Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
The Kindness of a Stranger

Earlier this week I was at an eye doctor appointment for a second opinion about several diagnoses expected to result in my blindness. I just turned 30. In the waiting room a gentleman began to talk with me. I’m a very private person and was somewhat reluctant to engage in the conversation, but ended up telling him why I was...

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Strength and courage from Jaiden

I ran across this story of a 14 yr old boy, Jaiden Rogers who is suffering from a very rare disease called Stiff Skin Syndrome. I have been blessed by all his strength, determination and courage by what he is going through. He is an inspiration to those of us suffering with a disease and to many others. Stiff Skin...

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Foster Mom Making a difference

Just wanted to introduce myself & would love to share my story with you. I am the mother of six, three adopted through Foster Care. I found when taking these children in there were no books for them to relate to... So I found a talented illustrator who was in Foster Care herself- and wrote & self published with the...

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My mum

This is a simple story of learning to be kind. There were no gramd gestures, no paying for someone else's groceries or a ticket for the bus - we were barely getting by ourselves. But my mother taught me every day in simple ways that everyone deserves respect, empathy and kindness. Regardless of race, or class, or gender, or sexual...

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Helping Those in Need

My friend and I started this kind gesture 3 years ago. Where'd we save up our McDonald's coffee tabs, and Tim Hortons Roll Up The Rim winnings, and we give them to the homeless. This tradition normally takes place around the cold month and as we roam the streets, we give each one homeless individual that we come across our...

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If This Was You, Thank You!

My brother was a patient at MD Anderson Cancer Center, suffering from the brutal effects of leukemia relapse. He asked me for one of those heated vibrators to soothe the pain in his muscles. I looked at the big stores first, without success. Then I started checking every drugstore I could find. All the clerks said the same thing: "Come...

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My kind daughter

My daughter always stops and either buys a meal or brings gifts of necessities to the homeless on the street. She once gave $50 to a family that was stranded without gas to get home. I’m so proud of her!

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Going forward after a tragedy.

My name is jewels walter & after tragedy that left me with a club foot my youngest son & family took me out 2red robbins 4 dinner. I was not able 2 take my wheelchair so i was given the most terrible task of the day, walking n the Resgrant using a walking stick. & my son

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Light in a dark place

Hello I am writing in asking for help for my family this time,we our a family of five ,I started have a bake sale in my community to make ends meet, however I soon realized that the children were in need of love and hugs and something sweet ,so I give sweet treats to all the kids in my community...

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11 year old in El Paso reaches out for kind acts by all

This is not my story but one of a young boy in Texas in the aftermath of the shooting in El Paso. Here's the link. When you read a story like this, you remember that there is always hope.

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Driving Downtown on a Friday evening

I'm a delivery driver, I went into town to pick up an order, the street pavement was uneven due to the city repairing ( warning sign was placed, Be careful driving dangerous) I followed traffic down that street, it was a rough drive! I could hear my tire going flat, I made it around the corner. People, of course, were...

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Kings Care Foundation Donation - Sean & Tracy Wirch

I met Sean and Tracy Wirch at the 2019 NHL Draft party where over 700 LA Kings Season Ticket Members, players, and fans watched and celebrated at Grand Central Market. I was working at the Kings Care Foundation booth and Tracy walked up wanting to make a donation. Handing her the handheld device, I watched as she input a generous...

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Acts of Kindness Changed My World: My Life with Autism

It is amazing that every act we take will ultimately affect other people around us, and this proves the significant effects in changing other people’s behaviors through imitation (copying a particular behavior we observe). When we give to others, we are taking consideration for other people’s desires and needs rather than our own. There are actually many benefits in...

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Two Blind People Save A Child's Life

Robert F. Smith, totally blind, a few years ago started on a quest to do acts of kindness. He didn't have a clue where his footsteps would take him. One of his journey's was to walk from Long Beach, California to Las Vegas. He accomplished the task, and while he was walking he raised funds for a child who needed...

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My teacher

The one person that has made me become a better person and has helped me extremely ismy teacher Ms.Williss and she has made me become a better person by turning me from shy and quiet to outgoing ,from being passive to assertive,not wanting to learn and go to school,to wanting to learnand go to school Ms.Williss is one of the...

