Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Someone inspired me

I was at my grandma house and a lot of my family was there so i was downstairs with all of my cousins and we was playing games watching TV and eating and i was just chilling on my phone with my favorite cousin and my cousin was scrolling threw Tiktok and we saw this video of this girl telling...

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new friends..

One day me and my friends choose to go to the park and when we did we meet a friend and her cousins was there too so we asked them if they wanted to walk with us around the park and all 5 of us walked to the store and buyed are self's a drink and walk back to the...

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A helped my Grandpa

My grandpa has this Traumatic Brain injury when he fought in the Vietnam War, In first grade, he got a surgery to help his body not shake and so he could hold things. It's been 6.5 years since the surgery and he still shakes just a little bit, It is super hard for him to hold things still with his...

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A Kid Inspired Me to Help the Environment

One time I was watching TV and saw a kid my age pick up trash so when I went to school I piked up a lot of trash in the playground

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Sky Zone

Me and my friend's family went to Sky Zone and were doing flips into the pit and some of the parents came over to play a game with us into the pit and it was really hard for them to get out of the pit. So when they tried to do a flip into the pit me and my friend...

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being honest has good effects

I was at the mall and then I saw some money on the ground I asked the lady in front of me if it was her's she said it wasn't her's so she offered it to me instead of taking it I put it next to the cash register. the moral of this act was if you do nice things...

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my dad

my dad inspires me because he teaches me everything I need to know. like activitys I should try or just introducing me to somthing. my dad inspires me to try new things.

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kindness story

The person who inspiers me was my family because of all the stuff they have done for me and my brother and so that inspiers me to be nice like my mom and my dad because of how awesome they are.

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On day, we have a new student join our class from Mexico, he didn't speak fluent English but was provided with flash cards to practice with but now one would help him so, over about a 2 week time period, I helped him learn English with the cards, then went on to Google Searching images of the words on the...

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one my friends

we went to the same elementary school in sixth grade but we couldn't talk because of covid restrictions but once we got in to seventh grade he came up to me and we started talking and we became friends

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inspiration story

Not long ago me and my family were walking around a city then we saw a homeless person in a wheelchair. my mom offered the man money he took it and then what my mother did inspired me to be a better person and help the ones in need

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In 2018 I don't know what it was about that year but people kept just saying nice things doing nice stuff and the people from my soccer club didn't get to upset about the loses.

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The Bike Incident

It was summer, 2021, and I was behind my apartment, and my neighbor was fixing his car. I just went down a slope and I fell off, not only skinning both of my knees, and also popping a chain. My neighbor was running over to me and said, “Hey, are you okay?” I told him what happened, and he told...

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Giving Pizza to Homeless Man

I used to work at a pizza place in my hometown when I was 14-15 years old. This homeless man came in quite frequently with change people had given him. One day, he came in just to escape the cold from the brisk winter weather and he had looked like he had not eaten in quite sometime. I decided that...

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Taxi Fare

Around 3 years ago, I was drunkenly leaving the pub with my boyfriend to wait for our taxi home when we saw a visibly distressed teenage (15/16 year old) girl on the other side of the road crying down the phone. As this was around midnight on a busy Saturday night, I crossed to make sure she was okay once...

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A gift

My dad was the kindest person. He loved to craft and started making Victorian dolls as a hobby. Each one took hours and he painstakingly curled ringlets around scewers and hand wove raffia hats. One time a friend of our family was in the last weeks of her cancer treatment. We heard she had lost her eyesight through the treatment....

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When I was in my late teens, I was visiting my grandpa's grave site. I did this a lot, for my grandpa always gave me comfort. One particular day, I was feeling exceptionally sad and missing him greatly. An elderly gentleman walked by. He asked me who I was there visiting. I told him and he said to me, "He...

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A unexpected surprise

One time during a period when I was a bit depressed my school was selling five dollar teddy bears for you to give to other people on Valentine’s Day. I never expected anyone to get me one. So you can imagine my shock when I was handed a teddy bear. All the note said as to who it was from...

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I Gave Food to a homeless people.

Me and my family saw a lady at Mmontréal. She was homeless and was alone. It was like 11pm at night in 2020. So my dad stopped at the gaz station and got 2 water bottles, some chips and two parts of pizza. We stopped where she was, my dad and I got out of the car and gave her...

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The Snow Removal Chore

On a winter sunny morning, I decided to made a surprise to my family. I dressed myself in silence. I went outside with my shovel. I soveled all my big skating rink alone. After that, I woke up my brothers. They were very excited to discover that the skating rink was ready for a hockey game! Louka

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A Good Deed at the Plains of Abraham

My family and I went to the plains of Abraham during the summer vacation. We walked in the city of Québec. While walking, we met a homeless person in a tunnel of the city.I gave him my four dollars. I gave it to him because I felt sorry for him. Ultimately, we left to go home. Madleen

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The Delicious Muffins

Last week, on a Saturday morning, I woke up at 9:27. I saw my mother in the kitchen. I decided to help her to prepare the muffins. I helped to mix the ingredients, for example the chocolate and the eggs. I put the muffins in the oven for 20 minutes and after, we ate the delicious muffins. Miam! I did...

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An inspiring friend

I have a beautifully friend who inspires me daily to be kind. She has done so many things for me personally, too many to list but recently she helped a lady who had missed her bus. Her bus was to take her over an hour away from where we live and my friend dropped everything to drive her an hour...

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The Man at the Market

When the supermarket clerk tallied up my groceries, I was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags, when another shopper handed me a $20 bill. “Please don’t put yourself out,” I told him. “Let me tell you a story,” he said. “My mother is in the hospital with cancer. I visit her...

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my mother help some one in need

It was a sunday morning my mother and I was going to church,we see some body was asking for money.Nobody give nothing not even a penny.I tell my mom let go in the store to buy hime something to eat . After that we give him the food and he said god bless you thank you. Also when you see...

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I saved a lost puppy and returned it to its owner

It was a really rainy night and my mom was driving home after baseball practice when we saw a few cars on the road not moving. At first we were confused but then I saw a dog in between the cars. My mom quickly jumped out and grabed the dog. She put it on my lap and the dog was...

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The Red Shoes & The Grocery Bill

I was around 5 years of age and playing along the curb side, in search of rocks and barefoot. We didn’t have much but what we had we cared for. I was preoccupied when a woman approached me, asking why I wasn’t wearing shoes. I replied telling her I had a pair and was only to wear them when we...

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Making a pond

At that time I was still living in my parents house, I was very sad about the frogs and tadpoles dying because the frogs laid their eggs in a puddle in our backyard I really don’t know why they chose our place to lay their eggs, because there is a giant pond nearby. So when the puddle dried out because...

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The man at the market

[1] When the supermarket clerk tallied up my groceries, I was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags, when another shopper handed me a $20 bill. “Please don’t put yourself out,” I told him. “Let me tell you a story,” he said. “My mother is in the hospital with cancer. I visit...

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