Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Letters From Uncle Louie members

The pandemic and 2020 left a lot of us struggling, with fear, loneliness, worry. I found myself in July suffering from newfound health anxiety. I remembered when I help others, I’m healed in return. How could I help others when volunteering is not allowed. I came up with an idea. To write letters to nursing homes to make seniors smile....

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Generations of kindness

My mom taught my sisters and I to help others whenever possible and to always treat others with kindness. It is a lesson I've carried close to my heart, practiced it every day, and have passed it onto my own children. I've taught them kindness comes in many forms and I'm proud to say they don't let any opportunity to...

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I was walking down the street when a woman feel over and dropped all her stuff she was carrying first I asked if she was ok then I helped her up also I picked up her stuff to help her out and that was MY RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS.

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The Kindness Rock

I was going out for a walk in the green cool moving grass, then I tripped on a something. There I see was a rock, now a normal looking rock. It was a kind rock.

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store money

I was just finished going to the store with my mom only, and we heard some REALLY GOOD MUSIC. We thought that it was someone's radio until when we went to our car, a man was playing the music! There was a sign behind the man that my mom told me to give him a dollar and see what the...

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People can do normal acts of kindness, like helping his grandfather, his grandmother, but not all the people can do with our friends and us. 3 years ago all of us wanted to help study cancer, so we organised a little “shop” of old toys that we were not used to winning money to gived to the investigation of cancer....

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My mon is the person who inspires me to be a better person. She is one of the kindness women that I know. She always thinks about others and sometimes even end up forgetting about herself. I had a friend that passed through a lot at school, she was always crying over something and even tho I'm not good with...

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Let someone find money in a store

Once i went grocery shopping and decided to makes someone's day a bit better. So i left a 20 € bill with a post-it note saying "today is your lucky day" One of the worker found it, looked around and decided to help someone with their grocery shopping, giving them the 20 € bill. It filled me with so much...

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Love my Parents!

Every morning I notice how hard my parents work to make me food. I really wanted to help them somehow and show them that I am very thankful. I decided to make them breakfast. I made some pancakes, scrambled eggs, and a fruit salad. I do not know how to cook like my parents, but I tried my best. I...

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Act of kindness

Someone drop there stuff on the floor and i help them pick some of the stuff up it’s a act of kindness

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kindness will stay forever

The was a time when me and my friends was walking and we saw a an elder trying to carrying their bags my friends didn't know what to do so they went to go and find a adult to help the elder when they were doing that i went to help the elder with their bags and get them in...

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Love my Job

When the pandemic hit people lost jobs every where and they where not able to go to the store or anything. I still was able to travel back and forth because I am a PCA for my family members. So I would help others that could not travel to the store because their family member is sick or they had...

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Wants upon a time there was a little girl who lived with her grandma and her dad came and then they were eating and right after they were done eating the dad dosideit he wold stay over in the morning the dad dosideit he would live with them forever so he sold his house the dad did that so his...

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Not everyone has the same "normal"

My Mother works with the mentally disable. She has a lot of different people that she serves. Sometimes they come to our house when she is working with them and we all might go out to the store or to eat and a lot of people stare when they make a funny noise or do something that doesn't make sense....

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kindness will stay forever

I remember when I was little there was a man who had trouble with carrying a lot of stuff my friends didn't know what to do so the went to get help , But when they left I went to the an and helped with some heavy stuff he had

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Helping someone pick up there things

me & my auntie was at the grocery store around shopping. When this lady had a hand full of items . Standing in line one slipped so they all slipped &so I decided too help her pick up her stuff

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help my mom and brother

what i’m going to do for kindness is that i will be helping my mom at her work place or that i will help my brother with picking up stuff from work.

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Helping out

We are in Cornwall and loads of kind things happen here. Alex helps his grandfather load the wood cart and his grandfather always says “WOW!” (Probably because it’s a HUGE cart). Kevin likes that his friend Jenn helps him go shopping for clowns in thrift stores all over. (Not the scary kind of clown). And Matt helps his grandmother load...

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The case on the beach

When I was 4-5 years old, my family went to rest at the sea. It was Turkey or Greece. I don't remember. My family settled down and went swimming. But they didn't let me in, the weather was bad. I was walking along the beach and did not notice that I had moved very far. I was very scared and...

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The best mom I could ask for !!

My mom left me and my sibleings for some guy , my sisters and me had no idea how to do hair or other stuff my dad did not know . My dad started dating a woman named Dawn . For a year know she has helped us learn stuff our dad could not teach . She is the best...

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Knights in shining armour

Huge thanks to DM Builders who helped me today at Wickes, Wakefield. Initially, they kindly offered to help me put the sheet of plasterboard into my car but once they realised it wouldn’t safely fit, they put it in their truck and delivered it to my home. Knights in shining armour helping out a damsel in distress. Random kindness from...

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You can't take it with you

I worked jobs where I made alot of money. Enough weekly that I had all I needed. And ine day a homeless man came up to me and asked for a dollar, I made enough to five much more then a dollar. So I reached into my pocket and all I had was $100 bills. Alot. So I gave it...

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I was at the grocery store, and I went in without thinking I’d need a cart. I was picking up some food that my mom had asked me to get, and after getting almost everything my hands were full. So I’m standing in front of the apples, looking pretty dumb as I try and adjust everything in my hands so...

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SuperKindness In Action

I was going to eat out one night with my friends, but when I arrived, I realized I had forgotten money. As all of my friends began ordering food, I stood there awkwardly, until a woman I hardly even know, realizing my predicament, walked over and bought me an entire meal and paid for it all. It's a real...

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Spread of word changed the wellbeing of a family

I remember the days when I looked out of my hostel's room window and saw a “street vendor’s family” struggling to look after 2 kids everyday. A few days passed and one day I was just walking by their tent (where a family of 4 lives) and strike a conversation with the mother. As I was a development studies student,...

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The Great Trombone Encouragement

The decade of 2020 has been rough. This two-part disaster film has had its ups and downs, but one of the biggest stress relievers for any good lad is marching band, or so we thought. Turns out the stress from 2020 carried over into marching band. As the Trombone section leader, I was supposed to make sure that the section...

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Family Related Story

We're all used to joking around and being intentionally mean to our siblings because, well, they're our siblings. But that doesn't mean that we're allowed to bully our siblings as much as we want all day long. Recently, I've reflected at how I acted and decided to relax a bit. I realized that they didn't wear that smile they wore...

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I've been having my lunch, when I saw a homeless entering the resto, asking for a water to drink, the restore give him a water to drink and that's nice to see. After my lunch, I packed my extra food and when I am at the door, I handed it to the homeless and told him, it is for your...

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Volunteering at Elmhurst York Pantry

Masonic Pilipinas Lodge #1180, a new partner of EYFP, have been volunteering at the pantry one Saturday a month. During their last shift on February 13, they came bearing food and monetary donations as well. Thank you for supporting our community.

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Food for thought

I was at the local mall. After buying a couple of things a man walks up to me and says "Can I ask you a question?" I was on guard instantly. He said " I got some food from my boss, would you like some?" Thinking it was a scam, i replied, truthfully " Sorry bro, but I'm broke." he...

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