad for her, so I took a break. She got cheered up and I felt good again.

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Examples of Random Acts of Kindness

I've seen some acts of kindness that have inspired me to do them, but I haven't, but someday I will. I want to share some ways we, as a community, can do Random Acts of Kindness. Example 1: Greet someone with a smile. Have you seen anyone having a bad day? Don't avoid them, cheer them up. Something as simple...

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