Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Cookie's Rescue

Once, while on my daily jog, I found a cat laying on the side of the road. A little tabby cat, it looked to be in pain. I hurried to the vet with her in as fast a jog as I could manage without hurting her. finally The vet turns looked her over and told me that she had a broken...

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Giving For Healing

Our eldest child, Anne, is now age 31 and a beautiful loving mum of three children. Prior to her boys' births, she had a very sad few years experiencing three miscarraiges. Very soon after the first miscarriage, she began a ministry through her church called "The Basket Ministry". Inside the beautiful baskets she creates are candles, prayer cards, chocolates, a...

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Finding His Home

Not long ago, we found a dog alone in the street and we took it home with us. We gave him some of our own dog's food. Afterwards, we looked at his tags and called a center that found lost dogs. At around 10:00, the center for lost dogs came to pick him up. The next day we called them...

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Kindness on Wheels

Marty is a 50-year-old woman who is blind, mostly deaf, and lives with her elderly mother. She has lost a lot of her mobility and is therefore in a wheelchair. Her service dog is now retired; losing this working partner has increased her social anxiety. Monthly, as the weather permits, she finds a ride from Vermont to Connecticut to visit...

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Laughing Heals

I was going through a sort of rough patch; my depression had me at an all-time low. I found it hard most days to even simply smile. On one particularly rough day, I met an older man who completely made my day by telling a corny joke. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have laughed nor even responded with a small smile. But I...

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Pizza Delivers a Smile

One day I was walking home and saw a homeless guy. I felt so bad, but didn't know what to do to help. I shared the experience with my brother when I got home. Later in the day, when it was dinner time, my brother and I decided to take him some food. We asked our mom if there was...

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Hello, my name is Rebecca. At the time of writing this, I am 13 years old. And I'd like to tell you about my best friend, Borislava. She is Bulgarian, but speaks English very well and is even learning Japanese! (Yes, because of animes) When she first came to my school, she wanted to be my friend. That was years...

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Public park

When I walk in a public park in the city on a good-weather-day, I am stunned by how many lonely people I encounter, walking alone or sitting alone on benches. Last week, during a walk in a park in a foreign city, I got the following idea: We would have color coded benches near the entrance of a park or...

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Making it Better

One day I was coming home when it was very dark and cold outside. A woman and her son were laying on the stairs that are connected to my apartment buildings. Especially because it was so very cold outside, I was saddened that the lady and her son had nowhere to go. I went into my house and got them...

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Giving Back on RAKFriday

Yesterday, RAK Friday 2018, was such a good day for me! Not only did I get to spend time with my friends at one of their homes, I also got to spread some kindness in real life and online! I brought snacks with me for my friends, told them I loved them, and gave a drawing of her dog to...

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Thanksgiving Memories

My daughter, 3-year-old granddaughter, and I were grocery shopping yesterday. A man and several young boys started to walk past my granddaughter and I. The man stopped and asked if he could tell me about his son. Of course I said yes and he proceeded to tell me his son suffered from brain cancer for 7 months and passed away...

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Connecting With Regina

A woman at the gate for a flight from Charlotte, North Carolina, to Chattanooga, Tennessee, on November 14 engaged my 9-month-old grandson at the airport. She was as enthralled with him as he was with her. When we got on the plane, she happened to be sitting right behind us and asked to hold him. He went into her arms...

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Starting the Chain

I was out with my friend today and we had both forgotten our credit cards. We needed some money to buy lunch, so she phoned her dad to see what he could do. We were an hour away from any family and had no cash or cards on us. A man came up to a cashpoint and gave us 10 pounds....

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Returning Kindness

Today I woke up thinking it was going to be just another day. It turns out that was only partly true. Because today, as my mother came into my room unannounced as she always does, I was still in my bed. She told me I received something in the mail. At first I was skeptical, thinking that it was going to...

