Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Using your time to help other people.

I was on my way to class when the person in front of me spilled there stuff all over the floor. So i stoped what i was doing and helped that person out. Of course i got in trouble for being 10 minutes late to class.

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One afternoon I went to cut my hair at the salon and noticed a man come in that looked homeless. He asked how much was a haircut and the lady replied $18. I was sitting there wondering how long it must have took him to collect that money and if in the process he didn’t eat just to cut his...

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Paying for peoples food and snacks in lunch.

Sometimes i pay for peoples drinks and paying for snacks. I used to do it because im really nice to other people and i wanted to pay for people who dont have the money to pay for their own stuff.

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leaving friends to be a friend

One time when I was at church I was sitting with all of my friends right by the heater I was in my favorite seat with all the people I would want to sit by, when one of the other girls in my ward came in late, she had never really been friends with any of the other people in...

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Sometimes you don't have to know

Last summer I was riding my bike around are neighborhood when I say one of are older neighbors picking up branches that had been blown of her trees from the storm from the night before. when I was riding my bike past her house my bike just came to a stop. I got this feeling that I needed to go...

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One Flower in Her Garden of Kindness

I will never forget the first time I heard about how Carol Miller was spreading kindness in the world... I was at a conference in Santa Fa and she was talking about how she gives Free Hugs downtown Chicago.... I knew in that moment that I needed to get involved. You see, I had been offering free listening and I...

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Random acts of kindness in 2019

I would like to write about tsome acts of kindness from this year 2019 in order to inspire others. I was waiting outside a supermarket and someone asked me to take care of her dog. I am not a dog´s person, but I accepted eventhough it was a pitbull¡¡¡ I was really nervous because the dog started chasing something and...

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I cleaned my room

Today I cleaned my room as an act kindness to not only myself but to my mother as well so she doesn't have to yell at me every morning

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Love at the Border

I had the chance to watch Hugo, Eunice and Yonathan Moya risk their own safety to take love to some hurting people across the border from the Rio Grande Valley. Their love looked like smiles, hugs, tacos, hygeine kits and interaction that let these marginalized people know they are loved and not forgotten. It was beautifully kind!!

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After my wife Jill died in 2016 from a texting-while-driving accident, I was left to navigate raising our 4 children under 10. Making sure my children grow into beautiful kind hearted adults is my greatest goal. My Children are growing up in a digital Social World and I want to help provide them with the best tools possible, but there...

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one time me and my dad were at the store and a lady had a lot of bags so we went over there and helped her at self check-out. Once we were done she returned the kindness to us by giving us hugs and buying us anything we wanted in the store

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On the first day of middle school,I was sitting down at lunch and I see this girl.She did not speak any English and did not bring any lunch,so I gave her my lunch.

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Life with Ruth

Two and a half years ago I began the toughest and most rewarding job I've ever had. I am the live-in caregiver for my sister-in-law's mother. Ruth has dementia. I was worried I wouldn't be able to handle this whole thing. It has been the most challenging growth experience of my life! Ruth is my hero. In spite of how...

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Every Day

At school every day I do something. one day I would pay for someones lunch. the next day I would help the cook. my challenge is to help someone at lunch or every where but one person can't do it all of us need to!!

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One kind act ...

I was sat in the ER with my husband.  his health was poor,  and I was with my three daughters aged 6, 4 and 6 weeks. A very kind lady helped me by playing cards with my two eldest daughters and feeding my baby her milk. My husband is still with us 20 years on although he lost his leg (a right hip...

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Lost Wallet

one day me and my mom were going to the store, and when we got to the doors there was a wallet just laying there on the ground. I picked it up and showed my mom, she told me to take the drivers license out; i did. we looked around and around the store for the person that had no...

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Chuckee Cheese

When I was at Chuckee Cheese I really wanted this barbie doll, but I didn't have enough tickets, so the guy running the prize booth gave me the barbie doll.

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Day at chucky cheese.

When I was very young, I went to chucky cheese for a family day. I had my heart set on this cool toy that could turn from a gun to a sword. I worked super hard on getting as many tickets as I could. But then, I ran out of tokens. I had about 700 tickets, but the gun sword...

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Lost Card

I was at a football game and my friend Found a card, (I think a credit card) so we handed it to the concession people, so they could find the person it belonged to.

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My grandma once told me that my great-grandma had a horrible toothache, I know how much my great-grandma loves talking to us grandkids, so I decided to call her and ask about her tooth. I just know it made her day!!! So every chance you get, call or go see your grandparents please, I know they will love it!!

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Act of Kindness

When My Father and I were going to the Pistons game after eating at a restaurant, my dad had a little box of pizza left and we gave a homeless guy our pizza to eat.

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When my mom and I were at a restaurant eating dinner, and we asked for the bill. The waiter told us that somebody has already paid for our bill. This made me realize that any stranger could do something like that and that everybody should be as kind as possible.

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One day I was in like 4th grade, It was during recess and me and my friend Charlie were walking around the track in the snow goofing around. We walked around belting out song lyrics(I still do) when we watched a little girl slip on the ice and fall. ¨Are you Ok?"I asked worried. The girl was in tears. ¨Can...

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Random Hugs

I have been struggling with anxiety and depression, and am currently in the process of changing meds. It had been nearly 36 hours since I had sleep, and I was sitting at the doctors clinic a bit upset and sniffly waiting to see my doctor. A lady was sitting opposite me and asked if I was ok, and if I...

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Day out in beauty parlour with my daughter

I was with my daughter in Beauty parlour and waiting to be seen and there comes young girl who had appointment booked already I told her to go first and when she sat infront of the lady she was checking her purse to pay for her eyebrow threading and she was counting all her changes that she and she was...

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Customer's story

I went to see this customer who is living alone and she was very very upset and was in tears as her aunt died in South Africa And she couldn’t go to the funeral as she suffering from athristis and she asked me to read this letter which her brother had sent her and I told her this is personnel...

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In memory of our 17 year old Instagram friend who died due to VAPING and 16 year old best friend who collapsed due to VAPING on her SWEET 16 Birthday, we traded our 17th year old birthday presents to save lives of youth due to vaping. We asked all our family and friends to donate to our favourite charity St...

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I starting volunteering in a church shelters and i was very kind to the people who needed us the most when they had no one else and it felt so good to see the smile in they eyes priceless moments

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I starting volunteering in a church shelters and i was very kind to the people who needed us the most when they had no one else and it felt so good to see the smile in they eyes priceless moments

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Unconditional Selfless Love

I have a fear of death or thanatophobia. Being hospitalized or the mere fact that I am lying in a hospital bed, have myself confined on a dextrose and to undergo a surgery is one of my greatest fears in life which I successfully overcome and survived this week. It's truly a nightmare to undergo under the knife and open...

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