Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Christmas Angels

During Christmas, a few years back, my son and daughter-in-law were experiencing quite a hardship. A few of my fellow employees were aware and two of the kindest women in our office gave me a Nintendo Wii game console to give to my 4 grandsons for the holiday! I gave it to my daughter-in-law to surprise the little ones and...

Submitted by Sandra Lucero
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I Had My Cake and Ate It, Too

On my birthday in 2018, I came into the office to work like any other day. I don't make anything special of my birthday normally, but that year Chloe and a few of my other coworkers surprised me on what was a normal Friday. The cake and card from everyone were great, as was the lunch afterward. It wasn't anything...

Submitted by Steven Kaskalla
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Notes of Kindness

One day when I got into class, I went up to my teacher and asked if I could do a random act of kindness. She said yes and I went and got a piece of paper and wrote down a letter to leave in a library book. I also wrote a letter to someone and I gave it to the...

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Choose Kindness

(This story was written by a student at our school for our Random Acts of Kindness week.) "I am sensitive and helpful, but sometimes I can be not so attentive to everything. For instance, I don’t notice that I perform kind acts for my friends, relatives, and even strangers. However, I realize that I share kindness everywhere when people need...

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Busmate to the Rescue

One day I had to visit my grandma and I took the bus. I only had one large banknote to pay my bus fare, but the driver didn’t have change. He sent me to the beer shop, but I refused to go there because a lot of drunk men were outside. I didn’t want to leave the bus without paying. Fortunately,...

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A Homeless Dog

I live among my close people. They support and help me in my daily life. I try to do my best to make their life better. On Saturday l helped my mom clean our cozy home. I watered flowers, mopped the floor, and washed the dishes. I also went shopping. I helped my dad walk the dog. In more serious affairs,...

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St. Valentine's Day

"There was a time when I liked to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day because we spent time at school together, exchanged Valentine cards, and chose the school male and female Valentine. But from year to year, this day was becoming more unpleasant and dull. I thought that the holiday this year wouldn’t be an exception. But I was wrong. When I...

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A Blind Dog

(This story was written to the Random Acts of Kindness Day by one of my pupils, Andrew.) "As for me, kindness is an integral part of our life. It fills our lives with warmth, joy, and other positive feelings. Therefore, we have to be kind to each other and share our kindness stories. I would like to share my story...

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Nerves Calmed

In December of 2013, AEG took over Management of LACC. I had been working part-time there for the last 6 years and was hoping to get a full-time position with AEG. As I was walking to my interview, Denise Bell, one of the Event Managers that came from LACC/City and crossed over to AEG, was walking my way. If you...

Submitted by Sharon Lynn Gill-Dean
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Hold the Ham

I was grabbing breakfast in the cafeteria when I saw that one of the stations had breakfast burritos! So, I stopped to read what was in them. I saw that the burritos had ham, which I can't eat, so I started to walk away. But before I could take two steps, the cafeteria worker behind the booth asked if there...

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Rodney Wagner, the Maintenance Director at Sprint Center, once told me congratulations after a K-State basketball victory. He's a KU fan. I know that was hard for him.

Submitted by Nicholas Patterson
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Helping a Teacher

At the grocery store, I was getting into the check out line. At the same time, getting into the same line, was a middle school teacher. Asking how her school year was going she replied, "Oh you haven't heard; the school where I taught shutdown". To help her out during her unemployment I paid for her groceries and started working...

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Slow Runner

Last year, I was continuing to run with a group of Employee Services colleagues to train for some upcoming races, but I found it increasingly difficult to keep up with the group as my pregnancy was progressing. I was a little embarrassed about it, but Ken Johnson and Jaime Sanchez always run a little bit slower to make sure that...

Submitted by Kristen Nozaki
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One Little Dog

It all started with the SPCA commercials. Those dogs just broke my heart and I just wanted to save them all. I had known since I was little that I wanted to work with animals, so I started talking to my mom about volunteering at the Spokane Humane Society. Then Ranger wagged his way into my life. He was an...

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Peanut Butter Chocolate Surprise

This was no ordinary day. Heaven's no. It was a day that held very special meaning in the heart of Sherry Jackson, Sprint Center's Executive Office Manager. January 24th is National Peanut Butter Day.  On this day, Sherry had tasked me with a standard photo shoot of our newest employees. Their photos would be used in the staff directory, so...

