Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
The Bracelet Or The Tootsie

Me and my friend were at an arcade/go kart place and we earned enough tickets to either get candy, or this one bracelet. My friend really wanted the bracelet, it had little flowers on it in a light blue color, while me. Heh, I wanted that candy before I had my braces put on, as it would be one of...

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Cleaning for Mom

One day I was home alone and did not have anything to do. My mom was out picking up my little brother from preschool, which usually takes her about 90 minutes. I wanted to do something nice for my mom while she was taking care of my brother. I decided to clean our whole house for her. When she came...

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The Random Dollar

One day I was in lunch and I had one dollar that I was going to spend on the student store. I was walking to go get some chips when i felt my pocket and my dollar was not there. I started to walk back to my seat when someone stopped me and said "I noticed that you lost your...

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Helping Out

The other day I was on duty in the lunchroom. To be honest, that is quite a hard job. It is not at all easy to monitor 600 students and everything that goes along with that: having them pick up their own trash, talking back or swearing, and everyday issues that come up with so many students in one place....

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Compliment From a Stranger

While I was waiting to start swim practice, I was walking up and down the little hallway by the pool. There was a lady that was walking around in the pool area and watching me pace back and forth. As I was about to go back up the hallway, she complimented me on my hair and said every time I...

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Helping Grandma Clean

Last weekend, I went to my grandma's house and helped her clean. I vacuumed, mopped, and cleaned the bathroom. She is not able to clean because she has terrible arthritis. My grandpa still works, so I know she appreciated me doing some of the cleaning for her.

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Troubling Locker

As I walked to my locker in the morning, I noticed we had a new student. I didn't quite think anything of it and left to sit at the tables as I normally do. At the end of the day, I noticed the new student was having trouble opening his locker. Since no one was helping him, I asked if he...

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My sister gave me some candy !

So yesterday i didnt get a lot of valentines day candy so my little sister gave m a couple pieces of candy and i ate them happily. so thank you to my little sister.

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free money

I was walking the street and a homeless man ask for a dollar so i gave it to him because its the write thing to do.

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A Struggle

My mom and dad were going through a divorce and she was battling depression. I stood by her even though she was having a hard time. I also did my best when she turned to drugs and managed to even get her to stop for a while. Sadly, she died of an overdose. But I choose to remember the good...

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The Lady at Walmart

Yesterday at Walmart a guy was trying to buy Ramen and roses, but his card got declined. The lady behind us bought it for him.

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The Dirt Bike Crash

I was riding dirtbikes with my dad and having a great time! But, then he crashed and was hurt. I had to take him to the medic.

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How I helped a lady with her dog

I was walking down the street. I saw a lady struggling with her new dog so I went over to her and helped her by calming the dog down.

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A Kind Day

One day my mother was sick was the flu and she had to take care of my ittle brother becuase he was also sick. Instead I took care of him myself so my mom could relax.

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Little Dog Lost

My little dog likes to sneak out a lot. One time she got out and we had no idea where she had gone. A woman called and said that she had found our dog; we were surprised! My sister called to tell me where she was and I went to the woman's house. When I got there, she was sitting on the...

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In Q's Honor

My cousin, Q, died on October 1. Since then, my family has done random acts of kindness in his honor. For instance, we like to pay for the person behind us in drive-thru restaurants. Doing this helps keep his memory alive in our hearts.

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The Chocolates

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. A couple of guys in my English class were sad because they did not get anything. I felt bad because I had gotten a lot of chocolate and candy. I knew I wasn't going to eat it all. I gave each of the guys a piece of my chocolate.

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The rice crispy treat

My dads really old friend (he is like 83 years old) gave me 3 rice crispy treats but non to no one else and so I saw my sister looking like she wanted one but didn't want to ask so it didn't seem like begging so I gave her one to eat and she took it and looked happy.

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World Series Surprise

On a night when I was waiting to work a concert at STAPLES Center and had a few hours to kill, I was posted up alone in my boss' office watching Game 3 of the 2018 World Series. It was the first home game at Dodger Stadium. As most of the office had already left for the night, I was...

Submitted by Allegra Batista
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Lost Keys and Kindness

At the end of a long day last year, when I was still a temporary employee, I was gearing up to leave. It had been an emotional day, which had lent me to taking lunch in my car to just relax. As I was leaving the building, I noticed my car keys were missing. After searching my bag and jacket pockets...

Submitted by Christopher Stefanic
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Annabel inspires me every single day with her kindness, positivity and outlook. She is kind to everyone she meets and never expects anything in return. She brightens my life and is a ray of sunshine in lots of people’s lives. She makes this world a much better, kinder and happier place.

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Sean Najarro

This man gave me a chance. He believed in me when nobody else did. Although I had no experience in the industry, he hired me on at the Los Angeles Convention Center as a Guest Services Supervisor. He saw potential in me. While working at LACC, I accomplished many milestones and worked with some of the most influential people in...

Submitted by Drake Schreiter
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Taking me under their wing

This is really a continuing R.A.K. story. My co-worker Jorge has really always been there for me. Since the very beginning when we first started working at LA Live in 2007, he has essentially taken me under his wing, teaching me and guiding me on a daily basis. We both have different projects we work on, daily and weekly, but...

Submitted by Robert Olivares
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Dog Walking

My friends and I walked dogs in my neighborhood as a Random Act of Kindness service project. We decided to do this because we wanted to help people that can't walk their own dogs.

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In Tom's Memory

Tom was a Security Supervisor at the Los Angeles Convention Center. He was like a father figure. Although he passed in August of 2018, I still wish for him to be recognized for his kindness and hard work! He was genuine in everything that he did. Thank you Tom!

Submitted by Ivette Soberano
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Family Ties

This story didn't happen to me directly. I heard it shortly after I was hired which immediately cemented the fact that I made the right choice in joining the AEG family. One of my co-workers was in dire straights because her husband had recently been diagnosed with cancer. A few weeks prior, when he suddenly became ill but before the...

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Coffee, Food, and Tires; Oh My!

My co-worker, Nick Barrett, is one of the kindest people I have ever met. He randomly leaves coffee and food on my desk for me. He makes sure everyone has lunch when he goes to get his. He has changed a tire for me when I got a flat at lunch. He will help anyone at any time and is...

Submitted by Tiffany Avera
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Sarah’s Snacks

Sarah Chang shows kindness to not only myself but our entire office each and every day. She is one of the most selfless people I know. One specific example is Sarah’s candy bowl. Everyone knows that if you get a mid-day sweet tooth, Sarah will have something for you. Whenever you stop by her desk, she will drop what she...

Submitted by Zach Ambrose
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Larry Vallon - have you ever met the man?

My story is simply: Every time I ever talked to Larry Vallon. I could write a book and I know I'm not alone here, but I'll keep it simple. I would not be here without Larry. Love him. Mentor, Friend, Professional, Legend. We are all Blessed to have been able to work with him.

Submitted by Mark Girton
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Dannia Beach

It turns out that cleaning up the beach is no easy task! My friend and I cleaned up a beach in Hollywood called Dannia. We collected about 35 pounds of trash! In the end, we were both very tired but it was all worth it!

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