Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
My mom

My mom has been having back pains. So I am decided that I would help around the house more doing chores. Like l put the dishes away more and make my mom‘s bed because she can’t bend over, or stand too long.

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My grandpa, my sister, and I go to Mc.Donalds together all the time. One time, we saw a homeless man outside that asked someone for money, so that he could buy a sandwich and a drink. Before we left, we went back inside and bought him two sandwiches and the largest drink they had. When we gave it to him,...

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Showing Thanks To Our Hard Working Delivery Drivers

I've moved into a new home, so I've been getting a ton of deliveries every other day. I thought about the hard working delivery men and women that come to my door and wanted to show my appreciation for the hard work they all do. My daughter and I went out shopping and bought some snacks, mints and candy along...

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Whenever my friends are hungry I always try my best to meet their needs. Whether it’s giving them a piece of mine or giving them money for them to buy food. I always try to keep them satisfied without a worry of remaining hungry.

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Sam and the new girl

Once upon a time there was a girl named Sam that was jealous of everyone around her. Sam started to become a bully over time, she called everyone mean names and made fun of them. But one day, a new girl came, and Sam made fun of the new girl unlike the other kids she did not run, cry or...

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be you 👧🏽👦🏽

when you get made fun of just walk away and be your self . many people try to change you then they won and you lost. when someone is bulling you and hurting you fight back or walk away. IF someone's just calling you names that's because they are gelise so just walk away . no one will bother you...

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I go to my mom’s preschool to volunteer. And I help the kids that are scared of certain things. Some kids have mental disabilities so I help them throughout the day. I help go to sleep for nap time and play with them outside so they feel happy.

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Smaller Acts of Kindness

I always try to do good for others. Whether it be for a homeless person or someone who loves the beach, I wish everyone the best when they are being kind. For example, I have started doing community service hours more from cleaning the beach to helping create free food boxes. I advise others to their own smaller, random acts...

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be kind

as a child i was very shy and never really wanted to go out or interact. one day i went to this new place, and i knew nobody. all of the sudden this girl walks up to me and says "hi, youre really pretty. whats your name. " and that completly made my day. we ended up talking for hours...

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A Random act of Kindness

One day during school hours a friend dropped some books and folders. During the transition time, I passed by and helped a friend in need. I helped pick up his books and folders so he could make it to class on time. Any small act of kindness is bigger than you think. ALways appreciate acts of kindness by other people.

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My Neighbor

I have a very young neighbor that I play with every week together because I want to help him learn to have and play with other kids.

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Troubles With The Mail

Some years ago, my mom and I went to pick up a very important package in the mail. When we got to the front desk, after waiting in line, the worker only spoke English. My mom doesn't speak English and I am usually the one that has to provide a rough translation. However, I could not translate my mom's words...

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Weird Guy

This guy was the weird kid in the school and he was very quiet so i asked him what was wring and he opened up to after that he would always open up to me after that when there was something wrong.

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When you are walking outside, just state nice comments about someone for example "I like your hair" or "I like your smile". Simple things like that can make someone's day. I usually try to say nice things to make someone's day. This really isn't a story but it something that you can do or laern from.

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My kindness others

I went on a trip to Boston and for the entire trip I helped my family and others I didn't know. I hold a door for many people, helped my parents with the luggage, and was nice to my family that let us stay in their house. On the last day we went snowboarding and as I walked to my...

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There was once a homeless man begging for change on a street, it had been raining all night and nobody was giving him anything. We had just gotten Pollo Tropical and had extra rolls. We have the warm rolls to the man and he greatly appreciated it since it was a hard time for him and this really helped him.

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Burger King

On Friday 2 weeks ago, we were in a drive-through line for Burger King. Me and my brother got milkshakes. When we came to the counter, the cashier told us that the person in front of us had paid for us. She said it had gone on for 6 times. So my mom then paid for the person behind us,...

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my way of kindness

last year i was in the cafateria eating and there where a group of kids and they were surrounding him and started talking about his shoes so i was stupid enough to follow what they were doing and i said something i shouldn't have said because no matter what it doesnt matter where u get your shoes from so i...

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all about kindness

Once there was a little girl she was 8 or 9 years old and there was this one boy and there were other people who were doing this with the girl so everybody started talking about him and then she decided to join and sayed where did you get your shoes from walmart and he told and we all got...

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Thanking our Mail Carrier

We have had some winter weather, but the mail carrier is still going strong! We left a thank you note of appreciation along with a gift card for our mail person today. We included #makekindnessthenorm on the gift card to help encourage the spread of kindness even further!

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when I helped my dad on a garden box

One day my dad was making a garden box for our front yard and I decided to help him. So I helped him and we had a great time. I helped with the measurements and after that I felt great knowing that we finished it and I had helped.

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the fun run

Once every year we have this fun run thing at our school. (royal kicks run) and me, my friend and somebody from another class were all running with each other but then somebody in front of us fell and scraped their knee real bad. we were running on a side walk so the gravel get her a rub burn to,...

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Kindness Counts

My story of Kindness: My mom was being very rude about my Dad helping me with my lamp and she thought that he was going to do all the work for me ( which doesn't happen) and we had this huge “discussion” ( more like argument ) and me and my dad, once we finished my lamp, we started to...

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before covid 19 my friend needed help with thier homework so i helped them and she understood the problem.

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when i helped someone out

in third grade this student didn't know English so i helped him get help and understand what he had to do

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When I didn't have anything else to give...

Last year, my elderly neighbor fell and broke her hip and the first thing I was thinking, "maybe nice flowers could brighten her mood" but I had no money for that. However, I was cooking a hot meal for my kids that day and decided to make my neighbor a plate as well. That warmed my heart that she accepted...

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helping is great

When you help someone you don't know how it feels to them but let me tell you when i help [people] i feel good and they feel better. We all should be kind because if your mean and someone's being mean to you would you like it NO. So be nice please. I help out everywhere or even try...

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Who is my "one"

One of my "ones" is my pet bunny, Mocha. She makes me feel comfortable, she is always there for me, and she always makes my life a lot better. I pledge to keep her safe and sound in my house and going outside because you never know what she will do next.

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A hug that meant everything

My 4 year old grandson noticed I was sad, so he walked over and gave me the most biggest cuddly hug. I said 'Thank you that was very kind of you" :)

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When I was in kindergarten somebody didn’t had a pencil and I gave them one of mine so they can do the work.

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