Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
kindness cares

A time I saw someone have there hands full and I was walking thew the door and I diced to hold the door for 10 other people.

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the person who droped 20 dollars

When i was walking this person drop a 20 dollar bill and he did not know so i picked it up and gave it back too him. After that he seemed really happy and i think i made his day.

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making some ones day

one time when i was on the bus their was this one girl that would sit alone all day every day and then one day i said " do you want me to sit with you" and she said yes, then the next day i said can we be friends, she was the new girl and had no friends, and...

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Donating to others in need!

My Aunt works at an outreach, and we love donating toys, cloths, and kitchen supplies to the outreach for family's in need. It was close September witch means that school would be starting in a few days. I realized that some people can not afford there school supplies so I started collecting money. When me and my family when school...

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come with us

It was a sunny day when I was sitting at the play ground with my friend. I saw another girl sitting all alone. Then I asked my friend Jenna if I could ask her if she could play with us. She said sure. So then I asked her to play with us. And then Tanvie said sure.

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The Epic Door :D

Once when I was 8, me and my grandma went shopping. We saw somebody leaving the mall with lots of bags. We were about to leave too so I helped her with the door. The End :P Sincerely, J.P. :D

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one time i was kind to my friend her name is lily she was sad about her dog so i wanted to make her happy so i try to be a best friend and i made her a funny joke and she stoped crying and that made me happy she side thank you for being my best friend and i...

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Helping story

Once my friends and I were playing outside after school. Then, we saw a dad and his son playing with lightsabers. We were all confused because it was a little late. But then they came over to us and said hi. We meet his son which was our age. He was very nice! We became best friends!

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The Spreading of Artistic Talent

I gave a random act of kindness when I gave other kids in my school art tips to boost there knowledge for all things art . I would sit with a few kids who wanted some art in their brain and they loved it . The best thing was that I was doing it voluntily . everyone loved my...

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the video game special

It was a cold winters night. Me and my brother were playing catch and it was fun. We were throwing a giant tennis ball around. Then all of the sudden he didn't want to play anymore. When we stopped, he said do you want to play on my xbox? I was so happy because he never wanted me to play...

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A Moment of Kindness

One time I was kind to someone was when I helped my sister fall asleep on a cruise. she kept saying that she felt ''stretchy ''. I tried to calm her down but it wasn't working. So I decided to sing her a soft song I knew that she would start to fall asleep soon and soon enough she did....

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Sharing Kindness To All Around

One time when I was at my sisters soccer practice at a big indoor room with a lot of other soccer games going on I was waiting for my sisters practice to be over I had just bought a bag of chips but then I herd the final buzzer and realized it was finnlay over after an hour of practice...

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Holding the door for a family

once me and my family where going to dinner when we walked in i noticed that there was a family outside about to open the door,i the raced to open the and just in time I pushed the door open for the family.They then began to thank me and i said"your welcome" I then caught up to my family and...

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Sophia's Missing Pencil

We were walking into math class. We sat down at our table. As we were taking out our supplies. I noticed Sophia didn't have a pencil. Then I took out an extra pencil and gave it to Sophia.

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It was my fiends birthday but she had to go to school. Her mom was pregnant and had to go to work.To make her feel better I made her a small cupcake out of perler beads.

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breaking it up

it was Friday at about 8:21 and I just got on the bus and the first thing i see is two kids fighting and I thought they must be joking until I heard one say "STOP, please" and i immediately ran at him and said "hey, HE'S HAD ENOUGH" and one of them jerked their head at me and timidly...

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Perler Bead Cupcake

My birthday is in a few weeks and my friend gave me a cupcake make of"Perler Beads" for my birthday

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one time when i was camping i was down at the dock fishing by some random people and i ran out of bait so i went to the camper to get some bait and my grandpa gave me some and i kept running out of bait so i would go back over and over again i dident know if my...

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The pick-up

We were on the lacrosse field for practice and all of a sudden there was a big "Whack" . Then my friend Vincent fell over and started screaming. I helped him up and brought him to his mom. It turns out he got a broken leg.

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Kindness while Bowling

On a warm summer day my friend Marley an I were going to do something we have never done before. We were going to go bowling! After about an hour of bowling we wanted lunch so there was a bunch of tables and inside the bowling alley there was a place where you can get pizza. My mom gave me...

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kindness in art

My kindness story is when I was in art class and me and my friend Ashlyn complemented on each others art work because we were using markers so if we messed up it could not be erased but we did not mess up.

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Paid For Meal

One day my mother and I went out for lunch to McDonalds. When we got to the window to get our food we were told the person in front of us paid for our food! We were told that 37 people have done it without breaking the chain and we were the 38th to do it.

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Big Chungus

I met this kid today in class. He told me to call him Big Chungus. I said okay. I've been calling him Big Chungus since then. He's my best friend. #RandomActOfKindness

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My 18 year old daughter died Nov. 26th, 2019. She was killed by a semi/car wreck Natalie Ramos died on Nov. 26th. We will never forget the night the cops showed up to tell us our daughter was gone. I remember just screaming her name over and over again, hoping she would hear me and come back. She left...

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who knows

There was a kid who smiled at a kid and the other kid smiled back, it was a very happy day. THE END

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It will be okay

I was really sad because one of my friends was mad at me and she was the leader of our group, and one of the girls that I used to hang out with asked me if I wanted to sit by her at lunch!

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Student Random Act of Kindness

I am a second grade teacher and my students are learning economics; how to budget and save their money. We were sharing the other day what we are saving our money for and after the students shared, I shared what I am saving my money for. They know that I have a daughter that lives in Pennsylvania and one in...

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Continuing my twins kindness...

Growing up, my twin brother always had a smile on his face and room in his heart for any & all. Sadly, my family lost him in February 2010. :-( One way I've kept our connection alive is through what I call my "Ark Week". Every February I take the week of his passing and turn it into remembering my...

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It Will Be Ok

I was walking up the stairs in the mall, when I heard screaming. I started running up the stairs to see if my mom was ok, and she was but this lady was lying on the ground, crying, and screaming. I run over and help her sit up, while my mom is calling the ambulance. I start rubbing her foot,...

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Gift Cards Changed Everything

I heard a story on Facebook about how this woman didnt have enough money for her groceries so the cashier said that someone left a gift card for who ever needed it. She was thankful, now everyone has started keeping up with the trend 2020 Aldi challenge. Give a gift card at any store to help those in need, you...

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