Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Got a pen? Join Project Smile AZ to spread smiles with a handwritten kind note

We are two brothers who started Project Smile AZ and have been making handmade cards to spread smiles, emotionally support and encourage patients with covid-9 in hospitals all alone. We have shared Kindness cards to homeless people and gratitude cards to healthcare heroes. We have shared more than 4000 smiles to patients fighting COVID-19. We have shared more than 130...

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Money for a Vet Bill

Out of love for my sister's dog I added a new credit card, for him to receive the care that he needed. Even though I had been approved, unfortunately because I don't have a valid form of ID, and did not yet have the card in my possession, the veterinary staff could not accept the payment. Neither one of us...

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Strawberries that in gardens grow Are plump and juicy fine, But sweeter far as wise men know Spring from the woodland vine. No need for bowl or silver spoon, Sugar or spice or cream, Has the wild berry plucked in June Beside the trucking stream.

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Writing my teacher a note how good she is at teaching!

One day I was thinking about kindness and who I should do it to and then i thought about my teacher.I wrote(Thanks for being such a kind teacher and thanks for caring about my learning.) It made me feel good inside.

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More Kind Laughs

Everyone needs laughter and as they say laughter is the best medicine and to be kind you need to be happy and that's where I am going with all these memes you should share the only medicine that you don't have to buy you can only get this from some one else and some one else can only get it...

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When I was in kindergarden I had friends but they were really NEVER my friends they never let them sit near them. I would always be ALONE. Then Kindness week came up BUT then they started saying compliments and all of that because I HAD THE MOST POINTS FOR KINDNESS WEEK but then I started being AWAY from them.

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I Made this Post to be Kind

Some times people lack some thing to smile at and make them happy , so I decided to post a photo that I cant not smile at or love and I hope you do to i want to post something on her with a photo or image that will make you smile and bring a little light to your life...

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My super hero

my celebrity super hero is Kamala Harris our now vice president. Kamala is the first vice president and she is a big movement in the BLM , sheś also a strong black woman and is very powerful.

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Mother Wonders

My mother always inspires me to be strong and to do my best even when im down and not feeling myself. sometimes i can turn on my mother and be her enemie but sometimes we can be bestfriends and talk to eachother about everything.

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Giving people food

When I lived in Kansas I went with my class to a store to buy food for people that don't have money I and my sister were in different classes because we were going with the 6 graders and my sister is a 6 grade. we bot a lot of food.

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My life was made unbearable by a mean girl in Elementary school. Eventually, I told someone who helped a lot! Never be afraid to tell someone.

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My AMAZING brothers podcast

My little brother Brian(41) has served for OUR country in Iraq proudly! He is a father of 4 and a grandfather of soon to be 6. Sadly my brother came home suffering from PTSD, as his infiltry and brothers/family were struck . It's very common in not only our military but our EMT, Police officers, Fire fighters etc. Due to...

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A nice friend.

One day my friend Lucie was down in the dumps about something that happened to her. Elle her friend was near by when she heard Lucie crying. She walked over to Lucie with a smile on her face. She sat down and told her: " your okay. " "Don't worry." I watched the whole thing as she made her friend...

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Finding your path of showing kindness

One day I was at treatment in grade 10. Now I'm a student at MN. I've learned that just helping out someone on a bad day and writing things down is just a way to cope with life. In MN, we have this amazing class called upstream arts. I've also learned in that class just by supporting not just yourself...

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my story is my mom saw a homeless old lady gave her money i felt good that my mom gave help sick person

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Post-it Notes

In 2016, I wrote 119 affirming post it notes. I arrived at my high school early in the morning and began sticking them on the lockers of each person in my grade. Each one was unique, something that I appreciated about the personality of that person, or something I thought they needed to hear. "You are special" "You have a...

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Merry & Bright Initiative

Our Family purchased three 15 min virtual visits with Santa and came up with a way to engage others in random acts of kindness while randomly gifting these three visits. We created a Colouring Contest open to all children between the ages of 0-18 in the Edmonton & Surrounding areas. This was they had to do: Step 1. Download the...

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40 Random Acts of Kindness

On January 9th I will be celebrating my 40th Birthday. 40 years of life, love & adventures!! #40randomactsofkindness However, this year's birthday is going to be a little different. Instead of receiving gifts, I am going to give gifts. 40 of them to be exact. One for every year of my life. Why am I doing this? Because I truly...

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Helping out with the homeless

2 days ago I saw this lady who looked so cold and I felt really bad she was outside of the store called Walmart and I went in the store and bought her a blanket. Some people ask me why did I do that, and I thought to myself and said, "Well if that lady was me I would also...

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My Dad

When I was little, I looked up to my Dad and thought he was the best dad ever. As I grew, I knew why. He never preached, yet he taught me so much. Not from words, but from actions. The things he did, the way he talked and treated people. He was the best person to learn Kindness from, just...

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Groceries for the Homeless.

One day, my mom and I bought groceries for a homeless man and his son outside of Trader Joe's. They were very appreciative and grateful. She taught me how important doing things like this for less fortunate people is.

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Pass it on

I teach music... piano and choral music basically. One of my student's mom sent me a card a few days ago with cash in it. It was not the card, the amount, or even the thought of giving me a gift for Christmas that made me cry my eyes out. It was the mere fact that this family is suffering...

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In our second semester I was given a different lunch period from all my friends, I got very depressed and would often just text my mother. Then a girl started to sit with me instead of her friends. I now know how much it hurts to sit alone at lunch.

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A game of tag

One day, I brought my little sister to school. When we arrived she had to wait for 20 minutes outside so i asked all my friends if they wanted to play tag with my sister and they said yes. So we played all together for a couple of minutes then a bunch of other kids joined in and we started...

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Stranger changed our tire

My friend got a flat and try as I might, I couldnt get the tire off. We walked to the nearest car repair place and asked for help. The owner drove to our car and got the tire off for me. He refused payment. He drove off and I tried to jack the car up a little further so I...

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Cleaning XD

I remember a time when i was little and i would help my mom and clean with her ( I was like 7 years old XD ) :)

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My inspiration

This isn’t much of a story but i am currently making a PSA for Random acts of kindness and this website is really usefull and hearing all these stories really inspire me to do more

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November 2020 ACTs of Kindness

This month, I have been greeting people I meet and wishing them a “good day” and “happy Thanksgiving” as I feel it is especially important due to COVID masks covering smiles and any kind expressions. Also, I am still helping out with sweeping and lining the clay tennis courts on a daily basis. Then, I helped with fixing computer problems...

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i helped gave food to poor man.

One day i saw a poor man with no food so we gave him some food we gave him corn, beans ,and money.So he can eat something and i felt bad about that he had no food or money at all. And then he gave us ice cream in return and that is my story i hope you like it.

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How I Helped My Mom By sweeping the floors

I was sitting in bed after that my mom said hey do you want to help me sweep the floors? So I said yeah sure so I helped my mom and I sweep the whole house and that's how I acted kind to my mom

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