Submitted by Nicholas Patterson
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'Tis the Season

During Christmas week 2015, Earl Kiper, Maintenance Engineering Manager at KFC Yum Center, showed his undeniable Act(s) of Kindness to all of the engineering team. Earl was kind enough to give all six of his team members a Christmas Card with a fifty dollar bill inside. Christmas week the following year (2016), Earl gave his engineering team a Christmas Card...

Submitted by Ron Anderson
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Office Buddy For The Win!

I tend to work through lunch (bad habit) in my office and if it is a busy week, I forget to bring lunch and end up eating Cheetos from our vending machine (another bad habit). On a particular day last month, I had looked up from my desk to find it was 3 pm and I still hadn't made time...

Submitted by Natalie Matsumoto
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Passport Found

A few years ago at Desert Trip, one of my staff members brought in a small pile of papers and a Chinese passport to the office. He said that a security guard found it on the ground by a trash can and looked like it was important. I started going through the papers and it was a flight stub from...

Submitted by Shaynee Gordy
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Appendix Trouble

After my surgery due to appendicitis, I wasn't allowed to go to my trampoline practice until a doctor said it was okay. I was sad that I couldn't go to practice and I couldn't even sleep in my own bed because my mom was scared I would fall off of the ladder to go up; I have bunk beds and...

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Emergency Wedding Officiant

With was less than two weeks until my wedding, my dad was in the hospital for emergency heart surgery. It was obviously a traumatic experience and the longest day of my life. Thankfully everything went well and the surgery was a success. Still, the wedding plans that my fiancée and I had made were thrown off course. We had planned...

Submitted by Michael Sullivan
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Helping Hands

While my wife was away on vacation,  I had planned to install new cabinets in our garage as a surprise. The task proved to be far more challenging than I expected. Just as I was about to throw in the towel, a co-worker pulled into my driveway. He was just "in the neighborhood" and stopped by to say hi. With...

Submitted by David Jones
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Leading With Kindness

In January 2018 my grandfather passed away. I received a phone call from my father 30 minutes into my shift and then notified my supervisor, Sergeant Christian Acosta, from LA Live Security. I told him the news I had just received and he immediately found someone to relieve me, letting me go home. I appreciated his urgency, but what was...

Submitted by Erandy Soto
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Healing in Laughter

I was recently diagnosed with colon cancer over a holiday break. I spent nearly two weeks in the hospital and am currently undergoing chemotherapy sessions and waiting for the next steps. MANY AEG employees have reached out with great kindness. However, John Moore at The Bowery Presents has been relentless in his kindness. John checks in on me at least...

Submitted by Brandon Linton
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Every Day Kindness

About 7 years ago, my mom broke her hip and had to go to a skilled nursing facility. I visit the facility every day to take care of her after work. Eventually, this time developed into caring for more than just my mom. I now make it a daily act of love and kindness to stop by each room on...

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Unemployed No More

I have a friend who has been out of a job since July. I heard about a job posting and encouraged her to apply for it. Last week she found out she was selected for the position! The grateful message she sent to me was so uplifting. It was a good feeling to help a friend find work at a...

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Cafe Vibes

My friend and I were meeting for a coffee in a large café in the city. It was crazy busy but we managed to find somewhere to sit to begin our catch up. The café got busier and busier. The staff were stuck at the till trying to process the orders. A long queue formed out of the door. The...

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Faith in Humanity: Restored

For as long as I can remember, I've celebrated Random Acts of Kindness, never once anticipating anything in return. So when this happened to us, I was in utter shock. In late 2015, my son and I had fled a situation where we felt unsafe and went into hiding. I had no money to buy food and lived off very...

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Free Hugs in NYC

About a month ago I was having a really tough time after a traumatic event in my life. I became overwhelmed and started to cry on the subway train. A stranger next to me saw my struggle and said simply, "It’s going to be okay," while handing me a tissue. That unsolicited gesture changed my day and I felt compelled...

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Rastafarian Society Helps Medical Cannabis Patient

Jahmaica Marijuana Assembly donates $10,000 to a medical cannabis patient who is paying it forward to others in need

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Stuck in Cuba

After an interesting educational music tour of Cuba, my husband and I ended up 'stuck' when winter storms canceled our flight home to Boston. Everyone returning to the Northeast began scrambling to find alternate routes home. We tried to rebook via the internet, but our phone service did not work in Cuba and wifi availability at our hotel was poor....

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