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Writing Kindness

My one is my 13-year-old son, Gabe. Gabe is spreading kindness, compassion, and acceptance through a children's book he wrote and illustrated about a boy who has Autism and his struggle to make a new friend at school. Gabe was inspired to write this book from his volunteer experience working in a theater program with individuals who have special needs....

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Dreams United

Dr. Timothy Williams owns a pediatric office in Florida, but what many people do not know is that he runs a nonprofit organization called Dreams United. This man had a dream of opening an orphanage in Africa and believed that God was directing him to do so. As a result, in 2016, he took his first team to Tanzania and...

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Driving with Kindness

When I was in elementary school, we were quite poor. The school offered free lunch but when the teacher called your name to collect lunch money, you had to call out, "free lunch!" I was too embarrassed to call the phrase out, so I would just skip lunch. My bus driver told me he needed help opening the doors when kids...

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Nurses Playing Cards of Love

In December we found out that Mom’s cancer had progressed to the point that doctors started talking in terms of months for her to live. Our daughter was scheduled to be married in 2020, but with this crushing news, we worked hard against the ever-ticking clock of cancer to be sure her Mom-Mom would be in attendance on her big...

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Surprise Gifting

My live-in boyfriend and I had an unexpected dog expense between paychecks and had just broken into our piggy bank to get $7 into our gas tank. When we pulled up to the pump we noticed a note in a baggy which read, "Help yourself to $25 worth of gas on me!" with a Random Acts of Kindness card included....

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Helping A Teammate

Today during the Special Olympics wheelchair race, Camron won the race in 11 seconds, which is an amazing time! After he won the race he realized one of his teammates was struggling to complete the race.  Camron came back and helped his teammate finish the race by pushing the boy's wheelchair one-handed and wheeling his own wheelchair with the other...

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Free Hugs Given Here!

I started giving out free hugs about 4-5 years ago at a university, a park, and other locations. As time has gone by, many students and people have spoken appreciation for this simple act. They have told me that my hugs made a difference to them and helped them feel better. Some have even said that mine is the best hug they...

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Coffee For Two

My husband and I ordered coffee from a local drive-thru. When we went to pay, the girl at the window told us our coffee had been paid for! When she realized we were puzzled, she told us that the car in front paid for our order as a random act of kindness. We were totally blown away and it truly made...

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Gold-Hearted Wonder Woman

Antoinette is one of the most hardworking and compassionate women that I am privileged to know. She juggles various jobs as the manager of a drop-in center on a daily basis. Her personality is contagious and she is a breath of fresh air for anybody visiting the drop-in center. We appreciate her years of sacrifice, dedication, and love for Kingsway family.

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A BBQ Chicken Rescue

A few years ago when my kids were younger, we stopped at a local barbecue chicken place to buy some dinner. The kids were tired and grumpy.  My youngest was adamant that she did NOT want chicken for dinner and fully refused to get out of the car. A man walked up and asked if I’d like a chicken he...

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Monthly Emergencies

So if you are a woman, and have ever had an unexpected visitor. You know how stressful it is when you find yourself without a tampon or pad. I started this at work because I know what it feels like to be in that situation. You also never know what someone's home life is like and how that affects them....

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Sticking Kindness Around

I was spending some time with a friend on a day out and we went to the restroom. She went straight in and didn't see the sticky note on the mirror that said, "You are a beautiful blessing to the world," and simply signed with a heart. When she came out, I pointed it out to her and we both...

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Loved Like a Sister

My best friend is like a sister to me. She has never given up on me, even when I make mistakes. She's the most amazing friend anyone could hope for. I'm really sad that she's switching schools for fifth grade. We probably won't go to school again together, but at least we can still go to each other's houses. What's...

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Traveling Helpers

My story of kindness may be small, but it is important to me. Can you imagine that you are alone? Your friends, teachers, colleagues and especially family have disappeared. I can’t.  Last weekend I came to understand again that my family is a very important thing in our lives. My uncle invited all our family for his birthday.  I was...

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Warming Up

Our Facility Manager comes in earlier than the rest of us every day. He always goes into my office and turns my heater on. Although this might seem like a small thing, it is huge to me. Northeast Ohio is cold in the winter and our venue is a hundred-year-old building which is very cold. We keep the heat down...

Submitted by Karen Golic
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