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My Little Kitty :3

Hi its me Erica ,I am back with a story to tell you. So this happen a long long time a go i was 5 or 6 i was playing out side and a lady a next's door left food out for all the cats and i went over because i liked to go see all the cats. the lady...

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What I want to do when I'm older :)

Hello again I'm Hannah and I'm 11 years old and this is what I want to do when I grow up. I want to be a nurse when I grow up just like my mom. When I am a nurse I would help people if they are sick or they need help. What I would do is I would go...

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Who is your one!

Hi! I am Tyler and I am back with my third story. If you remember I am 11 and my birthday is December/22/2006. This time my story is about my grandma her name is Paula and I love her to death. No matter what She is always with me through rough times and good times. She always keeps me alive...

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Love bring joy!

Once again i'm back with another story. I am 11 years old and I am born on December/22/2006 and my name is Tyler Denison. This time my story is about thanks giving. Most people go to some kind of place for thanks give and to see your family. But not every body gets to eat food for thanks giving and...

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I Like to Help on Thanksgiving

Instead of being lazy on Thanksgiving, I help my sister and my mom bake the turkey and make stuffing along with other side dishes. After I am done helping them, My dad and I go to the store to get ingredients to make a celery plate -- a family tradition! We get celery, cream cheese, peanut butter, green olives, black...

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A Little Thing Can Always Help!

A few days a go it was National Kindness Day it was a small thing I did but it made a little girl happy. My name is Erica I am 12, and going to be 13 in May, so what i did is it was the day I went to the dentist I was playing on my phone like all...

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I Was Inspired By A Story

I was inspired by the story on your website about fostering and adopting animals. When i saw this story it answered what i would want to do in the future. It would make me feel great about myself helping animals to get adopted so there is more space for more animals. I think its really good to start with adopting...

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Teaching my niece on how to play Minecraft :D

Hi I'm Hannah and I'm 11 years old and this is my kindness story. When my niece was at my house one time my brother told me that my niece wanted to play Minecraft. I was a little bit mean at first saying no but then my brother made me let her play, so then I let her play, and...

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Helping My Dad

Hi! I am Tyler. I am 11 and I am doing big things in my life already. Today I have come to share my story with you about my dad. My dad is 39 and has back problems. Several of the discs in his back are breaking and I do not think my dad is going to live much longer....

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Life experiences & shaping others

My life experiences have made me the person I am today. Many of those experiences led me to a career as an educator. I try to spread messages like "Pay it Forward" to my students and I like to "walk the walk" just as much as I "talk the talk" to my kids. Volunteering as a teenager helped me to...

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Helping Grandma

My grandma's name is Judy and she has been through a lot. She just got out of the hospital 3 months ago and she can't stand on her own feet without a cane. I've been helping her out by getting her cane and the groceries for her. Now she is trying to walk, so I will help her on the...

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How people have been kind to me

I need help on my reading. So in school we were doing paper work in a book and i don't know how to read it so my friend help me out a lot on it. This showed you a simple act can help others. I need to be more kind back to people. I need to say thank you to...

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Empowering Women

Happy World Kindness Day! Many thanks to my dear friends, Niloo, Nasreen & Shebina, for volunteering to tutor some courageous women in English and Math. We had the pleasure of working with Zein Dhanidina through the Refugee Women’s Network and are so grateful for this rewarding experience. In fact, we would like to tutor them beyond this initiative. The Refugee...

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Helping a homeless person

When you walk past someone who is curled up on the sidewalk laying on a piece of card board, dont just walk by. Look down and see that human being. All anyone wants is to be noticed, not forgotten. So the next time you pass a homeless person, give them a hello, a smile , buy them a cup of...

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Hi, how are you?

Somebody I didn't know said hi to me one day, it made feel good. Ask 10 people this see how you feel and they feel at the end of the day.

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My best friend

I had a lot of depressing thoughts and felt really bad about myself for a while. It was after a break up too. But one day my best friend came to my house and let me cry on her shoulder. She left her DMs open for me to vent to, and always knew what to say. She was the only...

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