Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
a helping hand

when someone is hurt or crying at school i go over there to see what's wrong and make them feel better

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Random acts of kindness

Me my mom and little sister were giving food to the homeless my mom inspired me to do this. I also think it was really kind when a man gave us some money to buy food. When my mom was running low on money the man in the back of us was willing to pay with his money. when I...

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The Kindness Story

One time i met this new kid in brown, he said he was new, and he was the nicest guy ever. He was so friendly so i said, would you like to sit with me, and he said maybe. In my elementary school there was tons of shy people, so i asked if they wanted to play soccer, because soccer...

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My Bad Day In Roblox

one time this one kid was bullying me and then my friend amya called me and she joined my game and then helped and we reported the bully and helped with the situation she helped me from getting in trouble in the game and turns out that person was kicked and banned from the game.

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Thanksgiving Volenteering

Every single year instead of having dinner, I go to a place to volunteer to the homeless. It was so nice to see so many people volunteering. Over 200 people go every year.

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Mr. Whipple

Mr. Whipple was the nicest man in the whole wide world. He would always make everyone in his presence feel special. Just being around him made me want to be a better person. If you ever saw him he would take the time to talk to you and shake your hand. He always wanted to know about you and your...

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No Hate Needed

The person that inspires me to be a good person is Grover Thomas, Jr., my great grandpa. When I heard stories of what he did in life, I wanted to be like him. My grandma tells me he was a great person. He only used kindness to solve problems, instead of violence or hate. I want to carry on his kindness...

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valentines friendship

On Valentines Day, This random person came up to me and started to have a conversation and also helped me open my locker as it was jammed and hard to open up, The person is in 6th grade but no different from me, she is now my friend. She made me realise that just by being kind can start a...

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No Bullying Allowed

One time I saw a kid get bullied. The bullies wouldn't leave him alone and they punched him. I jumped in and stopped the fight. They left and I helped him to his feet.

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Drive-Thru Surprise

My family and I were on our way to In N 'Out for lunch, after running some errands. We were in the drive-thru in quite a long line, waiting for several minutes. Then, a car came from Walmart on the right. My mom let them through because she thought they had to pass as the drive-thru line was blocking the exit....

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A New Friend

One day i was just having fun back in elementary school this one kid i see everyday alone i walked up to him and asked for his name and i said mine as well eventually we got to know each other well and we became friends that day i became friends with him so he wouldn't be lonely and i...

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baby pigeon

my friend charlotte once found this baby pigeon at a wall-mart and nursed it for two months. they put it in a box with holes to breath

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Old Lady

I was walking to park and I saw an old lady and I helped her across the street. She said thank you and i said your welcome and I left.

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Suck My Chicken Finger

I am kind when I want to be kind.But if somebody makes my day bad then I be mad or sad.I smile every day at people and I'm just a happy person

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By My Side

My best friend is the one I turn to when things go bad. She's the only one that puts up with me and doesn't give up. No matter what mood I'm in, she's right there by my side. I don't know how she does it but she manages to survive everything I throw at her. Whenever we argue, instead of...

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My story is about my dog pepper,shes a chiwawa and she is as small as a peppercorn.Thats why we call her pepper.We found someone selling her for a cheap price near my moms work place.So we bought her and she was so small that she could fit in the palm of your hands.She was so sweet and fun to play...

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My Dad

i chose my dad because if i ever have a problem he is the first to talk to. He is also helps me study or help me with my homework.

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The Guy On Instagram

Some guy on instagram gave one of the boys at is school a jacket and $80 because his jacket had holes in it

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I gave someone $5

When i was 7 years old i got my birthday money. Then we went to the store so i can buy some candy, but there was a homeless guy and he needed food. So i gave him $5 so he can buy some food for him so he wouldn't starve.

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My mom give muning

My mom did a kindess theing cever she gave sumer muny to a man that need help and she give bluds a waey.

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one day there was a turtle and he was a happy turtle and lived alone . then one day i could see that it felt sad to i told my dad if we can buy another turtle that is a girl .and he said yes so we went to the pet store and we found pretty turtle and we named...

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my family's act of kindness

what inspired me to be kind to dogs a lot more is my dad hurt the dogs sometimes like over react when they did something bad.(not any more) and i knew it was wrong because my mom was always nice and everybody else was so it inspire me to be nice to all dogs even mean one's as i brought...

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Toy Drive Donations

Every year I donate to a toy drive that a local radio station holds. I bring toys and money for kids who do not have these things. It is really fun to donate and get to hang out with people that do the same thing.

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Sharing is Caring

February 14th, Valentine's Day, is meant to be a day of love and happiness. My friends and I exchanged gifts and stuffed animals as we had no valentines this year. When I walked into History class, very unexcited to take a test, I realized that none of my classmates at my table had received any gifts. I felt bad for them, but...

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My godmother amelia

my godmother amelia inspires me she is a wealthy real estate agent she live comfortability she has a 2 story house and a 1 kid she helps people that don't have a lot of money and helps at food banks

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Helping the New Kid

One day I was walking to my class and saw a kid that looked new.  I felt bad for him, so I helped him out and took him to his class. By doing that small thing, I got a new friend and we are still close now. I was late for class, but I told my teacher what happened and she...

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My father always makes sure that I am happy and fine after my mother left I was depressed he made me feel happy after.

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Here, Let Me

When I was walking to 7-11 I saw an older lady who seemed to be having trouble walking. When our paths met, I helped her across the street and carried her bags for her. It wasn't a big thing and it didn't take long, but her smile told me she appreciated it.

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I woke up and gave the last donut to my little brother this morning. ( This is the best thing you can do for someone) P.S. I really wanted that donut!!!

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Kindness in the Park

While I was walking in the park the other day, my bag fell.  I began picking up my stuff and then a nice gentleman began helping me pick up my stuff. I was surprised at the random kindness he showed me. After we finished the task, he took me to a coffee shop and we grabbed some coffee and talked...

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